Patch Name: PHSS_12482 Patch Description: s700_800 10.20 PHIGS Development cumulative patch Creation Date: 97/12/15 Post Date: 97/12/17 Hardware Platforms - OS Releases: s700: 10.20 s800: 10.20 Products: GraphicsPHIGSDK B.10.20 PHIGS 3.40 Development Environment Filesets: GraphicsPHIGSDK.PHIGS-DEMO GraphicsPHIGSDK.PHIGS-MAN GraphicsPHIGSDK.PHIGS-PRG Automatic Reboot?: No Status: General Superseded Critical: No Path Name: /hp-ux_patches/s700_800/10.X/PHSS_12482 Symptoms: PHSS_12482: - See defect description. PHSS_12467: - See defect description. PHSS_12458: - See defect description. PHSS_11402: - See defect description. PHSS_10247: - See defect description. PHSS_10217: - See defect description. PHSS_9253: - See defect description. PHSS_8383: - See defect description. PHSS_7607: - see defect description. Defect Description: PHSS_12482: - resolves patch installation dependency and does not modify the library what strings from the previous patch. PHSS_12467: - A memory leak in PHIGS content inquiries was fixed. PHSS_12458: - Various performance enhancements PHSS_11402: - HP-PHIGS Fill Areas have been enhanced to give better performance in some circumstances. Memory allocation for these elements is different; memory is allocated in 512K blocks, then partitioned for these elements. To enable the enhancement, export PHIGS_FILL_AREA_MODE=CHUNK PHSS_10247: - PHIGS attribute changes can fail to cause regenerations. - Replacing an element in a PHIGS structure could result in an incorrect picture, if the element being replaced is normally ignored during display (i.e. SET PICK ID or APPLICATION DATA) and the element replacing it is not. - The behavior of the display of structures that use SET FACE DISTINGUISHING MODE elements before SET BACK INTERIOR REFLECTANCE EQUATION elements may have been affected. This fix restores the older behavior. - When PHIGS compliant lighting is enabled, facet normals are generated when not needed. - Performance enhancement for PHIGS fill area sets with more than one set. PHSS_10217: - The Jaunuary patch (PHSS_9250) had a problem where PHIGS applications could get a segmentation violation when using software double buffering on integrated color displays (8-bit devices on HP712/715/725). See PDep field. PHSS_9253: - PHIGS can dump core while rendering polyline elements, if the attribute caching traverser has been specifically disabled. - Incorrect operation of keyboard input in PHIGS. - Some degenerate POLYLINE SET 3 WITH COLOUR (ppls3c, polyline_set3_colr) elements may have their non-degenerate components rendered, where the whole element should be ignored. - Performance slow down due to some traversals of structures being edited. - PHIGS NURB surfaces may render isoparametric curves in the wrong color on VRX-family devices. - PHIGS nameset operations perform faster. PHSS_8383: - Segmentation violation may occur when inserting PHIGS ISO Fill Area primitives that are non-convex into a structure before a PHIGS Workstation is opened. - Optimization: consecutive POLYLINE 3 calls are faster. - PHIGS and other applications may hang on Hyper & Visualize devices for certain offscreen windows. - PHIGS Compliant backface lighting could cause core dump on VISUALIZE-24. - PHIGS fileset lacks /usr/lib/phigs/char_sets/char_set_info link, possibly breaking 9.X PHIGS archive programs. - The PHIGS traverser has been enhanced to process attribute structure elements more efficiently. To disable enhancement set environment variable HP_NO_CACHE_ATTRIBUTES=1. PHSS_7607: -PHIGS traverser performance has been increased for those applications that can meet certain constraints: * namesets are small (largest name is 31) * SET HIGHLIGHTING BETWEEN HANDLES ESCAPE (pue330, pescape_u330), IGNORE ELEMENTS BETWEEN HANDLES ESCAPE (pue332, pescape_u332) are *not* used by the application. * the application keeps modelling and viewing information in a separate structure from the model data, and does not edit the structure(s) containing model data in between regenerations. SR: 1653183731 1653188912 Patch Files: /opt/graphics/phigs/bin/PHIGS_3.0.Cvt /opt/graphics/phigs/bin/PHIGS_3.0C.awk /opt/graphics/phigs/bin/PHIGS_3.0F.awk /opt/graphics/phigs/demos/README /opt/graphics/phigs/demos/makefile /opt/graphics/phigs/demos/poly_ppers.f /opt/graphics/phigs/demos/winlib.c /opt/graphics/phigs/examples/OReilly/ /opt/graphics/phigs/examples/WinSmart.c /opt/graphics/phigs/include/HP_PHIGS_2_3 /opt/graphics/phigs/include/HP_PHIGS_STD_CONFORM /opt/graphics/phigs/include/Motif1.2/Xg/PhigsDraw.h /opt/graphics/phigs/include/Motif1.2/Xg/PhigsDrawP.h /opt/graphics/phigs/include/phigs.f1.h /opt/graphics/phigs/include/phigs.f2.h /opt/graphics/phigs/include/phigs.fc.h /opt/graphics/phigs/include/phigs.h /opt/graphics/phigs/include/phigs_plus.h /opt/graphics/phigs/lib/libphigs.a /opt/graphics/phigs/lib/libphigsXg.a /opt/graphics/phigs/newconfig/opt/graphics/phigs/src/Xg/ PhigsDraw.c /opt/graphics/phigs/newconfig/opt/graphics/phigs/src/ cgmiui.c /opt/graphics/phigs/newconfig/opt/graphics/phigs/src/ makefile /opt/graphics/phigs/newconfig/opt/graphics/phigs/src/ xinitcolor.c /opt/graphics/phigs/share/man/man3.Z/pqcets.3g /opt/graphics/phigs/share/man/man3.Z/pqets.3g what(1) Output: /opt/graphics/phigs/bin/PHIGS_3.0.Cvt: PHIGS_3.0C.Cvt $Revision: /main/49 $ $Date: 18-Mar-9 6.16:03:51 $ /opt/graphics/phigs/bin/PHIGS_3.0C.awk: PHIGS_3.0C.awk $Revision: /main/49 $ $Date: 18-Mar-9 6.16:03:47 $ /opt/graphics/phigs/bin/PHIGS_3.0F.awk: PHIGS_3.0F.awk $Revision: /main/52 $ $Date: 18-Mar-9 6.16:03:49 $ /opt/graphics/phigs/demos/README: None /opt/graphics/phigs/demos/makefile: None /opt/graphics/phigs/demos/poly_ppers.f: None /opt/graphics/phigs/demos/winlib.c: winlib.c $Revision: /main/15 $ $Date: 25-Nov-96.17:5 2:18 $ */ /opt/graphics/phigs/examples/OReilly/ WinSmart.c: None /opt/graphics/phigs/examples/WinSmart.c: None /opt/graphics/phigs/include/HP_PHIGS_2_3: HP_PHIGS_2_3 $Revision: /main/46 $ $Date: 18-Mar-96. 16:03:59 $ /opt/graphics/phigs/include/HP_PHIGS_STD_CONFORM: HP_PHIGS_STD_CONFORM $Revision: /main/46 $ $Date: 18 -Mar-96.16:04:00 $ /opt/graphics/phigs/include/Motif1.2/Xg/PhigsDraw.h: None /opt/graphics/phigs/include/Motif1.2/Xg/PhigsDrawP.h: None /opt/graphics/phigs/include/phigs.f1.h: phigs.f1.h 180.1 01/20/95 15:21:17 /opt/graphics/phigs/include/phigs.f2.h: phigs.f2.h $Revision: /main/296 $ $Date: 13-May-97.1 2:20:49 $ /opt/graphics/phigs/include/phigs.fc.h: phigs.fc.h $Revision: /main/296 $ $Date: 13-May-97. 12:20:49 $ */ /opt/graphics/phigs/include/phigs.h: phigs.h $Revision: /main/296 $ $Date: 13-May-97.12: 20:49 $ */ /opt/graphics/phigs/include/phigs_plus.h: phigs_plus.h $Revision: /main/296 $ $Date: 13-May-9 7.12:20:49 $ */ /opt/graphics/phigs/lib/libphigs.a: GENERIC_WHATSTRING HP-PHIGS 3.39 on HP-UX 10.20 $Date: 15-Oct-97.04:30: 13 $ $Revision: 19971015.28918 $ libphigs.a /opt/graphics/phigs/lib/libphigsXg.a: HP-PHIGS 3.39 on HP-UX 10.20 $Date: 15-Oct-97.04:30: 13 $ $Revision: 19971015.28918 $ libphigsXg. a /opt/graphics/phigs/newconfig/opt/graphics/phigs/src/Xg/ PhigsDraw.c: None /opt/graphics/phigs/newconfig/opt/graphics/phigs/src/ cgmiui.c: None /opt/graphics/phigs/newconfig/opt/graphics/phigs/src/ makefile: makefile $ $Revision: /main/12 $ $Date: 18-Mar-96.16 :03:36 $ /opt/graphics/phigs/newconfig/opt/graphics/phigs/src/ xinitcolor.c: None /opt/graphics/phigs/share/man/man3.Z/pqcets.3g: None /opt/graphics/phigs/share/man/man3.Z/pqets.3g: None cksum(1) Output: 3112458497 2107 /opt/graphics/phigs/bin/PHIGS_3.0.Cvt 249990012 59250 /opt/graphics/phigs/bin/PHIGS_3.0C.awk 1024292438 51088 /opt/graphics/phigs/bin/PHIGS_3.0F.awk 1999026783 5792 /opt/graphics/phigs/demos/README 1184051214 2260 /opt/graphics/phigs/demos/makefile 1280513613 25547 /opt/graphics/phigs/demos/poly_ppers.f 2807181348 6430 /opt/graphics/phigs/demos/winlib.c 1410886530 27662 /opt/graphics/phigs/examples/OReilly/ 2083778417 24916 /opt/graphics/phigs/examples/WinSmart.c 864760225 342 /opt/graphics/phigs/include/HP_PHIGS_2_3 447411969 341 /opt/graphics/phigs/include/ HP_PHIGS_STD_CONFORM 2035991884 5602 /opt/graphics/phigs/include/Motif1.2/Xg/ PhigsDraw.h 2117848193 2686 /opt/graphics/phigs/include/Motif1.2/Xg/ PhigsDrawP.h 643554091 34581 /opt/graphics/phigs/include/phigs.f1.h 4043371448 59103 /opt/graphics/phigs/include/phigs.f2.h 4146173754 161829 /opt/graphics/phigs/include/phigs.fc.h 3877275290 264763 /opt/graphics/phigs/include/phigs.h 2468865292 35021 /opt/graphics/phigs/include/phigs_plus.h 3780573687 1881592 /opt/graphics/phigs/lib/libphigs.a 2907053161 25872 /opt/graphics/phigs/lib/libphigsXg.a 1413543753 63961 /opt/graphics/phigs/newconfig/opt/graphics/ phigs/src/Xg/PhigsDraw.c 3607265017 81162 /opt/graphics/phigs/newconfig/opt/graphics/ phigs/src/cgmiui.c 1264571659 825 /opt/graphics/phigs/newconfig/opt/graphics/ phigs/src/makefile 1425565487 11020 /opt/graphics/phigs/newconfig/opt/graphics/ phigs/src/xinitcolor.c 2827231148 11973 /opt/graphics/phigs/share/man/man3.Z/ pqcets.3g 4007082442 12304 /opt/graphics/phigs/share/man/man3.Z/ pqets.3g Patch Conflicts: None Patch Dependencies: s700: 10.20: PHSS_12471 PHSS_12481 s800: 10.20: PHSS_12471 PHSS_12481 Hardware Dependencies: None Other Dependencies: None Supersedes: PHSS_7607 PHSS_8383 PHSS_9253 PHSS_10217 PHSS_10247 PHSS_11402 PHSS_12458 PHSS_12467 Equivalent Patches: None Patch Package Size: 2920 KBytes Installation Instructions: Please review all instructions and the Hewlett-Packard SupportLine User Guide or your Hewlett-Packard support terms and conditions for precautions, scope of license, restrictions, and, limitation of liability and warranties, before installing this patch. ------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Back up your system before installing a patch. 2. Login as root. 3. Copy the patch to the /tmp directory. 4. Move to the /tmp directory and unshar the patch: cd /tmp sh PHSS_12482 5a. For a standalone system, run swinstall to install the patch: swinstall -x autoreboot=true -x match_target=true \ -s /tmp/PHSS_12482.depot 5b. For a homogeneous NFS Diskless cluster run swcluster on the server to install the patch on the server and the clients: swcluster -i -b This will invoke swcluster in the interactive mode and force all clients to be shut down. WARNING: All cluster clients must be shut down prior to the patch installation. Installing the patch while the clients are booted is unsupported and can lead to serious problems. The swcluster command will invoke an swinstall session in which you must specify: alternate root path - default is /export/shared_root/OS_700 source depot path - /tmp/PHSS_12482.depot To complete the installation, select the patch by choosing "Actions -> Match What Target Has" and then "Actions -> Install" from the Menubar. 5c. For a heterogeneous NFS Diskless cluster: - run swinstall on the server as in step 5a to install the patch on the cluster server. - run swcluster on the server as in step 5b to install the patch on the cluster clients. By default swinstall will archive the original software in /var/adm/sw/patch/PHSS_12482. If you do not wish to retain a copy of the original software, you can create an empty file named /var/adm/sw/patch/PATCH_NOSAVE. Warning: If this file exists when a patch is installed, the patch cannot be deinstalled. Please be careful when using this feature. It is recommended that you move the PHSS_12482.text file to /var/adm/sw/patch for future reference. To put this patch on a magnetic tape and install from the tape drive, use the command: dd if=/tmp/PHSS_12482.depot of=/dev/rmt/0m bs=2k Special Installation Instructions: None