

VtDrawnListDeleteItem -- delete an item from a drawn list


VtDrawnListDeleteItem drawnlist_widgetName [options]


Deletes an item from a DrawnList. It is an error if the position or the field options do not match something in the list.


-all (NA)
Specify the entire list.

-field column matchStr (NA)
Delete the item whose field column matches the string matchStr. For example, if your list contains:
{0 1 "String one"}
{0 1 "String two"}  
{0 1 "String three"}
specifying -field 2 "String one" would match item 1.

-position integer (NA)
Specify a list item by position. (The base position is 1. To indicate the last item on the list, use 0.)

-positionList integer_list (NA)
Specify a list of items to delete by position.