Patch Name: PHKL_5551 Patch Description: s700 10.00 corrects NFS write performance problem Creation Date: 95/05/06 Post Date: 95/05/22 Hardware Platforms - OS Releases: s700: 10.00 Products: N/A Filesets: OS-Core.CORE-KRN Automatic Reboot?: Yes Status: General Release Critical: No Path Name: /hp-ux_patches/s700/10.X/PHKL_5551 Symptoms: PHKL_5551: NFS write performance problem when MI or MI related products are used on HP-UX 10.0 systems. Defect Description: PHKL_5551: The problem was caused by KI calling VOP_GETATTR() to get the device file path. When a NFS file was involved, the VOP_GETATTR() call turned into the nfs_getattr() routine which does a nfs_fsync() before it calls the actual nfsgetattr() routine which did the real getattr work. The problem was reproduced by writing to a nfs mounted directory. The performance of a write operation when MI was turned on was approximately double as slow as when MI was not turned on. The problem was proven when we modified the test program with the O_SYNCIO option to the open(2) call. the performance in this case whether or not MI was turned on was equally as slow as when MI was turned on in the previous case. SR: 1653127548 Patch Files: /usr/conf/lib/libhp-ux.a(sys_ki.o) /usr/conf/lib/libnfs.a(nfs_vnops.o) what(1) Output: /usr/conf/lib/libhp-ux.a(sys_ki.o): sys_ki.c $Date: 95/05/05 16:21:14 $ $Revision: 1.16. 91.3 $ PATCH_10.0 (PHKL_5551) /usr/conf/lib/libnfs.a(nfs_vnops.o): nfs_vnops.c $Date: 95/05/06 11:25:04 $ $Revision: 1. 20.91.3 $ PATCH_10.0 (PHKL_5551) cksum(1) Output: 3843414519 51000 /usr/conf/lib/libhp-ux.a(sys_ki.o) 4235582178 30984 /usr/conf/lib/libnfs.a(nfs_vnops.o) Patch Conflicts: None Patch Dependencies: None Hardware Dependencies: None Other Dependencies: None Supersedes: None Equivalent Patches: None Patch Package Size: 130 Kbytes Installation Instructions: Please review all instructions and the Hewlett-Packard SupportLine User Guide or your Hewlett-Packard support terms and conditions for precautions, scope of license, restrictions, and, limitation of liability and warranties, before installing this patch. ------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Back up your system before installing a patch. 2. Login as root. 3. Copy the patch to the /tmp directory. 4. Move to the /tmp directory and unshar the patch: cd /tmp sh PHKL_5551 5. Run swinstall to install the patch: swinstall -x autoreboot=true -x match_target=true -s /tmp/PHKL_5551.depot By default swinstall will archive the original software in /var/adm/sw/patch/PHKL_5551. If you do not wish to retain a copy of the original software, you can create an empty file named /var/adm/sw/patch/PATCH_NOSAVE. Warning: If this file exists when a patch is installed, the patch cannot be deinstalled. Please be careful when using this feature. It is recommended that you move the PHKL_5551.text file to /var/adm/sw/patch for future reference. To put this patch on a magnetic tape and install from the tape drive, use the command: swpackage -s /tmp/PHKL_5551.depot -x target_type=tape -d /dev/rmt/0m PHKL_5551 Special Installation Instructions: None