Patch Name: PHNE_8911 Patch Description: s700_800 10.10 SNAplus2-Common R5 cumulative patch Creation Date: 96/11/22 Post Date: 96/12/16 Hardware Platforms - OS Releases: s700: 10.10 s800: 10.10 Products: SNAplus2-Common R5 Filesets: SNAplus2-Common.SNAP2-CORE SNAplus2-Common.SNAP2-ADMIN Automatic Reboot?: Yes Status: General Superseded Critical: No Path Name: /hp-ux_patches/s700_800/10.X/PHNE_8911 Symptoms: PHNE_8911: (1) 5003331611 Release 3 of SNAplus supported no pacing, which was configured by setting the pacing on an APPC mode to 0. Release 4 and Release 5 do not support this. (2) 5003344358 If sna_tps file has more than 21 TPs then daemon appears not to start. In fact it starts and core dumps within a few seconds. Memory corruption occurs when 17 TPs are configured (3) 5003333922 When installing SNAplus2 and trying to run the SNAplus2 Installation portion in SAM, SAM died with a core dump. This prevented installation of SNAplus2. The following error was reported: 'Unexpected exit: process /usr/sam/lbin/samx -C -p 3181 /opt/sna/sam/C/mainmenu.ui exited with a non-zero exit status. sh: 3326 (memory fault coredump)' (4) 4701337444 It is difficult to get an overview of the node configuration using snapadmin. (5) 4701325696 After the installation of patch PHCO_6349 on 800 systems, the addition or deletion of PSI cards would not stay updated after exiting and reentering the 'SAM SNAplus2 Installation' area (during a single SAM invocation) (6) 4701326249 SAM SNAplus configuration failed when trying to configure a machine as a client. (7) 4701325514 RJE users migrating from SNAplus to SNAplus2 will run into a problem after running snapmigrate to generate the SNAplus2 configurations and RJE style files. The '.sty' files will not be there as stated in the migration guide. Defect Description: PHNE_8911: (1) 5003331611 Snapmigrate did not take of the possible R3 value of 0 for pacing in the MODE. (2) 5003344358 Correct the code that grows the data structure as more TPs are configured (the memory is allocated for 16 TPs at a time). (3) 5003333922 The cause of the problem was that SAM/SNA could only support a maximum of 50 IO cards. (4) 4701337444 Snapadmin does not have a command which allows the user to get an overview of the node configuration. The user is required to use several query commands to get information about nodes, ports, link stations, etc. (5) 4701325696 With at least one PSI card already in the kernel, if the user adds at least one more PSI card and then exits the 'SAM SNAplus2 Installation', deferring kernel changes, that PSI card will not display correctly upon reentering the SNAplus2 Installation screen. (6) 4701326249 The reason for the failure in this case is that SAM thought the machine should be a server if the SNAplus2-Link product was installed. (7) 4701325514 The reason the .sty file won't exist is because snapmigrate incorrectly put the on the system as .RJE files. The user can simply copy the files to the correct name, or install the latest SNAplus2-Common patch which fixes snapmigrate. SR: 5003344358 5003333922 5003331611 4701337444 4701326249 4701325696 4701325514 Patch Files: /opt/sna/conf/lib/libsixc.a /opt/sna/help/Help4SNAadmin.hv /opt/sna/help/Help4SNAadmin.hvk /opt/sna/help/Help4SNAadmin.xrh /opt/sna/help/lu32d.xwd /opt/sna/help/nodew.xwd /opt/sna/help/snaplus.hf /opt/sna/lib/X11/uid/XSnapadmin/cursor.uid /opt/sna/lib/X11/uid/XSnapadmin/icons.uid /opt/sna/lib/X11/uid/XSnapadmin/icons24.uid /opt/sna/lib/X11/uid/XSnapadmin/xsnadlg.uid /opt/sna/sam/C/help.hv /opt/sna/sam/C/ /opt/sna/share/man/man8/snapadmin.8 /opt/sna/ /opt/sna/bin/X11/xsnapadmin /opt/sna/bin/snapadmin /opt/sna/bin/snapcfgdae /opt/sna/bin/snapmigrate2 /opt/sna/lib/libnof.1 /opt/sna/lib/libpe.1 /opt/sna/lib/libxp.1 /opt/sna/sam/C/ /usr/newconfig/etc/opt/sna/app-defaults/XSnapadmin /opt/sna/bin/snapdaemon what(1) Output: /opt/sna/help/Help4SNAadmin.hv: None /opt/sna/help/Help4SNAadmin.hvk: None /opt/sna/help/Help4SNAadmin.xrh: None /opt/sna/sam/C/ None /usr/newconfig/etc/opt/sna/app-defaults/XSnapadmin: None /opt/sna/lib/X11/uid/XSnapadmin/cursor.uid: None /opt/sna/sam/C/help.hv: None /opt/sna/sam/C/ None /opt/sna/lib/X11/uid/XSnapadmin/icons.uid: None /opt/sna/lib/X11/uid/XSnapadmin/icons24.uid: None /opt/sna/help/lu32d.xwd: None /opt/sna/help/nodew.xwd: None /opt/sna/bin/snapadmin: ]B.10.10.002 SNAplus2 R5 command line administration tool ] (PHNE_8911: 96/10/04 13:59:04) ] /opt/sna/help/snaplus.hf: None /opt/sna/lib/X11/uid/XSnapadmin/xsnadlg.uid: None /opt/sna/conf/lib/libsixc.a: ]B.10.10.001 SNAplus2 R5 Client Router in the kernel ] (PHNE_8911: 96/10/10 16:39:17) ] /opt/sna/lib/libnof.1: ]B.10.10.001 SNAplus2 R5 NOF library ] (PHNE_8911: 96/10/04 14:01:39) ] /opt/sna/lib/libxp.1: ]B.10.10.001 SNAplus2 R5 XP Codex library ] (PHNE_8911: 96/10/04 13:50:16) ] /opt/sna/ None /opt/sna/lib/libpe.1: ]B.10.10.006 SNAplus2 R5 parsing engine ] (PHNE_8911: 96/10/28 16:51:07) ] /opt/sna/share/man/man8/snapadmin.8: None /opt/sna/bin/X11/xsnapadmin: ]B.10.10.001 SNAplus2 R5 Motif Administration progra m ] (PHNE_8911 96/05/23 11:31:31) ] /opt/sna/bin/snapcfgdae: ]B.10.10.002 SNAplus2 R5 Config Daemon ] (PHNE_8911 : 96/11/20 22:57:06) ] /opt/sna/bin/snapdaemon: ]B.10.10.001 SNAplus2 R5 daemon ] (PHNE_8911: 96/11/08 15:53:41) ] /opt/sna/bin/snapmigrate2: ]B.10.10.004 SNAplus2 R5 Config file migration tool ] (PHNE_8911 : 96/10/16 15:28:25) ] cksum(1) Output: 3510959248 36408 /opt/sna/help/Help4SNAadmin.hv 1976581019 23093 /opt/sna/help/Help4SNAadmin.hvk 1120229556 22361 /opt/sna/help/Help4SNAadmin.xrh 1652114615 255114 /opt/sna/sam/C/ 1635757045 63240 /usr/newconfig/etc/opt/sna/app-defaults/ XSnapadmin 3961081983 8192 /opt/sna/lib/X11/uid/XSnapadmin/cursor.uid 2640916444 4620 /opt/sna/sam/C/help.hv 2769585290 27261 /opt/sna/sam/C/ 1552148557 81920 /opt/sna/lib/X11/uid/XSnapadmin/icons.uid 90845567 106496 /opt/sna/lib/X11/uid/XSnapadmin/icons24.uid 4232389181 239991 /opt/sna/help/lu32d.xwd 730470025 308406 /opt/sna/help/nodew.xwd 3955972366 204800 /opt/sna/bin/snapadmin 3772269416 573 /opt/sna/help/snaplus.hf 2594578969 438272 /opt/sna/lib/X11/uid/XSnapadmin/ xsnadlg.uid 3879450132 444460 /opt/sna/conf/lib/libsixc.a 2737178150 118784 /opt/sna/lib/libnof.1 1490331290 331776 /opt/sna/lib/libxp.1 775279651 123220 /opt/sna/ 2304364221 630784 /opt/sna/lib/libpe.1 1518933299 4774 /opt/sna/share/man/man8/snapadmin.8 2540259045 1077248 /opt/sna/bin/X11/xsnapadmin 1596191024 262144 /opt/sna/bin/snapcfgdae 497274502 65536 /opt/sna/bin/snapdaemon 937624930 147456 /opt/sna/bin/snapmigrate2 Patch Conflicts: None Patch Dependencies: s700: 10.10: PHNE_8910 s800: 10.10: PHNE_8910 Hardware Dependencies: None Other Dependencies: None Supersedes: None Equivalent Patches: None Patch Package Size: 4990 Kbytes Installation Instructions: Please review all instructions and the Hewlett-Packard SupportLine User Guide or your Hewlett-Packard support terms and conditions for precautions, scope of license, restrictions, and, limitation of liability and warranties, before installing this patch. ------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Back up your system before installing a patch. 2. Login as root. 3. Copy the patch to the /tmp directory. 4. Move to the /tmp directory and unshar the patch: cd /tmp sh PHNE_8911 5a. For a standalone system, run swinstall to install the patch: swinstall -x autoreboot=true -x match_target=true \ -s /tmp/PHNE_8911.depot 5b. For a homogeneous NFS Diskless cluster run swcluster on the server to install the patch on the server and the clients: swcluster -i -b This will invoke swcluster in the interactive mode and force all clients to be shut down. WARNING: All cluster clients must be shut down prior to the patch installation. Installing the patch while the clients are booted is unsupported and can lead to serious problems. The swcluster command will invoke an swinstall session in which you must specify: alternate root path - default is /export/shared_root/OS_700 source depot path - /tmp/PHNE_8911.depot To complete the installation, select the patch by choosing "Actions -> Match What Target Has" and then "Actions -> Install" from the Menubar. 5c. For a heterogeneous NFS Diskless cluster: - run swinstall on the server as in step 5a to install the patch on the cluster server. - run swcluster on the server as in step 5b to install the patch on the cluster clients. By default swinstall will archive the original software in /var/adm/sw/patch/PHNE_8911. If you do not wish to retain a copy of the original software, you can create an empty file named /var/adm/sw/patch/PATCH_NOSAVE. Warning: If this file exists when a patch is installed, the patch cannot be deinstalled. Please be careful when using this feature. It is recommended that you move the PHNE_8911.text file to /var/adm/sw/patch for future reference. To put this patch on a magnetic tape and install from the tape drive, use the command: dd if=/tmp/PHNE_8911.depot of=/dev/rmt/0m bs=2k Special Installation Instructions: Stop SNA daemon before installing patch (snap stop). After installing the patch start the SNA daemon (snap start).