SCO Visual Tcl Reference Guide
Chapter 3, SCO Visual Tcl - graphical scripting language

Chapter 3

Chapter 3<P> SCO Visual Tcl - graphical scripting language SCO Visual Tcl - graphical scripting language

SCO Visual Tcl provides a high-level graphical scripting language for both character and graphical terminals. The SCO Visual Tcl system interprets the scripting language commands and calls appropriate low-level display functions. The graphical output is constructed through OSF/Motif, and the character output is rendered through curses. Using this scripting language allows construction of sophisticated graphical applications without the complexity of directly using OSF/Motif or curses.

SCO Visual Tcl is an extension to the Tcl scripting language. This document covers only the graphical SCO Visual Tcl commands that augment Tcl. See Chapter 1, ``Tcl - tool command language'' and Chapter 2, ``TclX - the Extended Tcl language'' for a detailed description of the non-graphical scripting elements.

This chapter describes: