
  xpdf - Portable Document Format (PDF) file viewer for X
  (version 0.5)

  xpdf [options] [PDF-file [page]]

  Xpdf is a viewer for Portable Document Format (PDF) files.
  (These are also sometimes also called 'Acrobat' files, from
  the name of Adobe's PDF software.)  Xpdf runs under UNIX or
  VMS and the X Window System.

  To run xpdf, simply type:

	   xpdf file.pdf

  where file.pdf is your PDF file.  The file name can be
  followed by a number specifying the page which should be
  displayed first, e.g.:

	   xpdf file.pdf 18

  X resources are listed in square brackets with the
  corresponding option.

  -err Send error messages to /dev/tty instead of stderr
	   (useful if xpdf is started from another application,
	   e.g., netscape which otherwise pops up an annoying
	   little window for every error).

  -z number
	   Set the initial zoom factor (-5 .. 5).

  -g geometry
	   Set the initial window geometry.  (-geometry is
	   equivalent.) [xpdf.geometry]

  -remote name
	   Start/contact xpdf remote server with specified name
	   (see the REMOTE SERVER MODE section below).

	   Raise xpdf remote server window (with -remote only).

	   Kill xpdf remote server (with -remote only).

  -rgb number
	   Set the size of largest RGB cube xpdf will try to
	   allocate.  The default is 5 (for a 5x5x5 cube); set to
	   a smaller number to conserve color table entries.

  -cmd Print commands as they're executed (useful for

  -h   Print usage information.  (-help is equivalent.)

  Several other standard X options and resources will work as

  -display display

  -fg color
	   (-foreground is equivalent.) [xpdf.foreground]

  -bg color
	   (-background is equivalent.) [xpdf.background]

  -font font
	   (-fn is equivalent.) [xpdf.font]

  The color and font options only affect the user interface
  elements, not the PDF display (the 'paper').

On-screen controls, at the bottom of
  left/right arrow buttons
	   Move to the previous/next page.

  'Page' entry box
	   Move to a specific page number.  Click in the box to
	   activate it, type the page number, then hit return.

  magnifying glass buttons
	   Increase and decrease the resolution, i.e., zoom in and
	   zoom out.

  print button
	   Bring up a dialog for generating a PostScript file.
	   The dialog has options to set the pages to be printed
	   and the PostScript file name.

  curved arrow buttons
	   Rotate the page clockwise and counterclockwise.  These
	   are intended primarily for PDF files where the rotation
	   isn't correctly specified in the file, but they're also
	   useful if your X server doesn't support font rotation.

  '?' button
	   Bring up the 'about xpdf' window.

  'Quit' button
	   Quit xpdf.

  Clicking on a hyperlink will jump to the link's destination.
  Currently, only links within PDF documents or to another PDF
  file are supported.  Clicking on a URL link just prints the
  URL.  Clicking on any other type of link (e.g., links to
  executable programs) prints an error message.

Key bindings
  n    Move to the next page.

  p    Move to the previous page.

  <Space> or <PageDown> or <Next>
	   Scroll down on the current page; if already at bottom,
	   move to next page.

  <Backspace> or <Delete> or <PageUp> or
	   Scroll up on the current page; if already at top, move
	   to previous page.

	   Scroll to top of current page.

	   Scroll to bottom of current page.

	   Scroll the current page.

	   Redraw the current page.

  q    Quit xpdf.

  If you want to run xpdf automatically from netscape or
  mosaic (and probably other browsers) when you click on a
  link to a PDF file, you need to edit (or create) the files
  .mime.types and .mailcap in your home directory.  In
  .mime.types add the line:

	   application/pdf pdf

  In .mailcap add the lines:

	   # Use xpdf to view PDF files.
	   application/pdf; xpdf -err %s

  Make sure that xpdf is on your executable search path.

  Xpdf can be started in remote server mode by specifying a
  server name (in addition to the file name and page number).
  For example:

	   xpdf -remote myServer file.pdf

  If there is currently no xpdf running in server mode with
  the name 'myServer', a new xpdf window will be opened.  If
  another command:

	   xpdf -remote myServer another.pdf 9

  is issued, a new copy of xpdf will not be started.  Instead,
  the first xpdf (the server) will load another.pdf and
  display page nine.  If the file name is the same:

	   xpdf -remote myServer another.pdf 4

  the xpdf server will simply display the specified page.

  The -raise option tells the server to raise its window; it
  can be specified with or without a file name and page

  The -quit option tells the server to close its window and

  This is a beta release of xpdf, and there are still a bunch
  of PDF features which I have yet to implement.

  At this point, the biggest problem is that embedded fonts
  are not handled properly.

  The xpdf software and documentation are copyright 1996 Derek
  B. Noonburg (derekn@ece.cmu.edu).
