Patch Name: PHSS_27600 Patch Description: s700_800 10.20 OV OB4.00 patch - CC packet Creation Date: 02/11/13 Post Date: 02/11/27 Hardware Platforms - OS Releases: s700: 10.20 s800: 10.20 Products: OmniBackII A.04.00 Filesets: OMNIBACK-II.OMNI-HPUX-P,A.04.00 OMNIBACK-II.OMNI-OTHUX-P,A.04.00 Automatic Reboot?: No Status: General Superseded Critical: No Path Name: /hp-ux_patches/s700_800/10.X/PHSS_27600 Symptoms: PHSS_27600: Id = HSLco33238 SR:H555007372 Multiple messages: "Memory copy mode activated" appear in the session output during MS SQL backup with the Fast Direct mode enabled. Id = HSLco34581 SR:H555007993 "devbra" returns 'rewind on close' devices. Id = HSLco36219 SR:H555008624 When viewing sessions in database context and then switching context, GUI ends abnormally. Id = HSLco36343 SR:H555008636 Statistics for DCBF directory are incorrect in GUI. Id = HSLco36478 SR:H555008657 While attempting to restore an Informix Backup GUI ends abnormally. Id = HSLco36751 SR:H555008700 Move client operation does not move the client from one cell to another but returns the message that selected client exists in all cells. Id = HSLco36983 SR:H555008752 Fields on notification page disappear after switching contexts. Id = HSLco36998 SR:H555008757 When filesystem is chosen for restore error message pops up: "error: Error details unknown.". Id = HSLco37094 SR:H555008779 Notifications script can be run from anywhere even with ExternalScriptMode set to 1. Id = HSLco37174 SR:H555008803 Menu item /Tools/Database Administration is grayed out in MOM GUI. Id = HSLco37359 SR:H555008849 OmniBack II GUI abnormally ends on exit. Id = JAGae12418 SR:8606245960 Backup GUI displays selection, which is inconsistent with datalist. Id = JAGae27939 SR:8606263614 GUI session restore picks the last version of file. Id = JAGae36127 SR:8606271949 MS Exchange 2000 objects are not shown. PHSS_26361: Id = HSLco31458 SR:H555006839 When using "omnir -rawdisk", the following is reported: "[Warning] From: RSM@ "" Time: