Patch Name: PHSS_16121 Patch Description: s700_800 10.20 X11R6/Motif1.2 DevKit Sep98 Periodic Patch Creation Date: 98/08/16 Post Date: 98/09/08 Hardware Platforms - OS Releases: s700: 10.20 s800: 10.20 Products: HP-UX X11R6 Developer's Toolkit B.10.20 Filesets: X11MotifDevKit.X11R6-PRG X11MotifDevKit.MOTIF12-PRG Automatic Reboot?: No Status: General Superseded Critical: Yes PHSS_16121: ABORT refer to symptoms and associated defect reports. PHSS_15010: ABORT refer to symptoms and associated defect reports. PHSS_14082: ABORT refer to symptoms and associated defect reports. PHSS_12376: ABORT refer to symptoms and associated defect reports. PHSS_11630: ABORT refer to symptoms and associated defect reports. PHSS_11049: ABORT refer to symptoms and associated defect reports. PHSS_9958: ABORT refer to symptoms and associated defect reports. PHSS_9815: ABORT refer to symptoms and associated defect reports. PHSS_7746: ABORT refer to symptoms and associated defect reports. Path Name: /hp-ux_patches/s700_800/10.X/PHSS_16121 Symptoms: PHSS_16121: 1. Fixes the defect that caused nonechoing of characters in XmTextField widget area. 2. Fixes potential problem if a child of XmMainWindow is destroyed. 3. Fixes the defect in Dtmail of not showing hidden folders even if the option is selected. 4. Fixes the defect of large timeout from XtAppAddTimeout which causes infinte select fail loop. 5. Fixes the potential buffer overflow in Xt. 6. This patch includes a number of fixes from The Open Group which are intended to remove a variety of potential cases for buffer overflow. 7. Fixes the defect in XOpenDisplay() of not opening display with server > 99. 8. Fixes the defect that was occured because the XCreateFontSet() does not read fontset description properly with PHSS_11628. 9. Fixes the defect in X/Open Networking of not functioning correctly in Xlib. 10. Fixes the defect of missing header files in /usr/include/X11/{ extensions,ICE,SM }/. PHSS_15010: 1. PHSS_13871 breaks the automatic resize of the XmLabel Pixmap. 2. The XmScale can leave dust in the value display area. 3. The background color is not set correctly, if it is set after creating cascade button and option menu. 4. Motif1.2 code can die if enableetchedInmenu = True 5. Setting of XBMLANGPATH fails under some conditions 6. In DDE Rowcolumn with labels is not resizing properly and is breaking Widget/popup. PHSS_14082: 1. Fixes buffer overflow in hpterm which could be used to overwrite the stack. 2. Fixes the defect that causes foreground color of the ToggleButton widgets to set unexpectedly when XmNindicatorON is FALSE. 3. Fixes core dump resulting from uninitialized keycode. PHSS_12376: 1. Fix problem in XmLabel that results in loss of justification after text has been updated. 2. Fix defect causing Xserver swap requirements to grow without bound. 3. Fix defect in XtInitializeWidgetClass() which results in a NULL reference on MessageBox widget class. 4. Fix defect causing xclients to core dump with bus error when DISPLAY variable is not set. PHSS_11630: 1. Fix failure in drag-n-drop within single program that results from both sending and receiving code trying to free the same block of memory 2. Fix defect causing application (dthelpview) to hang in Japanese locale. (R6 only) 3. Fix thread lock defect when obtaining events from a linked event list (in XtOnGrabList). (R6 only) PHSS_11049: 1. Fix problem that causes application to dump core when manipulating popup menus and destroying a menu element. 2. Fix core dump created by setting up a TextWidget, setting hightlights, and backspacing twice. 3. TextFieldWidget (but not TextWidget) loses data after 32 characters in Japanese locale and input method. 4. Fix condition whereby a string copy of an environment variable could overflow a stack buffer. 5. Fix memory leak in XmScrollBar resulting from mismatched Get/Install pixmap calls. 6. Fix for incorrect length value being returned by XmTextFieldGetMaxLength(). 7. Fix defect in drag and drop resulting in segmentation violation when incremental transfer is enabled. 8. Supply error checking for unrecognized characters in localization converters which otherwise could result in infinite looping in the applications (i.e. dtmail) 9. Fix defect causing application (dtpad) to hang or fail to start after opening and closing several times (in ja_JP.SJIS locale). PHSS_9958: 1. Fixes core dump due to input context being accessed after being destroyed. 2. Attempts to simultaneously open Xserver connections from many processes may result in "can't open display" error. 3. Fixes problem with string comparisons in making X server connections when the name for the local host is a subset of the name for a remote host. PHSS_9815: 1. Fix defect that prevents tearing off a menu more than once. 2. Fix defect that causes the background of a Toggle ButtonGadget not to be painted with the appropriate background color when pushed. 3. Fix defect where launching many X/Motif programs in rapid succession would cause the Xserver to fail. 4. Fix defect where XmClipboard modifies the event-mask on the root-window. 5. Fix defect where Motif program dumps core when using XmListReplaceItemPos and XtSetValues. 6. Fix defect where creating a pixmap button with all bits set to 0 causes a BadValue error from Motif. 7. Fix defect where the TextField widgets do not resize properly when a RowColumn parent widget is resized. 8. Fix memory leak where highlighting text continuously causes the Text widget to consume more and more memory until the program aborts. 9. Fix defect where a toggle button's background color may be incorrectly set to indicate "armed" when it is not. 10. Fix defect where parts of a pixmap label may not get repainted after window resize which can cause visual errors such as loss of underscore characters. 11. Fix defect where the list widget ignores the specified fontList resource and uses the (default) fixed font instead. 12. Fix defect where Motif dumps core if XmTextField is destroyed while Button2 is being pressed. 13. Fix defect where XmTextField doesn't paste cut buffer under japanese environment. 14. Fix defect causing Xlib fatal IO error when application opens more than 64 files. 15. Fix defect causing a core dump when bringing up an index box with dtHelp. 16. Fix defect preventing paste into text field widget. PHSS_8711: 1. Applys an X consortium fix to libXt for a potentially serious problem. 2. Fixes a libX11 R6 problem with DISPLAY being interpreted as :0.0 even when a local hostname is given. PHSS_7746: 1. Fix problem with preedit string overwriting status string. 2. Fix core dumps when IM server dies. 3. Fix for pershell core dump and badwindow problem. 4. Motif menu behavior was broken due to a previous fix on F10 Key. 5. Remove fprintf from Async I/O error. 6. Fix for "AVS" bug: unexpected interrupt causes SMT to die. 7. String length is incorrect when status draw callback. 8. Xlib core dumps when dong STATUS & PREEDIT callback style. 9. Core dump when the IM returns XIM_ERROR. 10. Missing symbolic links for X11/Motif *.sl libraries Defect Description: PHSS_16121: See associated defect reports for explanation. PHSS_15010: See associated defect reports for explanation PHSS_14082: See associated defect reports for explanation. PHSS_12376: See associated defect reports for explanation. PHSS_11630: See associated defect reports for explanation. PHSS_11049: See associated defect reports for explanation. PHSS_9958: See associated defect reports for explanation. PHSS_9815: See associated defect reports for explanation. PHSS_8711: See associated defect reports for explanation. PHSS_7746: See associated defect reports for explanation. SR: 1653261891 1653219345 5003410654 5003426346 4701392571 4701394452 4701394478 4701392506 4701392514 4701392563 4701392605 4701392530 4701392548 4701392555 4701394197 4701394981 4701394965 4701394973 4701395723 5003413237 1653227686 1653242164 5003410951 1653253625 4701384677 1653250662 1653227991 1653215095 1653220525 1653226076 5003366336 5003375428 1653215996 5003347922 5003360776 4701349183 1653210955 1653208918 1653211193 1653204339 1653210344 1653163568 1653182675 1653186494 1653186890 1653188151 1653189878 1653190744 1653194167 1653197129 1653198051 1653201855 4701335323 4701341487 4701346460 5003334987 5003344531 5003337147 5003314005 5003351882 5003312652 Patch Files: /usr/lib/X11R6/libX11.a /usr/lib/X11R6/libXhp11.a /usr/lib/X11R6/libXext.a /usr/lib/X11R6/libXt.a /usr/lib/X11R6/libICE.a /usr/lib/X11R6/libXIE.a /usr/lib/X11R6/libXi.a /usr/lib/X11R6/libXtst.a /usr/lib/Motif1.2_R6/libXm.a /usr/lib/Motif1.2/libMrm.a /usr/include/Motif1.2/Xm/Xm.h /usr/include/Motif1.2/Xm/XmP.h /usr/include/Motif1.2/Xm/XmStrDefs.h /usr/include/X11R6/X11/Composite.h /usr/include/X11R6/X11/CompositeP.h /usr/include/X11R6/X11/ConstrainP.h /usr/include/X11R6/X11/Constraint.h /usr/include/X11R6/X11/Core.h /usr/include/X11R6/X11/CoreP.h /usr/include/X11R6/X11/Intrinsic.h /usr/include/X11R6/X11/Object.h /usr/include/X11R6/X11/ObjectP.h /usr/include/X11R6/X11/RectObj.h /usr/include/X11R6/X11/RectObjP.h /usr/include/X11R6/X11/Shell.h /usr/include/X11R6/X11/ShellP.h /usr/include/X11R6/X11/VendorP.h /usr/include/X11R6/X11/XKBlibint.h /usr/include/X11R6/X11/Xcms.h /usr/include/X11R6/X11/Ximint.h /usr/include/X11R6/X11/XlcPublic.h /usr/include/X11R6/X11/XlcUTF.h /usr/include/X11R6/X11/Xlib.h /usr/include/X11R6/X11/Xlibint.h /usr/include/X11R6/X11/Xlocale.h /usr/include/X11R6/X11/Xmd.h /usr/include/X11R6/X11/Xpoll.h /usr/include/X11R6/X11/Xresource.h /usr/include/X11R6/X11/Xtos.h /usr/include/X11R6/X11/Xutil.h /usr/include/X11R6/X11/extensions/XIproto.h /usr/include/X11R6/X11/extensions/XKBgeom.h /usr/include/X11R6/X11/extensions/XKBsrv.h /usr/include/X11R6/X11/extensions/XKBstr.h /usr/include/X11R6/X11/extensions/XKBproto.h /usr/include/X11R6/X11/extensions/hpext.h /usr/include/X11R6/X11/extensions/xtestext1.h what(1) Output: /usr/lib/X11R6/libX11.a: Built for: 10.20 on HP-UX Daily, -O +Onolimit X Window System, Version 11 R6 (build date: Mon Aug 3 18:15:16 MDT 1998) /usr/lib/X11R6/libXext.a: Built for: 10.20 on HP-UX Daily, -O +Onolimit X Window System, Version 11 R6 (build date: Fri Jul 17 13:17:05 MDT 1998) /usr/lib/X11R6/libXhp11.a: Built for: 10.20 on HP-UX Daily, -O +Onolimit X Window System, Version 11 R6 (build date: Fri Jul 17 13:33:49 MDT 1998) /usr/lib/X11R6/libXt.a: X Window System, Version 11 R6+ HP-UX B.10.20.00 Sep 1998 X/Motif Periodic Patch Release (build date: Wed Aug 19 14:44:11 IST 1998) X Window System, Version 11 R6+ HP-UX B.10.20.00 Sep 1998 X/Motif Periodic Patch Release (build date: Fri Aug 14 10:06:31 IST 1998) Built for: 10.20 on HP-UX Daily, -O +Onolimit X Window System, Version 11 R6 (build date: Fri Jul 17 13:14:09 MDT 1998) /usr/lib/X11R6/libICE.a: Built for: 10.20 on HP-UX Daily, -O +Onolimit X Window System, Version 11 R6 (build date: Fri Jul 17 13:14:09 MDT 1998) /usr/lib/X11R6/libXIE.a: Built for: 10.20 on HP-UX Daily, -O +Onolimit X Window System, Version 11 R6 (build date: Fri Jul 17 13:20:23 MDT 1998) /usr/lib/X11R6/libXi.a: Built for: 10.20 on HP-UX Daily, -O +Onolimit X Window System, Version 11 R6 (build date: Fri Jul 17 13:26:14 MDT 1998) /usr/lib/X11R6/libXtst.a: Built for: 10.20 on HP-UX Daily, -O +Onolimit X Window System, Version 11 R6 (build date: Fri Jul 17 13:26:58 MDT 1998) /usr/lib/Motif1.2_R6/libXm.a: OSF/Motif Version 1.2.6 X Window System, Version 11 R6+ HP-UX B.10.20.00 Sep 1998 X/Motif Periodic Patch Release (build date: Wed Aug 19 14:48:31 IST 1998) /usr/lib/Motif1.2/libMrm.a: X Window System, Version 11 R6+ HP-UX B.10.20.00 Sep 1998 X/Motif Periodic Patch Release (build date: Wed Aug 19 14:49:04 IST 1998) /usr/include/Motif1.2/Xm/Xm.h: OSF/Motif Version 1.2.6 /usr/include/Motif1.2/Xm/XmP.h: None /usr/include/Motif1.2/Xm/XmStrDefs.h: None /usr/include/X11R6/X11/extensions/XIproto.h: None /usr/include/X11R6/X11/extensions/XKBgeom.h: None /usr/include/X11R6/X11/extensions/XKBsrv.h: None /usr/include/X11R6/X11/extensions/XKBstr.h: None /usr/include/X11R6/X11/extensions/hpext.h: None /usr/include/X11R6/X11/extensions/xtestext1.h: None /usr/include/X11R6/X11/extensions/XKBproto.h: None /usr/include/X11R6/X11/Composite.h: None /usr/include/X11R6/X11/CompositeP.h: None /usr/include/X11R6/X11/ConstrainP.h: None /usr/include/X11R6/X11/Constraint.h: None /usr/include/X11R6/X11/Core.h: None /usr/include/X11R6/X11/CoreP.h: None /usr/include/X11R6/X11/Intrinsic.h: None /usr/include/X11R6/X11/Object.h: None /usr/include/X11R6/X11/ObjectP.h: None /usr/include/X11R6/X11/RectObj.h: None /usr/include/X11R6/X11/RectObjP.h: None /usr/include/X11R6/X11/ShellP.h: None /usr/include/X11R6/X11/Xcms.h: None /usr/include/X11R6/X11/Xlocale.h: None /usr/include/X11R6/X11/Xresource.h: None /usr/include/X11R6/X11/Xutil.h: None /usr/include/X11R6/X11/Xpoll.h: None /usr/include/X11R6/X11/Ximint.h: None /usr/include/X11R6/X11/XlcPublic.h: None /usr/include/X11R6/X11/XlcUTF.h: None /usr/include/X11R6/X11/Xlib.h: None /usr/include/X11R6/X11/Xlibint.h: None /usr/include/X11R6/X11/Xmd.h: None /usr/include/X11R6/X11/Shell.h: None /usr/include/X11R6/X11/VendorP.h: None /usr/include/X11R6/X11/XKBlibint.h: None /usr/include/X11R6/X11/Xtos.h: None cksum(1) Output: 548599172 1523128 /usr/lib/X11R6/libX11.a 705936247 120216 /usr/lib/X11R6/libXext.a 2871582780 77612 /usr/lib/X11R6/libXhp11.a 3459747851 615148 /usr/lib/X11R6/libXt.a 2983088123 119644 /usr/lib/X11R6/libICE.a 3990201961 94908 /usr/lib/X11R6/libXIE.a 2731678810 65688 /usr/lib/X11R6/libXi.a 3449674108 25376 /usr/lib/X11R6/libXtst.a 253550825 2290112 /usr/lib/Motif1.2_R6/libXm.a 3952932773 190348 /usr/lib/Motif1.2/libMrm.a 4040045341 44884 /usr/include/Motif1.2/Xm/Xm.h 412734693 85659 /usr/include/Motif1.2/Xm/XmP.h 2780050862 122846 /usr/include/Motif1.2/Xm/XmStrDefs.h 3508732003 35079 /usr/include/X11R6/X11/extensions/XIproto.h 2834423571 17185 /usr/include/X11R6/X11/extensions/XKBgeom.h 1109285323 28753 /usr/include/X11R6/X11/extensions/XKBsrv.h 3613111405 18274 /usr/include/X11R6/X11/extensions/XKBstr.h 28940116 22659 /usr/include/X11R6/X11/extensions/hpext.h 3676586071 11253 /usr/include/X11R6/X11/extensions/ xtestext1.h 1800454588 30956 /usr/include/X11R6/X11/extensions/ XKBproto.h 3020047100 4061 /usr/include/X11R6/X11/Composite.h 2929554192 5010 /usr/include/X11R6/X11/CompositeP.h 1506240144 4361 /usr/include/X11R6/X11/ConstrainP.h 1174610590 2930 /usr/include/X11R6/X11/Constraint.h 2409442602 2963 /usr/include/X11R6/X11/Core.h 2900055957 8934 /usr/include/X11R6/X11/CoreP.h 1293505180 73998 /usr/include/X11R6/X11/Intrinsic.h 1006017138 2919 /usr/include/X11R6/X11/Object.h 2383845774 7241 /usr/include/X11R6/X11/ObjectP.h 2458132837 2920 /usr/include/X11R6/X11/RectObj.h 3859032535 6768 /usr/include/X11R6/X11/RectObjP.h 961834157 12983 /usr/include/X11R6/X11/ShellP.h 2778910843 22672 /usr/include/X11R6/X11/Xcms.h 2656417852 2067 /usr/include/X11R6/X11/Xlocale.h 2570587645 12242 /usr/include/X11R6/X11/Xresource.h 4191624107 22117 /usr/include/X11R6/X11/Xutil.h 1134926213 7483 /usr/include/X11R6/X11/Xpoll.h 1847131587 21020 /usr/include/X11R6/X11/Ximint.h 935210534 6551 /usr/include/X11R6/X11/XlcPublic.h 874316978 5052 /usr/include/X11R6/X11/XlcUTF.h 2122929185 108455 /usr/include/X11R6/X11/Xlib.h 1735639830 38174 /usr/include/X11R6/X11/Xlibint.h 3342005185 6576 /usr/include/X11R6/X11/Xmd.h 1178042471 17793 /usr/include/X11R6/X11/Shell.h 587102735 3908 /usr/include/X11R6/X11/VendorP.h 2352648198 9393 /usr/include/X11R6/X11/XKBlibint.h 3517086586 2901 /usr/include/X11R6/X11/Xtos.h Patch Conflicts: None Patch Dependencies: s700: 10.20: PHSS_16120 s800: 10.20: PHSS_16120 Hardware Dependencies: None Other Dependencies: None Supersedes: PHSS_7746 PHSS_8711 PHSS_9815 PHSS_9958 PHSS_11049 PHSS_11630 PHSS_12376 PHSS_14082 PHSS_15010 Equivalent Patches: None Patch Package Size: 5940 KBytes Installation Instructions: Please review all instructions and the Hewlett-Packard SupportLine User Guide or your Hewlett-Packard support terms and conditions for precautions, scope of license, restrictions, and, limitation of liability and warranties, before installing this patch. ------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Back up your system before installing a patch. 2. Login as root. 3. Copy the patch to the /tmp directory. 4. Move to the /tmp directory and unshar the patch: cd /tmp sh PHSS_16121 5a. For a standalone system, run swinstall to install the patch: swinstall -x autoreboot=true -x match_target=true \ -s /tmp/PHSS_16121.depot 5b. For a homogeneous NFS Diskless cluster run swcluster on the server to install the patch on the server and the clients: swcluster -i -b This will invoke swcluster in the interactive mode and force all clients to be shut down. WARNING: All cluster clients must be shut down prior to the patch installation. Installing the patch while the clients are booted is unsupported and can lead to serious problems. The swcluster command will invoke an swinstall session in which you must specify: alternate root path - default is /export/shared_root/OS_700 source depot path - /tmp/PHSS_16121.depot To complete the installation, select the patch by choosing "Actions -> Match What Target Has" and then "Actions -> Install" from the Menubar. 5c. For a heterogeneous NFS Diskless cluster: - run swinstall on the server as in step 5a to install the patch on the cluster server. - run swcluster on the server as in step 5b to install the patch on the cluster clients. By default swinstall will archive the original software in /var/adm/sw/patch/PHSS_16121. If you do not wish to retain a copy of the original software, you can create an empty file named /var/adm/sw/patch/PATCH_NOSAVE. Warning: If this file exists when a patch is installed, the patch cannot be deinstalled. Please be careful when using this feature. It is recommended that you move the PHSS_16121.text file to /var/adm/sw/patch for future reference. To put this patch on a magnetic tape and install from the tape drive, use the command: dd if=/tmp/PHSS_16121.depot of=/dev/rmt/0m bs=2k Special Installation Instructions: 1. This patch lifts the restriction which requires the DISPLAY value (or -display parameter) be less than or equal to 99 (i.e. hostname:99). Users are strongly cautioned that they may collide with other well-defined services if they try to connect to any random display value. 2. The memory leaks reported in Xt against SR 1653243915 have been partially fixed.