

VtComboBox -- create a ComboBox widget and return widget name


VtComboBox object_name [options]


Creates a ComboBox widget. Returns the widget name.


-callback cmd (C)
Specifies the callback cmd. This is called when one of two conditions occurs:

The value changed and the widget lost focus.

The <Enter> keypress was received in the ComboBox text.

Additional callback keys:

value in text field of the ComboBox.

-columns integer (CS)
Make the object integer columns wide. This means that integer characters are shown. In the graphical environment this will make the width of the object integer * MaxCharwidth wide (where MaxCharwidth is the width of the largest character in the current character set).

-dropListCallback cmd
Sets the callback cmd, called when the droplist on the ComboBox is opened.

Additional callback keys:

value in text field of ComboBox

-itemList list (C)
Sets a list of items for the ComboBox object.

-rows integer (CS)
Makes the object display integer rows of text. If there are more than integer rows, the object will provide a vertical scrollbar (to permit scrolling over the entire list). If there are less than integer rows, only that number of items will be shown. (The default value for integer is 6.)

-value string (CS)
Sets the string to put in the text field in the ComboBox.

-valueChangedCallback cmd (CS)
Sets the callback cmd called after text is deleted from or inserted into the widget.

Additional callback keys:

value in text field of the ComboBox

See also