Patch Name: PHNE_7898 Patch Description: s700_800 10.01 FTAM9000 E.00.02 cumulative patch Creation Date: 96/07/03 Post Date: 96/07/24 Hardware Platforms - OS Releases: s700: 10.01 s800: 10.01 Products: FTAM9000 : 10.01 Filesets: FTAM9000.FTAM,E.00.02 Automatic Reboot?: No Status: General Superseded Critical: Yes PHNE_7898: MEMORY_LEAK PHNE_6838: OTHER ftam_resp with -api option was not working for customer due to which customer was unable to use ftam responder. Path Name: /hp-ux_patches/s700_800/10.X/PHNE_7898 Symptoms: PHNE_7898: 1. Time varying and machine dependent memory leak with the interactive ftam put operation, fcp and high level copy. 2. Memory leak with low level copy operations. 3. Wrong encoding of AE_QUALIFIER. If the value of the AE qualifier has the MSB set or if it is -ve number, the encoding was wrong. PHNE_7079: When an incorrect user or passwd is supplied to FTAM or fcp the incorrect error code is returned. 1. If an incorrect passwd is provided,FTAM responds with error_id 2000 = "Association with user not allowed" 2. If an incorrect user name is provided, FTAM responds with error_id 2000 = "Association with user not allowed" PHNE_6838: 1. FTAM responder with api option does not work properly in E.00.02 2. Demo program ftm_connect does not work from E.00.02 ftam initiator to D.02.02.03 ftam responder Defect Description: PHNE_7898: 1. In FTAM for 10.01 version, the encoded PDUs are sent to a stream. If the stream is full, the PDUs are put in a queue and written to the stream later. Under this condition some memory allocated to the enqueued PDUs was not being released. This problem happens when the source machine has higher throughput than the destination machine or when the destination machine is heavily loaded. 2. In the case of low level copy the PDUs received from a remote responder are decoded and queued up by the SPP and sent to the UP later. The flow control mechnaism which was regulating the number of pdus queued up had a bug. This bug resulted in the pdus simply piling up at the SPP. 3. AE Qualifiers whose MSB is set or whose value is -ve were not encoded properly. PHNE_7079: The validation part of the ftam was using the error "Association with user not allowed" error id if an incorrect user name or passwd is supplied to it. The error code for incorrect user is changed to "Initiator identity unacceptable" and if an incorrect passwd is supplied the error code is changed to "Invalid filestore password". PHNE_6838: 1. The data structures required for interprocess communication between ftam responder and the user process were not initialized. This resulted in failure of "ftam_resp -api". When the data structures were initialized properly, the problem was solved 2. The called and calling qualifier field in AARQ(Association Request) PDU of ACSE was not coded properly by ftam_init. The ftam responder on the other side treated it as error and aborted the connection SR: 1653165423 1653171975 1653174490 1653163337 1653154880 1653154203 Patch Files: /opt/ftam/lbin/ftam_init /opt/ftam/lbin/ftam_resp /opt/ftam/lib/libmapftam.a /opt/ftam/shlib/ what(1) Output: /opt/ftam/lbin/ftam_init: FTAM: E.00.02 96/07/22 s800 ftam_init 10.01 apri_aif.c, 96/07/02 PHNE_7898 /opt/ftam/lbin/ftam_resp: FTAM: E.00.02 96/07/22 s800 ftam_resp 10.01 apri_aif.c, 96/07/02 PHNE_7898 /opt/ftam/shlib/ FTAM: E.00.02 96/07/21 s800 /opt/ftam/lib/libmapftam.a: FTAM: E.00.02 96/07/21 s800 libmapftam.a cksum(1) Output: 647145228 1106402 /opt/ftam/lbin/ftam_init 2019448376 1007998 /opt/ftam/lbin/ftam_resp 2169855098 368412 /opt/ftam/lib/libmapftam.a 405582995 541730 /opt/ftam/shlib/ Patch Conflicts: None Patch Dependencies: None Hardware Dependencies: None Other Dependencies: None Supersedes: PHNE_6838 PHNE_7079 Equivalent Patches: None Patch Package Size: 3020 Kbytes Installation Instructions: Please review all instructions and the Hewlett-Packard SupportLine User Guide or your Hewlett-Packard support terms and conditions for precautions, scope of license, restrictions, and, limitation of liability and warranties, before installing this patch. ------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Back up your system before installing a patch. 2. Login as root. 3. Copy the patch to the /tmp directory. 4. Move to the /tmp directory and unshar the patch: cd /tmp sh PHNE_7898 5a. For a standalone system, run swinstall to install the patch: swinstall -x autoreboot=true -x match_target=true \ -s /tmp/PHNE_7898.depot 5b. For a homogeneous NFS Diskless cluster run swcluster on the server to install the patch on the server and the clients: swcluster -i -b This will invoke swcluster in the interactive mode and force all clients to be shut down. WARNING: All cluster clients must be shut down prior to the patch installation. Installing the patch while the clients are booted is unsupported and can lead to serious problems. The swcluster command will invoke an swinstall session in which you must specify: alternate root path - default is /export/shared_root/OS_700 source depot path - /tmp/PHNE_7898.depot To complete the installation, select the patch by choosing "Actions -> Match What Target Has" and then "Actions -> Install" from the Menubar. 5c. For a heterogeneous NFS Diskless cluster: - run swinstall on the server as in step 5a to install the patch on the cluster server. - run swcluster on the server as in step 5b to install the patch on the cluster clients. By default swinstall will archive the original software in /var/adm/sw/patch/PHNE_7898. If you do not wish to retain a copy of the original software, you can create an empty file named /var/adm/sw/patch/PATCH_NOSAVE. Warning: If this file exists when a patch is installed, the patch cannot be deinstalled. Please be careful when using this feature. It is recommended that you move the PHNE_7898.text file to /var/adm/sw/patch for future reference. To put this patch on a magnetic tape and install from the tape drive, use the command: dd if=/tmp/PHNE_7898.depot of=/dev/rmt/0m bs=2k Special Installation Instructions: None