Patch Name: PHSS_16859 Patch Description: s700_800 10.X OV DM5.03 Consolidated patch Nov 1998 Creation Date: 98/11/25 Post Date: 98/12/17 Hardware Platforms - OS Releases: s700: 10.00 10.01 10.10 10.20 s800: 10.00 10.01 10.10 10.20 Products: OpenView Distributed Management 5.03 Filesets: DMAgent.OVCI-RUN DMAgent.OVEMS-LOG DMAgent.OVEMS-RUN DMAgentDevKit.OVDM-XOMGEN-PRG DMAgentDevKit.OVDM-XMPv7-PRG OVPlatform.OVDM-OPI-MIN DMAgentDevKit.OVDM-OVA-PRG DMAgent.OVDM-MDA-RUN DMAgentDevKit.OVEMS-PRG-MAN DMAgentDevKit.OVDM-PARSR-PRG OVLicense.OVLICENSE Automatic Reboot?: No Status: General Superseded Critical: No Path Name: /hp-ux_patches/s700_800/10.X/PHSS_16859 Symptoms: PHSS_16859: Cumulative Consolidated Patch. PHSS_16857: 1653-283523: ovmdt error reporting is very poor. With the current level of error reporting, it is difficult to figure out the error in the mib. 1653-265553: Availability status value is not correctly reflected in the create result. Creating EFDs/LOGs without starttime but with stoptime, sets invalid value for the starttime attribute. The "X" option for the EVT_FWD stack documented in the evt_fwd man page does not work in this version. The eventstack resets the timeout set in the request by its own default value. EMS agents does not retrieve correct objects in the Service Guard environment. 4701-404673: When manager bounds with reloc NSAP with CLNS addressing and initiates an assoc request, on the agent side the src address of assoc indicate (manager addresses) is still the primary NSAP of the remote node. 4701-403543: If the mp_release result does not contain an attribute of type MP_REASON , then mp_release_response core dumps on SEGV. 1653-278945: If we give as input to ovxomgen, a mib file containing more than one ASN.1 module which redefine the same type , the compilation of marsh file gives an error. PHSS_16654: 4701-404632: 'deathtrap', 'conftest' and 'ovela' core dump due to unresolved symbols. PHSS_16122: Cumulative Consolidated Patch PHSS_15646: 4701-399667: 'ovmdt' fails while running on HPUX11.x platform. 4701-397398: PMD creates only one listen endpoint, instead it should create 5 listen endpoints by default or the user given value with option '-n' 4701-398834: sgl_unmarshall_any writes past buffer when SGL_BER_ENCODED string maps to a set of INTEGER whose first member is 1. 1653-265553: Availability status does not reflect the scheduler value. 1653-271965: The man pages for OVeFilterAttr and OVeFilterString do not contain Y2K relevant information. 4701-398859: This SR is created for merging defects from old versions. memory leak in xmp library, while doing set operations. ( This is a merge from 5.01 SR:4701-386805) cmip_abort source a mandatory field is encoded only if cmip_user_info is present but cmip_user_info is an optional field. ( This is a merge from 5.01 SR:4701-382507) PMD core dumps when arbitrary encoding is used in abort argument.(user_info external) ( This is a merge from 5.01 SR:4701-389536) Assoc diagnostic values are not correct in xmp_common.h. Hence getting incorrect diag values during assoc reject. ( This is a merge from 5.01 SR:4701-393215) pmd behaving incorrectly when it receives an provider assoc reject. (This is a merge from 4.21 SR:4701-386383 ) NNM pmd(opi_proc) exits on recieving SIGALRM ( This is a merge from 5.01 SR:4701-390542 ) ems.mib advertises intervalsOfDay, but is not supported by the EMS subsystem. This defect is merged from DM4.21 (SR:4000-131359) Flatfile version of ovlad does not recognize tenth of second in Generalized time string attributes. This defect is merged from DM4.21 (SR: 4701-396457) Cancel get operation does not return CMISE-ERROR-OPERATION-CANCELLED before Cancel get confirmation. This defect is merged from DM4.21 (SR: 1653-253500). EventStack uses wrong source address and hence does not route events. This defect is merged from DM4.21 (SR: 1653-267146). ovela does not display SNMP traps. This defect is merged from DM4.21. (SR: 4701-381541). EventStack uses wrong EFD's for routing after the platform is stopped and restarted. This defect is from DM5.01 (SR: 1653-255349). "-h" in filespec causes error in ovpacgen, ovgdmoparse, ovmetaload and ovxomgen. This is a merge from 4.10 SR:4000-127118) PHSS_15644: 4701-394114: aCC C++ Compiler in HPUX generates errors when including XMP and ovmd api headers. PHSS_15213: 4701-390757: Ovela does not handle 2 digits year properly. It picks up the wrong century when two digits are specified in the date. Ovela does not handle the default dates properly if the start or stop years are not specified by the user. OVeFilterString() would fail beyond year 2000. In ACM enabled case, with full tracing on for ACSE pmd dumps core. Instant-on license for pmd does not work beyond 2000. PHSS_14693: 4701-387522: Whenver there appears comments within OID definition it gives ERROR. This has been filed as SR 1653-212415 in DM4.21 When the ovpacgen was invoked with -x option the generated exports file didn't contain OM_EXPORT for OM_PKG. This has been filed as SR 1653-220129 in DM4.21 According X.208 the INTEGER type does not allow a SIZE constraint. This is well checked in ovgdmoparse. But ovgdmoparse does not detect when a SIZE constraint for INTEGER is used with 'inner subtyping'. This has been filed as SR 1653-200410 in DM4.21. ovgdmoparse rejects all OID values of ccitt-recommendation OIDs, Whenever the third element is specified in the pure NameForm. X.208 allows these identifiers to be used as a Name Form, says clause C.4. This has been filed as SR 1653-205195 in DM4.21. ovmdt goes into infinite looping while resolving some DERIVED FROM clauses. This is observed while creating a .per file from a .md file. This has been filed as SR 4000-121988 in DM4.21 ovgdmoparse rejects some enumerated types. This was identifed while resolving the ovmdt infinte looping problem. This has been filed as SR 1653-251348. Merges from 4.21 ( DFIX 6023, 6061, 6063, 6064, 6066 ) Merges from 5.01 ( DFIX 7007, 7009 ) Other fixes done in 5.03 itself ( DFIX 9003 ) 1653-257923: Developers Guide refers that there is a non-ISO standard conformant way of having both ovead and ovlad to do the scoping of get requests on system baseobject by suitably modifying the ovead and ovlad lrf files. When scoped get are sent to EMS agents, with base class as system and the systemava=systemid.ov?ad, EMS agents sends an empty reply. 1653-257956: When set requests are sent to modify attributes of EFD objects, it is not getting updated in the EVENTSTACK. 1653-255281: Customers are facing a problem where the pmd is not detecting the end of some bound processes. Because of this pmd is not forking the deathtrap process and hence leaves the local EFDs uncleaned. 4701-382473: The customers ran in to a situation where pm_ipc_write() from inside API stack failed returing errno ECHILD. pm_ipc_write is basically calling send() system call. So the problem is, how can send system call return ECHILD, as ECHILD is returned when you try to wait for a child process that doesn't exist or has exited. 4000-135715: pmd is not forwarding the ACSE service provider abort to the user application. The provider abort gets dropped inside XMPV7 stack Defect Description: PHSS_16859: Cumulative Consolidated Patch. PHSS_16857: 1653-283523: ovmdt is not printing out the object name it is looking for while trying to create the .per file. 1653-265553: The value of availability status remains always ON_DUTY in the create result even when the time of creation is not in between the time specified for object to be available. When the EFDs/LOGs are created without starttime but with stoptime specified, the default value of the start time is always specified as 19600807233500. The "X" option for the EVT_FWD stack was not supported on 5.03 even though the man page specifies that this option is available. The eventstack resets the timeout set in the request to the stacks default value, when it should use the value specified in the request. EMS agents does not retrieve correct objects in the Service Guard environment, when the scoped get request is sent with the system class and the instance information being one of the other nodes in the cluster. 4701-404673: When sending out an assoc request, creates a new endpoint. In case of CLNS subnet type the nsap is made null and then endpoints are created, hence the src addresses for this assoc request will always be chosen as the primary nsap by ots. 4701-403543: mp_release_response tries to access a NULL pointer. 1653-278945: The xom suffixes are not generated properly. PHSS_16654: 4701-404632: The executables 'deathtrap' and 'conftest' give unresolved symbol "__nw__FUi" and 'ovela' gives the unresolved symbol "XtAppAddActions" when the NNM consolidated Patch PHSS_16089 is installed. This is because the symbol "__nw__FUi" is removed from libov and the symbol "XtAppAddActions" is removed from libovgui. PHSS_16122: Consolidated Patch PHSS_15646: 4701-399667: 'ovmdt' executable fails on HPUX 11.X and this is because it internally calls a script /opt/OV/bin/ovmdprep and this script doesn't take care of HPUX 11.X Platform. 4701-397398: Addresses provided in local_p_addr file are then loaded into list maintained internally by pmd, and then while creating end points for all these address it just creates one end point for each address and the number of end points is not kept in mind. Hence pmd creates only one end point. 4701-398834: In the un_marshall of any structure, it looks for sequence tag if it is present, but the condition which checks for sequence tag gives positive result even if the tag value is not of type sequence tag. Which results in decode problem 1653-265553: Availability status value does not change from OFF_DUTY to ON_DUTY when the time for which it should be available is reached. This happens when weekly scheduling attributes are present. 1653-271965: The description for the time string does not specify that the year component is actually an offset from the year 1900. 4701-398859: This SR is created for merging defects from old versions. When xmp receives data from ipc it creates and allocates a set of descriptors and copies the data received from ipc on these descriptors and passes the pointer to the user's argument(mp_receive). But when CAE_MODIFICATION_LIST feature is negotiated, while handling the CMIP_SET_ARGUMENT in set indicate uses an intermediate set of descriptors and misses to free it out, which is causing leaks. ( This is a merge from 5.01 SR:4701-386805 ) cmip_abort source a mandatory field is encoded only if cmip_user_info is present but cmip_user_info is an optional field. ( This is a merge from 5.01 SR:4701-382507 ) Arbitrary encoding has value of type BIT_STRING. The external data structure doesn't have a bitstring data type in it. But has individual fields of bitsstring, which can be used for all types of encoding. When you try to encode this arbitrary encoding need to pass a bitstring parameter, instead function is called with integer argument which causes the core dump. ( This is a merge from 5.01 SR:4701-389536 ) xmp_common.h has wrong values for four diagnostic codes MP_T_CALLING_AP_INVOCATION_IDENTIFIER_NOT_RECOGNIZED(4) MP_T_CALLING_AE_QUALIFIER_NOT_RECOGNIZED(5) MP_T_CALLED_AP_INVOCATION_IDENTIFIER_NOT_RECOGNIZED(8) MP_T_CALLED_AE_QUALIFIER_NOT_RECOGNIZED(9) compared with the ACSE standards. (This is a merge from 5.01 SR:4701-393215 ) When pmd receives a provider assoc reject either it is PERM or TRANS it handles as if it unknown result. ( This is a merge from 4.21 SR:4701-386383 ) DM PMD uses SIGALRM for checking license, and hence initiates SIGALRM at time intervals and it has a proper handler for SIGALRM. NNM pmd does not have any special handler for SIGALRM and uses default handler which initates a shutdown on SIGALRM. Hence NNM pmd(opi_proc) exits on SIGALRM. ( This is a merge from 5.01 SR:4701-390542 ) Daily scheduling is not supported by the EMS subsystem, but the daily scheduling attributes are provided in the ems.mib. This defect is merged from DM4.21 (SR:4000-131359). Flatfile version of ovlad stores Generalised Time string attribute Values as character strings. When GET requests are sent to ovlad with additional tenth of a second, the substring comparison fails and hence fails to retrieve any log records. This defect is merged from DM4.21 (SR: 4701-396457). ovlad forks off a child for each of the get requests. When cancel get requests are sent, the parent ovlad searches for the request for which the cancel get has been sent. If the search succeeds, it sends a signal to the child to set a cancel get flag to true. The parent then immediately sends a cancel get confirmation. The child ovlad, on the other hand completes the processing of the log record before sending the CMISE-ERROR-OPERATION-CANCELLED reply and thus the manager receives a cancel get confirmation before getting CMISE-ERROR-OPERATION-CANCELLED reply. This defect is merged from DM4.21 (SR: 1653-253500). EventStack uses the source address from the request if it arrives from another agent. If there are EFD's on this node for discrimination, and if the event passes the filter, it uses the source address from the arrived request before sending it to the next manager and hence would receive an error from the ACSE indicating a incorrect source address. This defect is merged from DM4.21 (SR: 1653-267146). Changes were done in ovlad to convert SNMP trap attributes as hpEventInfo. But no changes were done to ovela which fails to recognize the new format and hence fails to process and display them. This defect is merged from DM4.21 (SR:4701-381541) When the platform is stopped and restarted, the local hpEFD's created before platform is stopped is read by EventStack and is used for routing purpose, although the event agent which comes up later, deletes it when it comes up. This defect is merged from DM5.01 (SR:4701-396457). Whenever a input file (*.mib or *.md) is specified with the path (absolute or relative) which has "-h" string then the execution of scripts breaks giving the "Usage" information. This defect is merged from DM4.10 (SR:4000-127118). PHSS_15644: 4701-394114: This is a product enhancement. Header files are now modified to enable aCC compilation. PHSS_15213: 4701-390757: When 2 digit years were entered, ovela converts it into 4 digits. It didnot add the proper century to the two digit year instead by default it would set it to the current century to the which the system date is set. If the start/end year is not specified, ovela defaults to the complete year rather than the offset from 1900 since the default start and end years were not specified properly. OVeFilterString() would not work beyond year 2000, since it checked for valid offset range of 0-99 from year 1900 only. PMD tries to log message "Association Initiated By Architecture" with assoc id as parameter, even before the assoc id is allocated. This caused the core dump. Instant-on licensing strings were only hardcoded till year 1999. PHSS_14693: 4701-387522: The parsing of the "comments" within the OID defintion was not proper. This was fixed by proper parsing the "\n" and then "--". This has been filed as SR 1653-212415 in DM4.21 This problem was not there in earlier versions. This was because of some old fix. Now this was accordingly modified to generate the OM_EXPORT for the OM_PKG mentioned within the template file. This was found in gdmo2pac executable. This has been filed as SR 1653-220129 in DM4.21. The problem occurs because ovgdmoparse does not validate the semantics of the subtyping used with the component. The ovgdmoparse parses and checks the semantics as successful when a SIZE constraint for INTEGER is used with "inner subtyping". The requirement is this has to be flagged as a ERROR. This has been filed as SR 1653-200410 in DM4.21. ovgdmoparse does not accept the NameForm of some CCITT Object Identifiers and reports these as undefined local references. The arcs below "recommendation" have the value 1 to 26 with assigned identfiers of a to z. Arcs below these have the numbers of CCITT Recommendations in the series identified by the letter. Arcs below this are determined as necessary by the CCITT Recommendation. The identfiers a to z may be used as a "NameForm". This has been filed as SR 1653-205195 in DM4.21. ovmdt goes into infinite looping while resolving the DERIVED FROM clauses. This was because of some bad initialization of variables during runtime. This has been filed as SR 4000-121988 in DM4.21. ovgdmoparse rejects some enumerated types. This was observed whenever there are some references to enumerated type from structured CHOICE type. This has been filed as SR 1653-251348 in DM4.21 Making the DM5.03 upto date with 4.21 and 5.01 and some fixes done for 5.03 itself. This SR is dummy SR for creating this patch and contains fixes for following SR 1653-257923: The base object instance from the GET requests are compared with the EFD's present in the global list for an exact match. Since the base object instance in the GET request is different from the base object instance of the EFD present in the Global list, the match fails and hence the operation returns an empty reply. 1653-257956: ovead sends an resynch notification to EVENTSTACK before updating the per file. Therefore, the EVENTSTACK reads the un-updated per file and hence does not get the updated value. 1653-255281: When a process forks and execs another process the set of open fds of parent process is also open for the exec'd process. Hence even if parent process dies the fds will not be closed by the system as exec'd process still sees them. In customers case this is what is causing the problem. The DM application after binding with DM forks and execs other process. The exec'd process now sees all the end points that parent process has opened with DM. So when the parent process dies DM is not able to sense the death as the fds are not closed by the kernel. 4701-382473: pmd's signal handler doesn't bother to save the errno number and restore it back once it's done. Because of which the problem occurs in the following sequence. * pmd forks and execs deathtrap * pmd calls send system call to send some data. * In the meanwhile deathtrap exits and hence SIGCHLD is sent to pmd. * pmd's signal handler gets called once send system call comes out. * from inside signal handler waitpid() is called which returns ECHILD overwritting errno set by send. * send system call's error checking goes wrong as errno is what returned by waitpid and not by send. 4000-135715: The problem occurs when Acse Service Provider Abort indication comes. Acording to standards the provider abort has an optional attribute called provider reason. Since the only attribute is optional, it can have a zero length pdu. But independent of what is received from the OSI, DM (cmip stack) always truncates the provider abort pdu to zero length. So eventually it gets dropped in XMPV7 stack as the problem (inability to handle zero length abort pdu) resides in XMPV7 stack. The problem will not happen when normal user abort indication comes, as the user abort can't be a zero length pdu. It should have the abort source attribute (as that attribute is mandatory). SR: 1653283523 4701403543 1653278945 1653265553 4701404673 4701398859 4701399667 1653271965 1653265553 4701398834 4701397398 4701387522 1653257923 1653257956 4701390757 4000123123 4701394114 4701404632 Patch Files: /opt/OV/bin/pmd /opt/OV/bin/ovladdb /opt/OV/bin/ovladff /opt/OV/bin/ovead /opt/OV/bin/ovmdt /opt/OV/bin/xomg /opt/OV/lib/libxmpV7.a /opt/OV/lib/libxmpV7.2 /opt/OV/bin/deathtrap /opt/OV/bin/conftest /opt/OV/bin/ovela /opt/OV/bin/lal_migrate /opt/OV/gdmo_mibs/ems.mib /opt/OV/newconfig/OVEMS-RUN/stacks/ems.mibs/ems.per /opt/OV/opi/opi_proc/opiproc /opt/OV/lib/libovxomg.a /opt/OV/include/xmpV7/xmp/xmp_common.h /opt/OV/lib/libova.a /opt/OV/lib/libova.2 /opt/OV/bin/ovgdmoparse /opt/OV/bin/ovpacgen /opt/OV/bin/ovxomgen /opt/OV/bin/ovmetaload /opt/OV/man/man3.Z/OVeFilterAt.3 /opt/OV/bin/ovmdprep /opt/OV/bin/pacgen /opt/OV/include/OV/ovxomg.h /opt/OV/include/OV/ovxomg_list.h /opt/OV/include/OV/ovxomg_marsh.h /opt/OV/include/OV/ovxomg_types.h /opt/OV/include/OV/ovmd.h /opt/OV/include/OV/ovmdasn1.h /opt/OV/include/OV/ovmdgdmo.h /opt/OV/include/OV/ovmdnametr.h /opt/OV/include/OV/ovmdtree.h /opt/OV/include/OV/ovmdunres.h /opt/OV/include/xmpV7/xmp/xmp_cmis.h /opt/OV/include/xmpV7/xmp/xmp_snmp.h /opt/OV/include/xmpV7/xmp/cii_pac.h /opt/OV/bin/ovlmd /opt/OV/bin/gdmop /opt/OV/bin/gdmo_pp /opt/OV/bin/gdmo2pac /opt/OV/lib/libovmd.a /opt/OV/lib/libbmp.a /opt/OV/lib/libbmp.2 /opt/OV/include/xmpV7/xmp_cmis.h /opt/OV/include/xmpV7/xmp_snmp.h what(1) Output: /opt/OV/bin/pmd: DM 5.03 FULL pmd Nov 13 1998 03:49:24 Server A.05.03 MR PATCH PHSS_16122, DM5.03 Consolidated Patch (Aug 199 8) PATCH PHSS_16859, DM5.03 Consolidated patch Nov1998 HP OpenView PostMaster DM Release A.05.03 HP 9000 S700/S800 HP-UX 10.x OpenView version Nov 1 3 1998 Copyright (c) 1990-1998 Hewlett-Packard Company DFIX9004: acse_assoc.c 12May98 PATCH PHSS_15213, 980511 DFIX9006 cmip.c 23Jul1998 DFIX9009 cmip_ass.c 12Nov1998 OTS: C.06.00 OTS: C.06.00 DFIX9010: evt_fwd.c 12Nov1998 DFIX9010: evt_fwd_req.c 12Nov1998 DFIX9001: pm_ipc.c 20Apr98 PATCH PHSS_14693, 980402 DFIX9010: pm_rq.c 12Nov1998 DFIX9004: pm_license.c 12May1998 DFIX9010: sg.c 12Nov1998 DIFX9009 codec.c 15Oct1998 /opt/OV/bin/ovladdb: PATCH PHSS_16122, DM5.03 Consolidated Patch (Aug 199 8) PATCH PHSS_16859, DM5.03 Consolidated patch Nov1998 HP OpenView Event Log Agent (ODBC Based) DM Release A.05.03 HP 9000 S700/S800 HP-UX 10.x OpenView version Nov 1 3 1998 Copyright (c) 1990-1998 Hewlett-Packard Company DFIX9004: acse_assoc.c 12May98 PATCH PHSS_15213, 980511 DFIX9010: om_create_request.c 12Nov1998 DFIX9002: om_set_request.c 20Apr98 DFIX9010: stx_check_obj.c 12Nov1998 DFIX9003: stx_check_obj.c 24apr1998 DFIX9010: om_process_attributeList.c 12Nov1998 DIFX9009 codec.c 15Oct1998 DFIX9001: pm_ipc.c 20Apr98 PATCH PHSS_14693, 980402 DFIX9010: pm_rq.c 12Nov1998 DFIX9010: sg.c 12Nov1998 /opt/OV/bin/ovladff: PATCH PHSS_16122, DM5.03 Consolidated Patch (Aug 199 8) PATCH PHSS_16859, DM5.03 Consolidated patch Nov1998 HP OpenView Event Log Agent (Flat File Based) DM Rel ease A.05.03 HP 9000 S700/S800 HP-UX 10.x OpenView version Nov 1 3 1998 Copyright (c) 1990-1998 Hewlett-Packard Company DFIX9004: acse_assoc.c 12May98 PATCH PHSS_15213, 980511 DFIX9010: om_create_request.c 12Nov1998 DFIX9002: om_set_request.c 20Apr98 DFIX9010: stx_check_obj.c 12Nov1998 DFIX9003: stx_check_obj.c 24apr1998 DFIX9010: om_process_attributeList.c 12Nov1998 DIFX9009 codec.c 15Oct1998 DFIX9001: pm_ipc.c 20Apr98 PATCH PHSS_14693, 980402 DFIX9010: pm_rq.c 12Nov1998 DFIX9010: sg.c 12Nov1998 /opt/OV/bin/ovead: PATCH PHSS_16122, DM5.03 Consolidated Patch (Aug 199 8) PATCH PHSS_16859, DM5.03 Consolidated patch Nov1998 HP OpenView Event Agent DM Release A.05.03 HP 9000 S700/S800 HP-UX 10.x OpenView version Nov 1 3 1998 Copyright (c) 1990-1998 Hewlett-Packard Company DFIX9004: acse_assoc.c 12May98 PATCH PHSS_15213, 980511 DFIX9001: pm_ipc.c 20Apr98 DFIX9010: om_create_request.c 12Nov1998 DFIX9002: om_set_request.c 20Apr98 DFIX9010: stx_check_obj.c 12Nov1998 DFIX9003: stx_check_obj.c 24apr1998 DFIX9010: om_process_attributeList.c 12Nov1998 DIFX9009 codec.c 15Oct1998 PATCH PHSS_14693, 980402 DFIX9010: pm_rq.c 12Nov1998 DFIX9010: sg.c 12Nov1998 /opt/OV/bin/ovmdt: DFIX9010: asn1enter.c 13Nov98 DFIX9000 PATCH PHSS_14693, 980402 DIFX9009 codec.c 15Oct1998 PATCH PHSS_14693, 980402 DFIX9001: pm_ipc.c 20Apr98 /opt/OV/bin/xomg: PATCH PHSS_15644, 980617 DFIX9005: codegen.c 17Jun1998 DFIX9010: marshall.c 12Nov98 HP OpenView XOM Code Generator DM Release A.05.03 HP 9000 S700/S800 HP-UX 10.x OpenView version Nov 1 2 1998 Copyright (c) 1990-1998 Hewlett-Packard Company DFIX9000 PATCH PHSS_14693, 980402 /opt/OV/lib/libxmpV7.a: PATCH PHSS_14693, 980402 DFIX9010: mp_rel_req.c 12Nov98 DFIX9010: mp_rel_rsp.c 12Nov98 PATCH PHSS_15644, 980617 DFIX9005: x_comp_cla.c 17Jun1998 libXOM 1.9 (BULL S.A) 7/1/92 DFIX9004: smf_defilt.c 12May1998 PATCH PHSS_15213, 980511 DFIX9001: pm_ipc.c 20Apr98 /opt/OV/lib/libxmpV7.2: libXOM 1.9 (BULL S.A) 7/1/92 PATCH PHSS_14693, 980402 DFIX9010: mp_rel_req.c 12Nov98 DFIX9010: mp_rel_rsp.c 12Nov98 PATCH PHSS_15644, 980617 DFIX9005: x_comp_cla.c 17Jun1998 DFIX9004: smf_defilt.c 12May1998 PATCH PHSS_15213, 980511 DFIX9001: pm_ipc.c 20Apr98 /opt/OV/bin/deathtrap: PATCH PHSS_16654, 981013 HP OpenView Deathtrap, EFD cleanup agent DM Release A.05.03 HP 9000 S700/S800 HP-UX 10.x OpenView version Oct 1 3 1998 Copyright (c) 1990-1998 Hewlett-Packard Company /opt/OV/bin/conftest: PATCH PHSS_16654, 981013 /opt/OV/bin/ovela: DFIX9004: ela_util.C 15May1998 PATCH PHSS_15213, 980511 PATCH PHSS_16654, 981013 Event Log Administrator ver 4.1, (c) Hewlett-Packard 1995 DFIX9004: filters.C 15May1998 OSF/Motif Version 1.2.5 /opt/OV/bin/lal_migrate: DIFX9009 codec.c 15Oct1998 /opt/OV/gdmo_mibs/ems.mib: None. /opt/OV/newconfig/OVEMS-RUN/stacks/ems.mibs/ems.per: None. /opt/OV/opi/opi_proc/opiproc: HP OpenView OPI Process DM Release A.05.03 HP 9000 S700/S800 HP-UX 10.x OpenView version Nov 2 0 1998 Copyright (c) 1990-1998 Hewlett-Packard Company DFIX9004: acse_assoc.c 12May98 PATCH PHSS_15213, 980511 DFIX9001: pm_ipc.c 20Apr98 PATCH PHSS_14693, 980402 DFIX9010: pm_rq.c 12Nov1998 DFIX9010: sg.c 12Nov1998 /opt/OV/lib/libovxomg.a: PATCH PHSS_16122, 980806 DFIX9007 lib_marsh.c 10Aug1998 /opt/OV/include/xmpV7/xmp/xmp_common.h: None. /opt/OV/lib/libova.a: None. /opt/OV/lib/libova.2: None. /opt/OV/bin/ovgdmoparse: $Revision: /main/DM4.2PLUS/DM5.03/1 $ /opt/OV/bin/ovpacgen: $Revision: /main/DM4.2/DM4.2PLUS/DM5.0/DM5.03/1 $ /opt/OV/bin/ovxomgen: $Revision: /main/DM4.2/DM4.2PLUS/DM5.03/1 $ /opt/OV/bin/ovmetaload: $Header: /opt/OV/man/man3.Z/OVeFilterAt.3: None. /opt/OV/bin/ovmdprep: None. /opt/OV/bin/pacgen: HP OpenView XMP Package Generation Utility DM Releas e A.05.03 HP 9000 S700/S800 HP-UX 10.x OpenView version Aug 1 2 1998 Copyright (c) 1990-1998 Hewlett-Packard Company PATCH PHSS_15644, 980617 DFIX9005: x_comp_cla.c 17Jun1998 /opt/OV/include/OV/ovxomg.h: None. /opt/OV/include/OV/ovxomg_list.h: None. /opt/OV/include/OV/ovxomg_marsh.h: None. /opt/OV/include/OV/ovxomg_types.h: None. /opt/OV/include/OV/ovmd.h: None. /opt/OV/include/OV/ovmdasn1.h: None. /opt/OV/include/OV/ovmdgdmo.h: None. /opt/OV/include/OV/ovmdnametr.h: None. /opt/OV/include/OV/ovmdtree.h: None. /opt/OV/include/OV/ovmdunres.h: None. /opt/OV/include/xmpV7/xmp/xmp_cmis.h: None. /opt/OV/include/xmpV7/xmp/xmp_snmp.h: None. /opt/OV/include/xmpV7/xmp/cii_pac.h: None. /opt/OV/bin/ovlmd: ovlmd HP OpenView License Manager NNM Release B.05.01 HP 9000 S700/S800 HP-UX 10.x Copyright (c) 1990-1997 Hewlett-Packard Co., All Ri ghts Reserved. iFOR/LS Library Version 2.0.1 (GR1.3.2) HP-UX HP OpenView ov library NNM Release B.05.01 HP 9000 S700/S800 HP-UX 10.x Copyright (c) 1990-1997 Hewlett-Packard Co., All Ri ghts Reserved. /opt/OV/bin/gdmop: DFIX9000 PATCH PHSS_14693, 980402 /opt/OV/bin/gdmo_pp: DFIX9000 PATCH PHSS_14693, 980402 /opt/OV/bin/gdmo2pac: DFIX9000 PATCH PHSS_14693, 980402 /opt/OV/lib/libovmd.a: DFIX9000 PATCH PHSS_14693, 980402 /opt/OV/lib/libbmp.a: PATCH PHSS_14693, 980402 DFIX9000: bmp.c 02apr98 DFIX9001: bmp_ipc.c 24Apr98 /opt/OV/lib/libbmp.2: DFIX9001: bmp_ipc.c 24Apr98 PATCH PHSS_14693, 980402 DFIX9000: bmp.c 02apr98 /opt/OV/include/xmpV7/xmp_cmis.h: None. /opt/OV/include/xmpV7/xmp_snmp.h: None. cksum(1) Output: 443099066 4140724 /opt/OV/bin/pmd 2037437703 1432376 /opt/OV/bin/ovladdb 3854911587 1268236 /opt/OV/bin/ovladff 3950684242 874977 /opt/OV/bin/ovead 3985766263 1142277 /opt/OV/bin/ovmdt 3710628478 266927 /opt/OV/bin/xomg 719458174 1571068 /opt/OV/lib/libxmpV7.a 362020593 1576746 /opt/OV/lib/libxmpV7.2 2909058652 357594 /opt/OV/bin/deathtrap 16886584 542482 /opt/OV/bin/conftest 898562801 3119225 /opt/OV/bin/ovela 1965865220 423309 /opt/OV/bin/lal_migrate 2375843704 117017 /opt/OV/gdmo_mibs/ems.mib 516320230 26956 /opt/OV/newconfig/OVEMS-RUN/stacks/ems.mibs/ ems.per 3591534386 468616 /opt/OV/opi/opi_proc/opiproc 1256674582 25944 /opt/OV/lib/libovxomg.a 3334790334 14362 /opt/OV/include/xmpV7/xmp/xmp_common.h 2930237663 277084 /opt/OV/lib/libova.a 3084696608 292221 /opt/OV/lib/libova.2 259793951 5335 /opt/OV/bin/ovgdmoparse 3037204441 11425 /opt/OV/bin/ovpacgen 2181160080 14922 /opt/OV/bin/ovxomgen 1156715636 5482 /opt/OV/bin/ovmetaload 942917621 5502 /opt/OV/man/man3.Z/OVeFilterAt.3 634208864 1431 /opt/OV/bin/ovmdprep 2242438394 406433 /opt/OV/bin/pacgen 4286665099 1731 /opt/OV/include/OV/ovxomg.h 3867054 6149 /opt/OV/include/OV/ovxomg_list.h 384230054 10903 /opt/OV/include/OV/ovxomg_marsh.h 4015746843 6951 /opt/OV/include/OV/ovxomg_types.h 2008704028 5573 /opt/OV/include/OV/ovmd.h 4065791482 38586 /opt/OV/include/OV/ovmdasn1.h 3463471549 26779 /opt/OV/include/OV/ovmdgdmo.h 1563136152 4403 /opt/OV/include/OV/ovmdnametr.h 3191794095 6684 /opt/OV/include/OV/ovmdtree.h 820042811 5842 /opt/OV/include/OV/ovmdunres.h 2951178574 10040 /opt/OV/include/xmpV7/xmp/xmp_cmis.h 1526508 3505 /opt/OV/include/xmpV7/xmp/xmp_snmp.h 1081287048 14868 /opt/OV/include/xmpV7/xmp/cii_pac.h 2896749773 464282 /opt/OV/bin/ovlmd 426824861 381431 /opt/OV/bin/gdmop 428698054 225835 /opt/OV/bin/gdmo_pp 1616611663 225847 /opt/OV/bin/gdmo2pac 3748437013 277400 /opt/OV/lib/libovmd.a 3344600345 172736 /opt/OV/lib/libbmp.a 1265861735 205581 /opt/OV/lib/libbmp.2 2751705719 2970 /opt/OV/include/xmpV7/xmp_cmis.h 1112852275 2977 /opt/OV/include/xmpV7/xmp_snmp.h Patch Conflicts: None Patch Dependencies: None Hardware Dependencies: None Other Dependencies: None Supersedes: PHSS_14693 PHSS_15213 PHSS_15644 PHSS_15646 PHSS_16122 PHSS_16654 PHSS_16857 Equivalent Patches: PHSS_16860: s700: 11.00 s800: 11.00 PSOV_02198: sparcSOL: 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 Patch Package Size: 20120 KBytes Installation Instructions: Please review all instructions and the Hewlett-Packard SupportLine User Guide or your Hewlett-Packard support terms and conditions for precautions, scope of license, restrictions, and, limitation of liability and warranties, before installing this patch. ------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Back up your system before installing a patch. 2. Login as root. 3. Copy the patch to the /tmp directory. 4. Move to the /tmp directory and unshar the patch: cd /tmp sh PHSS_16859 5a. For a standalone system, run swinstall to install the patch: swinstall -x autoreboot=true -x match_target=true \ -s /tmp/PHSS_16859.depot 5b. For a homogeneous NFS Diskless cluster run swcluster on the server to install the patch on the server and the clients: swcluster -i -b This will invoke swcluster in the interactive mode and force all clients to be shut down. WARNING: All cluster clients must be shut down prior to the patch installation. Installing the patch while the clients are booted is unsupported and can lead to serious problems. The swcluster command will invoke an swinstall session in which you must specify: alternate root path - default is /export/shared_root/OS_700 source depot path - /tmp/PHSS_16859.depot To complete the installation, select the patch by choosing "Actions -> Match What Target Has" and then "Actions -> Install" from the Menubar. 5c. For a heterogeneous NFS Diskless cluster: - run swinstall on the server as in step 5a to install the patch on the cluster server. - run swcluster on the server as in step 5b to install the patch on the cluster clients. By default swinstall will archive the original software in /var/adm/sw/patch/PHSS_16859. If you do not wish to retain a copy of the original software, you can create an empty file named /var/adm/sw/patch/PATCH_NOSAVE. Warning: If this file exists when a patch is installed, the patch cannot be deinstalled. Please be careful when using this feature. It is recommended that you move the PHSS_16859.text file to /var/adm/sw/patch for future reference. To put this patch on a magnetic tape and install from the tape drive, use the command: dd if=/tmp/PHSS_16859.depot of=/dev/rmt/0m bs=2k Special Installation Instructions: BEFORE LOADING THIS PATCH... If there are any ovw sessions running on either the Management Station or on any Management Consoles, these sessions need to be closed. The "ovstop" command should then be executed. WARNING : the patch will not install if any Network Node Manager processes are detected. BACKUP ALL OpenView DIRECTORIES TO TAPE. This pre-caution ensures that if you have problems after installing the patch, you will be able to restore your current state from tape. NOTE : ovstart is NOT executed after the patch is loaded You will need to manually run ovstart. Also, in order to keep a history of the patches installed on your system the post-install script will attempt to copy this .text file to /usr/OV/ReleaseNotes/patches (or /opt/OV/ReleaseNotes/patches). Please make sure this file is in /tmp before installation. ========================================================== This is a cumulative consolidated patch. The following intermediate patches, which are contained in this patch, have special instructions. You will need to apply any instructions which have not been previously applied. NOTE : These instructions are generic for all supported platforms. Do not apply instructions unless there is a patch corresponding to your platform. ========================================================== This patch also works with DM5.01 system.