SCO Visual Tcl Reference Guide
Chapter 1, Tcl - tool command language

Global variables defined in the Tcl library

Global variables defined in the Tcl library

These global variables are defined or used by the procedures in the Tcl library:

Used by auto_execok to record information about whether particular commands exist as executable files.

Used by auto_load to save the index information read from disk.

If set to any value, then unknown will not attempt to auto-exec any commands.

If set to any value, then unknown will not attempt to auto-load any commands.

If set, then it must contain a valid Tcl list giving directories to search during auto-load operations.

If set, then it specifies the location of the directory containing library scripts (the value of this variable will be returned by the command info library). If this variable is not set then a default value is used.

If set, then it must contain a valid Tcl list giving directories to search during auto-load operations. This variable is only used if auto_path is not defined.

This variable is set by unknown to indicate that it is active. It is used to detect errors where unknown recurses on itself infinitely. The variable is unset before unknown returns.