Patch Name: PHSS_13525 Patch Description: s700_800 10.20 OpenGL 1.1 Revision 1.3 Developers patch Creation Date: 98/01/19 Post Date: 98/01/22 Hardware Platforms - OS Releases: s700: 10.20 s800: 10.20 Products: OpenGLDevKit B.10.20 OpenGL 1.0 Developers Environment Filesets: OpenGLDevKit.OPENGL-CONTRIB OpenGLDevKit.OPENGL-EXAMPLE OpenGLDevKit.OPENGL-PRG OpenGLDevKit.OPENGL-WEBDOC Automatic Reboot?: No Status: General Superseded Critical: No Path Name: /hp-ux_patches/s700_800/10.X/PHSS_13525 Symptoms: PHSS_13525: - See defect description. PHSS_12473: - See defect description. PHSS_11404: - See defect description. Defect Description: PHSS_13525: - This patch is primarily targetted at texture mapping bug and performance fixes with some number of general performance improvements included. Performance Improvements - texture map improvements, hardware support - ReadPixel improvement for certain pack modes and alignments - DrawArraySetHP improvement - buffer swap improvement (allow apps to not wait for retrace) set HPOGL_DSM_ENABLE_FAST_BUFFER_SWAP to enable - cache prefetch in immediate mode set HPOGL_DISABLE_PREFETCH to disable - stippled line validation improvement Defect Fixes - texture map fixes - prelit texture in protocol mode fixed - resize accum buffer corner case fixed PHSS_12473: - new rescale normal extension - new DrawArraySetHP extension - defect fixes: for some fonts the blank character is improperly rendered glReadPixel can sometimes return bad data fixed hang when using display lists with lots of glMaterial calls in select mode lines sometimes return false hits fixed interaction between glxUseFont and X load font GLU has bad version string fix return of gl errors when using protocol mode - new gl.h with definitions for : rescale normal draw array set - new and improved chess demo motif interface texture mapping support - NOTE: kernel patch PHKL_13260 should be installed to prevent system hangs. - NOTE: if using texture mapping hardware, this patch depends on PHSS_12470. PHSS_11404: - Fragments that lose the alpha test were nonetheless updating the depth and stencil buffers when using VMD/VGL or when texture mapping without TM hardware. - Fixes problem with lines of width < 0.5 not being rendered when using VMD/VGL or texture mapping with no TM hardware. - Fixes problems with writing stencil values in VMD/VGL or when texture mapping with no TM hardware. - Fixes glCopyPixels from incorrectly performing a copy when copying from one color buffer to the other. - Under some corner case timing situations when using indirect contexts with HP OpenGL Release 1.0, incorrect X or GLX error messages can be reported from the X Server. - If a memory allocation error occurs while processing glXUseXFont(), the PixelStore attribute values are not restored as they should be. - VMD/VGL and texture mapping w/o hw texture support could incorrectly clip filled primitives if glViewport mapped NDC to an area larger than the window size. This was causing incorrect rendering and core dumps. - For Release 1.0 of OpenGL, if an X Server is run in multi-screen mode with an HP_VISUALIZE_?X screen and a non HP_VISUALIZE_?X screen, the non HP_VISUALIZE-?X screen will not operate with HP OpenGL unless the HPOGL_FORCE_VGL environment is set in the client environment. - When using occlusion culling the test may indicate that the object was completely occluded when it actually wasn't. This is because we didn't wait for all the pixels to get written before looking at the HW status. - When running in indirect (protocol) mode, large OpenGL replies such as glReadPixels() may fail and generate improper Xlib errors. - Texture coordinates are not getting correctly reset to the default values of 0,0,0,1. - Autogen mipmap memory corruption fix. - If a customer closes one X Display connection that has been used for OpenGL, and then immediately opens and attempts to use another for OpenGL, their application may abort because an attempt is made to access global last context and drawable information that was freed during the close display operation and may have been re-used. - This will fix a small offset that when mipmap selection for filters NEAREST_MIPMAP_NEAREST and LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST. - This will fix mipmap calculation coming very near horizontal or vertical lines. - This will fix texture mapping running over the edge when linear interpolated and using clamp to edge. SR: 0000000000 Patch Files: /opt/graphics/OpenGL/contrib/libglut/libglut.a /opt/graphics/OpenGL/contrib/libwidget/libGLw.a /opt/graphics/OpenGL/contrib/visual/visual /opt/graphics/OpenGL/contrib/xglinfo/xglinfo /opt/graphics/OpenGL/demos/chess/Board.C /opt/graphics/OpenGL/demos/chess/Board.H /opt/graphics/OpenGL/demos/chess/Callbacks.C /opt/graphics/OpenGL/demos/chess/Callbacks.H /opt/graphics/OpenGL/demos/chess/GLwMDrawA.uih /opt/graphics/OpenGL/demos/chess/Makefile /opt/graphics/OpenGL/demos/chess/PolyMesh.C /opt/graphics/OpenGL/demos/chess/PolyMesh.H /opt/graphics/OpenGL/demos/chess/Utilities.C /opt/graphics/OpenGL/demos/chess/Utilities.H /opt/graphics/OpenGL/demos/chess/Window.C /opt/graphics/OpenGL/demos/chess/Window.H /opt/graphics/OpenGL/demos/chess/chess.uil /opt/graphics/OpenGL/demos/chess/libxboard.a /opt/graphics/OpenGL/demos/chess/main.C /opt/graphics/OpenGL/demos/chess/xboard.h /opt/graphics/OpenGL/doc/Web/ImpGuide/01_Overview.html /opt/graphics/OpenGL/doc/Web/ImpGuide/02_Install.html /opt/graphics/OpenGL/doc/Web/ImpGuide/03_RunProg.html /opt/graphics/OpenGL/doc/Web/ImpGuide/04_CompLink.html /opt/graphics/OpenGL/doc/Web/ImpGuide/05_WriteProg.html /opt/graphics/OpenGL/doc/Web/Index.html /opt/graphics/OpenGL/doc/Web/OpenGL.html /opt/graphics/OpenGL/doc/Web/ReaderReply.html /opt/graphics/OpenGL/include/GL/gl.h /opt/graphics/OpenGL/include/GL/glHpInt.h /opt/graphics/OpenGL/include/GL/glu.h /opt/graphics/OpenGL/include/GL/glx.h /opt/graphics/OpenGL/include/GL/glxmd.h /opt/graphics/OpenGL/include/GL/glxproto.h /opt/graphics/OpenGL/include/GL/glxtokens.h what(1) Output: /opt/graphics/OpenGL/contrib/libglut/libglut.a: OpenGL 1.1 Revision 1.04 on HP-UX 10.20 $Date: 13-Ja n-98.18:09:01 $ $Revision: 19980113.16086 $ libglut.a /opt/graphics/OpenGL/contrib/libwidget/libGLw.a: OpenGL 1.1 Revision 1.04 on HP-UX 10.20 $Date: 13-Ja n-98.18:09:01 $ $Revision: 19980113.16086 $ libGLw.a /opt/graphics/OpenGL/contrib/visual/visual: OpenGL 1.1 Revision 1.04 on HP-UX 10.20 $Date: 13-Ja n-98.18:09:01 $ $Revision: 19980113.16086 $ visual /opt/graphics/OpenGL/contrib/xglinfo/xglinfo: OpenGL 1.1 Revision 1.04 on HP-UX 10.20 $Date: 13-Ja n-98.18:09:01 $ $Revision: 19980113.16086 $ xglinfo /opt/graphics/OpenGL/demos/chess/Board.C: None /opt/graphics/OpenGL/demos/chess/Board.H: None /opt/graphics/OpenGL/demos/chess/Callbacks.C: None /opt/graphics/OpenGL/demos/chess/Callbacks.H: None /opt/graphics/OpenGL/demos/chess/GLwMDrawA.uih: None /opt/graphics/OpenGL/demos/chess/Makefile: None /opt/graphics/OpenGL/demos/chess/PolyMesh.C: None /opt/graphics/OpenGL/demos/chess/PolyMesh.H: None /opt/graphics/OpenGL/demos/chess/Utilities.C: None /opt/graphics/OpenGL/demos/chess/Utilities.H: None /opt/graphics/OpenGL/demos/chess/Window.C: None /opt/graphics/OpenGL/demos/chess/Window.H: None /opt/graphics/OpenGL/demos/chess/chess.uil: None /opt/graphics/OpenGL/demos/chess/libxboard.a: None /opt/graphics/OpenGL/demos/chess/main.C: None /opt/graphics/OpenGL/demos/chess/xboard.h: None /opt/graphics/OpenGL/doc/Web/ImpGuide/01_Overview.html: None /opt/graphics/OpenGL/doc/Web/ImpGuide/02_Install.html: None /opt/graphics/OpenGL/doc/Web/ImpGuide/03_RunProg.html: None /opt/graphics/OpenGL/doc/Web/ImpGuide/04_CompLink.html: None /opt/graphics/OpenGL/doc/Web/ImpGuide/05_WriteProg.html: None /opt/graphics/OpenGL/doc/Web/Index.html: None /opt/graphics/OpenGL/doc/Web/OpenGL.html: None /opt/graphics/OpenGL/doc/Web/ReaderReply.html: None /opt/graphics/OpenGL/include/GL/gl.h: None /opt/graphics/OpenGL/include/GL/glHpInt.h: None /opt/graphics/OpenGL/include/GL/glu.h: None /opt/graphics/OpenGL/include/GL/glx.h: None /opt/graphics/OpenGL/include/GL/glxmd.h: None /opt/graphics/OpenGL/include/GL/glxproto.h: None /opt/graphics/OpenGL/include/GL/glxtokens.h: None cksum(1) Output: 234892591 371286 /opt/graphics/OpenGL/contrib/libglut/ libglut.a 1812017944 20660 /opt/graphics/OpenGL/contrib/libwidget/ libGLw.a 3536871444 127676 /opt/graphics/OpenGL/contrib/visual/visual 475459463 49267 /opt/graphics/OpenGL/contrib/xglinfo/xglinfo 1288789856 20424 /opt/graphics/OpenGL/demos/chess/Board.C 3497457289 1870 /opt/graphics/OpenGL/demos/chess/Board.H 1553858885 17820 /opt/graphics/OpenGL/demos/chess/ Callbacks.C 4069802094 8586 /opt/graphics/OpenGL/demos/chess/Callbacks.H 1381809140 3480 /opt/graphics/OpenGL/demos/chess/ GLwMDrawA.uih 4244656721 956 /opt/graphics/OpenGL/demos/chess/Makefile 3467384323 6272 /opt/graphics/OpenGL/demos/chess/PolyMesh.C 679034065 1352 /opt/graphics/OpenGL/demos/chess/PolyMesh.H 1053005182 15115 /opt/graphics/OpenGL/demos/chess/ Utilities.C 556792402 15251 /opt/graphics/OpenGL/demos/chess/Utilities.H 2314723361 14548 /opt/graphics/OpenGL/demos/chess/Window.C 109664911 3244 /opt/graphics/OpenGL/demos/chess/Window.H 774035707 19406 /opt/graphics/OpenGL/demos/chess/chess.uil 3800038387 1185856 /opt/graphics/OpenGL/demos/chess/ libxboard.a 528579100 10332 /opt/graphics/OpenGL/demos/chess/main.C 3301737787 9692 /opt/graphics/OpenGL/demos/chess/xboard.h 643170018 92489 /opt/graphics/OpenGL/doc/Web/ImpGuide/ 01_Overview.html 2061352889 10310 /opt/graphics/OpenGL/doc/Web/ImpGuide/ 02_Install.html 3941646374 11914 /opt/graphics/OpenGL/doc/Web/ImpGuide/ 03_RunProg.html 3638277443 7998 /opt/graphics/OpenGL/doc/Web/ImpGuide/ 04_CompLink.html 2345399314 19584 /opt/graphics/OpenGL/doc/Web/ImpGuide/ 05_WriteProg.html 3667164312 306959 /opt/graphics/OpenGL/doc/Web/Index.html 2723947332 3008 /opt/graphics/OpenGL/doc/Web/OpenGL.html 2755207550 12546 /opt/graphics/OpenGL/doc/Web/ ReaderReply.html 3785695352 70724 /opt/graphics/OpenGL/include/GL/gl.h 3437943612 44738 /opt/graphics/OpenGL/include/GL/glHpInt.h 4154849990 12258 /opt/graphics/OpenGL/include/GL/glu.h 1284268852 2777 /opt/graphics/OpenGL/include/GL/glx.h 1525530204 1269 /opt/graphics/OpenGL/include/GL/glxmd.h 2209446815 37533 /opt/graphics/OpenGL/include/GL/glxproto.h 3087403860 4183 /opt/graphics/OpenGL/include/GL/glxtokens.h Patch Conflicts: None Patch Dependencies: None Hardware Dependencies: None Other Dependencies: None Supersedes: PHSS_11404 PHSS_12473 Equivalent Patches: None Patch Package Size: 2590 KBytes Installation Instructions: Please review all instructions and the Hewlett-Packard SupportLine User Guide or your Hewlett-Packard support terms and conditions for precautions, scope of license, restrictions, and, limitation of liability and warranties, before installing this patch. ------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Back up your system before installing a patch. 2. Login as root. 3. Copy the patch to the /tmp directory. 4. Move to the /tmp directory and unshar the patch: cd /tmp sh PHSS_13525 5a. For a standalone system, run swinstall to install the patch: swinstall -x autoreboot=true -x match_target=true \ -s /tmp/PHSS_13525.depot 5b. For a homogeneous NFS Diskless cluster run swcluster on the server to install the patch on the server and the clients: swcluster -i -b This will invoke swcluster in the interactive mode and force all clients to be shut down. WARNING: All cluster clients must be shut down prior to the patch installation. Installing the patch while the clients are booted is unsupported and can lead to serious problems. The swcluster command will invoke an swinstall session in which you must specify: alternate root path - default is /export/shared_root/OS_700 source depot path - /tmp/PHSS_13525.depot To complete the installation, select the patch by choosing "Actions -> Match What Target Has" and then "Actions -> Install" from the Menubar. 5c. For a heterogeneous NFS Diskless cluster: - run swinstall on the server as in step 5a to install the patch on the cluster server. - run swcluster on the server as in step 5b to install the patch on the cluster clients. By default swinstall will archive the original software in /var/adm/sw/patch/PHSS_13525. If you do not wish to retain a copy of the original software, you can create an empty file named /var/adm/sw/patch/PATCH_NOSAVE. Warning: If this file exists when a patch is installed, the patch cannot be deinstalled. Please be careful when using this feature. It is recommended that you move the PHSS_13525.text file to /var/adm/sw/patch for future reference. To put this patch on a magnetic tape and install from the tape drive, use the command: dd if=/tmp/PHSS_13525.depot of=/dev/rmt/0m bs=2k Special Installation Instructions: None