

VtDrawnListSetItemValues -- sets values of item in drawn list given specified options


VtDrawnListSetItemValues drawnlist_widgetName [options]


Given an item in a DrawnList (via position or field option), sets the options passed in. Currently, -overrideFont and -itemBorder are the only options available to set. These options only work in the graphical environment.


-field column matchStr (NA)
Specify a match string for a column of data in the DrawnList.

The value of matchStr is compared to each field in the named column, and the appropriate records are matched. For example, if your list contains:

{0 1 "String one"}
{0 1 "String two"}  
{0 1 "String three"}
specifying -field 2 "String one" would match item 1.

Used to set a border around a DrawnList item. This option only applies to the graphical environment.

-overrideFont string (CS)
Sets the font of a DrawnList item to one of the symbolic font names defined in the SCO Visual Tcl application resource file. This option only applies to the graphical environment.

-position integer (NA)
Sets the position of the item to set the value of. (The base position is 1. To indicate the last item on the list, use 0.)