
          willow - Washington Information Looker-upper Layered Over

          willow [-cf file | - ] [X Toolkit options]

          Willow is an X/Motif based general purpose database front-
          end. Usage instructions are available via Willow's online
          help screens. More information, including a technical report
          describing Willow's architecture is available via ftp from
          ftp.cac.washington.edu, in the pub/willow directory. Also,
          there is Mosaic home page for Willow information, accessible
          via URL:

          There are two Willow mailing lists available -- willow-
          announce, is for Willow release announcements only. The
          second, willow-info is for release announcements and general
          discussion of Willow by the user community. To join, send a
          request to

          Please send any questions or comments you have about Willow
          to willow@cac.washington.edu.

          Willow accepts all of the standard X Toolkit command line
          options along with the additional options:

          -cf file
            This flag indicates that rather than reading the
            configurations for available databases from the standard
            /usr/lib/X11/willow/db.conf, Willow should look at the
            specified file.

          -cf -
            This flag indicates that the database configurations
            should be read from stdin.

          When Willow is run directly on the machine which you are
          logged into, you can set and save various options via the
          Options menu. However, most users (at least at the
          University of Washington) access Willow via the campus
          anonymous Willow servers. In this case, any customization
          must be done via the X resource system, i.e. your .Xdefaults
          file. Following are the available resources. This
          information also appears in the file willow.X on the ftp

          Willow*size: default
            Willow can be run at four standard sizes: small, medium, large, and
            extra-large. The "size" resource has six legal values: default, small,
            medium, large, extra-large, and custom. The value "default" is of
            course the default.  With this value Willow will configure itself to
            be large if your screen is at least 1000x700, otherwise it will be
            small. If you prefer to always run at one of the other sizes uncomment
            the above line, and put in the name of the size you want. The
            value "custom" is discussed in the ADVANCED section below.

          Willow*printCommand: lpr
            This is the unix command string that Willow will use to print results.
            The default is lpr. If the value is "none", then printing is disabled.
            Users of the UW campus willow servers may find it useful to set
            this resource to "prt -queue " followed by the name of the most
            convenient printer on the prt system.

          osfBackSpace : <Key>Delete\n\
          osfDelete    : <Key>BackSpace\n\
          osfLeft      : <Key>Left\n\
          osfUp        : <Key>Up\n\
          osfRight     : <Key>Right\n\
          osfDown      : <Key>Down\n\
          osfPageUp    : <Key>Prior\n\
          osfPageDown  : <Key>Next\n\
          osfCancel    : <Key>Escape\n\
            Certain systems, such as a Macintosh using MacX and some PC
            software combinations do not recognize the backspace key designated
            for a unix keyboard.  These are the keyboards bindings that should
            enable the "delete" (backspace) key on those systems. Note that if
            you set any of the key-bindings you must set *all* of them. If you do
            not have PageUp and PageDown keys on your keyboard, you might want
            to change the <Key>Prior" and "<Key>Next" to "<Key>F11" and
            "Key<F12>" (or any other keys you want to use for this purpose).

            Willow's color scheme is controlled by a group of resources as
            follows. Uncomment and replace any of the color values you wish to
            change. The program xrainbow is useful for previewing the available
            colors on your system.

          Willow*defaultBackground : SkyBlue1
            This is the background color of everything that is not otherwise

          Willow*defaultForeground : black
            This is the foreground color of everything that is not otherwise

          Willow*menuBarBackground : SkyBlue1
            Background color of the Search window's menu bar.

          Willow*menuBarForeground : black
            Foreground color of the Search window's menu bar.

          Willow*textBackground  : SlateGray1
            Background color of all text display and entry areas.

          Willow*textForeground  : black
            Foreground color of all text display and entry areas.

          Willow*imageBackground : white
            Background color of all image areas (just the "About" box and the
            spinning globe dialog box)

          Willow*imageForeground : black
            Foreground color of all image areas.

          Willow*buttonBackground : SkyBlue1
            Background color of all push-buttons.

          Willow*buttonForeground : Black
            Foreground color of all push-buttons.

          Willow*fieldButtonBackground : SkyBlue1
            Background color of field-labels, and corresponding date-range
            buttons (if any).

          Willow*fieldButtonForeground : Black
            Foreground color of field-labels, and corresponding date-range
            buttons (if any).

          Willow*checkMarkBackground : red
            Color of selected "check-boxes" (limit fields on Search window, and
            currently selected database in Databases menu).

            Here is an alternate color scheme for grey-scale displays.
          Willow*defaultBackground : grey90
          Willow*defaultForeground : black
          Willow*menuBarBackground : grey80
          Willow*menuBarForeground : black
          Willow*textBackground  : white
          Willow*textForeground  : black
          Willow*imageBackground : white
          Willow*imageForeground : black
          Willow*buttonBackground : grey90
          Willow*buttonForeground : black
          Willow*fieldButtonBackground : grey90
          Willow*fieldButtonForeground : black
          Willow*checkMarkBackground : grey20

          Willow*reverseVideo: False
            If you are running Willow on a monochrome display, and you would
            prefer a white on black display rather than the standard black on
            white, set the this resource to True. It has no effect if
            you are on a color display

          Willow*saveType: local
            This is the type of save that Willow will try to do by default. Legal
            values are local (save to your account on the machine that Willow is
            running on), email (save via electronic mail), and ftp (network save
            via the FTP program). The default is local, unless you are running off
            a non-local server, in which case it is email.

            This is the e-mail address that Willow will use if the save type is
            email. By default there is no value.

          Willow*mailSubject: Willow Search Results
            This is the Subject line that Willow use for results saved via e-mail.

            This is the machine that Willow will use for ftp saves. By default
            there is no value.

            This is the user id that Willow will use for ftp saves. By default
            there is no value.

          Willow*ftpAppend: True
            When Willow saves search results via ftp, and the specified file
            name already exists on the destination machine, should it append
            to the file, or overwrite it?

          Willow*includeQuery: False
            If this resource is set to True, Willow will include a description
            of the query that generated your results with all of your saved or
            printed retrievals. Can be turned on and off manually via the
            Options menu as well.

          Willow*abbreviatedFields: False
            This controls whether Willow retrieves summary and full records
            with fully expanded field names or two-letter abbreviations
            displayed. You can also set this on the fly via the Options menu.
            Probably the only use for abbreviated fields is for downloading
            results into your own personal database (such as Reference

          Willow*animationDelay : 200
            How many milliseconds Willow waits between each frame of animation
            (i.e. the spinning globe). If it is set to 0, animation is turned off.


          Meta<Key>osfDelete: kill-previous-word()\n\
          Alt<Key>osfDelete:  kill-previous-word()\n\
          Ctrl<Key>D:         delete-next-character() \n\
          Meta<Key>D:         kill-next-word() \n\
          Alt<Key>D:          kill-next-word() \n\
          Ctrl<Key>K:         kill-to-end-of-line() \n\
          Ctrl<Key>U:         kill-to-start-of-line() kill-to-end-of-line() \n\
          Ctrl<Key>W:         kill-selection() \n\
          Ctrl<Key>Y:         unkill() \n\
          Ctrl<Key>F:         forward-character() \n\
          Ctrl<Key>B:         backward-character() \n\
          Ctrl<Key>A:         beginning-of-line() \n\
          Ctrl<Key>E:         end-of-line() \n\
          Meta<Key>F:         forward-word() \n\
          Alt<Key>F:          forward-word() \n\
          Meta<Key>B:         backward-word() \n\
          Alt<Key>B:          backward-word() \n\
            The textTranslations resource defines the keyboard shortcuts that
            are available for editing text in any of Willow's type-in areas.
            The default setup, shown above, is modeled after the standard
            bindings for the emacs text editor. See the Open Software
            Foundation's Motif documentation for information on the available
            action procedures (the section on XmText).

            Fonts are controlled by three resources: textFont is the font used
            in all text display and entry areas; buttonFont is used on all
            pushbuttons; and defaultFont is used everywhere else. The default
            values for these resources depend on what size you are running at.
            Following are the default values for the three resources at large

          Willow*textFont:    -adobe-courier-medium-r*140-75*
          Willow*buttonFont:  -adobe-helvetica-bold-r*140-75*
          Willow*defaultFont: -adobe-helvetica-bold-r*140-75*
            Note that Willow purposely defaults to using 75dpi fonts. This
            guarantees a correct screen layout. Please be very careful about
            changing these font resources. If you have a 100dpi screen, you are
            better off running Willow in extra-large mode than switching to
            100dpi fonts.

          Willow*noBasicMode: False
            If this resource is set to True, Willow will never go into Basic
            Searching mode by itself. However the "Go To Basic Searching"
            button will still be available for appropriate databases.

          Willow*printDialog: True
            If this resource is set to False, Willow will not pop up the
            "Printing..." dialog box after you press the "Print" button. This
            can be useful if you have set Willow*printCommand to be an X
            program with its own interface that pops up.

          Willow*echo: False
            If this resource is set to True, all interactions with the database
            host are echoed to stderr.

          Willow*size: custom
            Setting the value of the size resource to custom requires that you set
            several other resources as well. Following is an example.

            You need to set dimensions and positions for each of the four main
            program windows.
          Willow*Search.geometry:       580x365+0+1
          Willow*Summaries.geometry:    880x500+0-0
          Willow*List Browser.geometry: 625x375+130+380
          Willow*Full-Record.geometry:  750x700-0+1
            And the position of the Help window
          Willow*HelpShell.geometry:    +70+70

            Next, you need to set the following resources which control how closely
            spaced the various user-interface components are.

          Willow*XmForm*verticalSpacing: 4
          Willow*XmForm*horizontalSpacing: 5
            Vertical and horizontal pixel spacing between items in the four
            main Willow windows.

          Willow*XmDialogShell*XmForm*verticalSpacing: 8
          Willow*XmDialogShell*XmForm*horizontalSpacing: 5
            Vertical and horizontal pixel spacing between items in all Willow
            pop-up dialog boxes.

          Willow*Search*search_box*XmRowColumn.topOffset: 7
           Vertical pixel spacing between the field-labels on the Search window.

           Finally, you need to make sure that all three of the font resources
           discussed above are explicitly set.

            This resource is used for pre-setting which fields you would like
            to appear in your retrieved full-records for the available
            databases. Note that currently only the "uwbrs" driver supports
            custom fields, so this resource will not be usable for Z39.50

            The value of the resource consists of individual lines containing a
            database identifier, colon, then a comma separated list of field
            abbreviations. The following example would cause full records
            retrieved in UW Medline to contain only Abstract, Title, and
            Author, and full records in UW Books In Print to contain only
            Title, Author, and ISBN --

            The database identifier can be found for the current database by
            looking under "About this database" in Willow's File menu, and the
            field name abbreviations can be found by setting Abbreviated Fields
            in the Options menu Record Retrieval dialog, then retrieving a

            This resource can be used to pre-set answers to questions from the
            database, most often user-id and/or password for databases that
            require a manual login. The value of the resource consists of
            individual lines containing a database identifier, colon, question
            identifier, colon, and the value. For example, suppose you have two
            databases in your Database menu which require a user-id and
            password, and the databases are identified by "DB-1" and
            "DB-2". You could set the resource as follows --
            The values to use for the database identifier and the question
            identifier are displayed in the dialog box title when Willow asks
            you the question. Note that it might not be a good idea to put real
            passwords into your .Xdefaults file.

          Willow interface and BRS database driver program by Matt
          Freedman (mattf@cac.washington.edu), University of
          Washington Computing & Communications. Help sub-system by
          Jim Fox (fox@cac.washington.edu), UW Computing &

          Z39.50 driver program by Bill Cattey (wdc@athena.mit.edu),
          Massachusetts Institute of Technology Information Systems.
          Based Z39.50 API by Harold Finkbeiner
          (harold@forsythe.stanford.edu) Stanford University Data

Contributed by
Ronald Joe Record (rr@sco.com)
Obtained from
Anonymous ftp from ftp.cac.washington.edu
SkunkWare 5.0 1995