

VtList -- create list widget with or without scrollbar, return widget name


VtList object_name [options]


Creates a List object. (Note that the list object may exist with or without scrollbars; see the -scrollBar option for details.) Returns the List widget name.


-autoSelect boolean (CS)
In character mode, combining this option with -selection BROWSE will automatically select each item as the user arrows down the list. The default is False.

In graphical mode, combining this option with -selection BROWSE will cause three callbacks to happen when the mouse is pressed over one item and dragged to the next item (2 from the first item, when selecting and deselecting, and one from the second). Consequently, this option is normally only used in character mode, (that is, passed as CHARM_autoSelect).

-callback cmd (C)
Sets the callback cmd to call when you select items in the list (by pressing <Space> or <Enter>, or a single mouse click).

Additional callback keys:

List of items selected

-columns integer (CS)
In the graphical environment this makes the width of the object integer average character width wide. See the -columnWidth option of VtSetAppValues(VTCL). In character mode this makes the object integer -2 characters wide (because the boundary line characters are included in the width).

-defaultCallback cmd (C)
Callback to handle double click events (in graphical mode) or when <Enter> is pressed on a list item (character mode).

Additional callback keys:

List of items selected)

List of items selected

-itemList list (C)
Sets a list of items for the List object.

The selection methods are as follows:

(Chosen by default.) An item in the list is always selected. Users cannot deselect an item; they can only select a different one. A solid line shows around the last selected item.

Simple select and deselect is permitted. Only one item can be selected at a time. A dashed line surrounds the last selected (or deselected) item.

An item is always selected, and surrounded by a solid line. Drag select (pressing the mouse button with the pointer over the desired items) extends the selection to cover additional objects. Multiple non-contiguous objects can be selected using <Ctrl> mouse-click. <Shift>left-mouse-button selects all the items between the current item and the last item selected. The -callback is invoked when the mouse button is released.

Any number of items can be selected or deselected. A dashed line surrounds the last selected or deselected items. Drag selection is not available, but non-contiguous selection is direct (that is, selecting additional items does not deselect previous items). The -callback is invoked when each item is selected.

-rows integer (CS)
Sets the number of character rows displayed in an object to integer.

-scrollBar boolean (CS)
If this option is set to false, a vertical scrollbar is displayed only when the number of items in the List exceeds the number of visible items. If set to true, a vertical scrollbar is always displayed. The default is false.

Note that to get a horizontal scrollbar to appear, the option -width or -columns must be set. Otherwise the widget will grow as needed and scrollbars will only appear when the list exceeds the available area.

-topItemPosition integer (CSG)
Sets the position of the item that is at the top of the list.

See also