cc - CONVEX C compiler


     cc [option ...] file ... [-link loader_option ...]


     cc is the CONVEX C compiler.  It accepts several types of

          Filenames whose names end with ".c" or ".C" must be C
          source programs.  They are compiled and each object
          program is placed in a file in the current directory
          with the same root name as the source filename and a
          suffix of ".o".  For example, compiling /x/y/z.c will
          place the object code in ./z.o.

          Filenames which end with ".s" must be assembly source
          programs and are assembled, producing a ".o" file.

          Other files can be object files or libraries; they are
          passed to ld to be linked together with the objects
          from all compilations and assemblies.  If a single
          source file is compiled and loaded by a cc command, the
          ".o" file is deleted.


     The CONVEX C compiler operates in one of four compatibility

     -ext This mode provides an extended implementation of ANSI C
          and an ANSI C and POSIX compatible library system.
          This is the default.

     -std This option causes the compiler to operate as an ANSI C
          conforming compiler. Certain extensions, notably the
          long long type, are not available in this mode.  When
          linking occurs in this mode an ANSI C and POSIX P1003.1
          conforming library system is used; many of the exten-
          sions provided by the default library system are not

     -str This option causes the compiler to operate as an ANSI C
          conforming compiler and to attempt to detect features
          of the program which cause it not to conform to ANSI
          Standard C.  When linking occurs in this mode, only the
          functions defined by ANSI Standard C are available.

     -pcc Forces language and library interpretation based on the
          original Kernighan and Ritchie definition, the Common C
          Compiler, and other traditional operating systems.
          This mode is compatible with CONVEX C V3.0 and other C
          compilers previously shipped by CONVEX.

     These options are interpreted before all others, regardless
     of their position on the command line.


     There are two versions of the C compiler available: one that
     is capable of only scalar optimizations and another that can
     perform scalar, vector, and parallel optimizations. The
     former is available on all CONVEX computer systems, while
     the latter is an optional product available only to licensed
     sites. You can determine which product you have by attempt-
     ing to compile a program with the -O2 option. An error mes-
     sage will be generated if you do not have the fully optimiz-
     ing version.

     -alias standard

     -alias cautious

     -alias worst
          The -alias option affects the assumptions the compiler
          makes regarding overlapping of variables, particularly
          when referenced by a pointer.  standard causes the com-
          piler to assume the program obeys the ANSI C standard.
          worst causes the compiler to do worst case alias
          analysis; it assumes that a pointer may reference any
          piece of memory other than an auto variable whose
          address has never been taken.  cautious causes the com-
          piler to behave as it does for standard except when
          casts between pointer types are seen.  In that case it
          behaves like worst.

          Incorrect code may be generated if the implied condi-
          tions do not hold.

          When the -pcc flag is provided, worst is the default,
          otherwise, the default is cautious.

     -alias array_args
          Assume that formal array parameters do not overlap each
          other or any external variable that is used in the
          function (unless all uses are read-only).  Incorrect
          code will be generated if this assumption is not true.
          This conflicts with the language definition, but may
          allow greater optimization, particularly vectorization,
          to occur.

          This option may not be used if the formal parameter
          itself is assigned by the function (e.g., formalParame-
          ter = &x[10]); assignments may be made to the elements
          of the formal (e.g., formalParameter[10] = x[10]).

     -alias ptr_args
          Assume that the variables identified by formal pointer
          parameters do not overlap each other or any external
          variable that is used in the function (unless all uses
          are read-only).  Incorrect code will be generated if
          this assumption is not true.  This conflicts with the
          language definition, but may allow greater optimiza-
          tion, particularly vectorization, to occur.

          This option may not be used if the formal parameter
          itself is assigned by the function (e.g., formalParame-
          ter = &x[10]); assignments may be made to the elements
          of the formal (e.g., formalParameter[10] = x[10]).

     -alias restrict_args
          This option tells the compiler to treat the code as
          though a restrict qualifier was applied to each pointer
          parameter. The restrict qualifier tells the compiler
          that a pointer provides exclusive access to the data
          object at a given memory location. When you use the
          restrict qualifier, you must access the object pointed
          to by a restrict pointer only through that pointer. If
          you reference the object by some other means, the com-
          piler may incorrectly optimize code as a result.

     -ds  Causes the compiler to perform dynamic selection on
          loops selected by the compiler on the basis of profita-
          bility.  Multiple copies of the loop running sequen-
          tial, vector or parallel modes are generated; the
          optimal version gets executed based on the trip count
          of the loop.  This option is only effective at optimi-
          zation level -O2 and -O3.

     -ep n
          Specifies the expected number of processors that will
          execute the program.  Optimizes single-program perfor-
          mance at the expense of overall system throughput. The
          n argument must be within the range of 1 and maximum
          number of processors available on the target machine
          architecture.  This option is ignored if paralleliza-
          tion is not requested.

     -except precise

     -except default
          The -except options concern the treatment of arithmetic
          exceptions generated within functions. The command line
          options are -except precise and -except default.

          The -except precise option generates code that ensures
          that any arithmetic exceptions generated within func-
          tions before the return will be received by the pro-
          gram. Without -except precise, there is a small possi-
          bility that the location of an arithmetic exception
          might be reported incorrectly or lost.

          The code generated under -except precise is specific to
          the target architecture for which you are compiling and
          is only guaranteed to work for that architecture. The
          target architecture is determined by the -tm option,
          or, in absence of -tm, defaults to the machine on which
          you are compiling.

          Use -except precise only when absolutely necessary as
          it causes additional instructions to be inserted before
          every return, and this will degrade performance.

          -except default cancels the effects of -except precise.
          This is provided mainly for overriding an -except pre-
          cise supplied in the CCOPTIONS environment variable.

     -no  No machine-independent optimization is performed; this
          is the default but can be overridden by the -O options.

          Disallows loop boundary value peeling, which is turned
          on by default at optimization levels -O2 and -O3. Refer
          to -peel and -peelall below. Refer also so the subsec-
          tion, ``Loop Boundary Value Peeling,'' below.

          Disallows test promotion, which is turned on by default
          at optimization levels -O2 and -O3. Refer to -ptst and
          -ptstall below. Refer also to the subsection, ``Test
          Promotion,'' below.

          Disable procedural pointer tracking. Pointer tracking
          reduces aliasing on pointers by keeping track of the
          possible objects that each pointer could reference.

          Pointer tracking is performed at optimization levels
          -O1 and above.

     -On  Performs machine-independent optimizations, level n,
          n=0 selects basic block scalar optimization;
          n=1 selects -O0 plus function-wide scalar optimization;
          n=2 selects -O1 plus vectorization;
          n=3 selects -O2 plus parallelization.

          Causes removal of the first and/or last iterations of a
          loop when doing so removes conditional tests from the
          loop. This is typically possible when the loop contains
          a test that always evaluates to zero or a nonzero value
          for the first and/or last iteration. By default, the
          compiler peels boundary values and expands code up to a
          limit. With the -peel option, this limit is increased
          and code expansion may become significant. The -peel
          option works only with the -O2 and -O3 options. Refer
          to the subsection, ``Loop Boundary Value Peeling,'' for
          more information.

          Same as -peel, but allows code expansion without bound.
          For code containing large numbers of boundary value
          operations, this can increase the size of the code
          enough to flag compile-time errors. The -peelall option
          works only with the -O2 and -O3 options. Refer to the
          subsection, ``Loop Boundary Value Peeling,'' for more

          Causes a test to be promoted out of the loop that
          encloses it by replicating the containing loop for each
          branch of the test. By default, the compiler will
          replicate code up to a limit. With the -ptst option,
          this limit is increased and code expansion may become
          significant. The -ptst option works only with the -O2
          and -O3 options. Refer to the subsection, ``Test Promo-
          tion,'' for more information.

          Same as -ptst, but allows code replication without
          bound. For loops containing large numbers of tests,
          this can increase the size of the code beyond the capa-
          bilities of the compiler enough to flag compile-time
          errors. The -ptstall option works only with the -O2 and
          -O3 options. Refer to the subsection, ``Test Promo-
          tion,'' for more information.

     -rl  This option is equivalent to -ds -ur.  It is only
          effective with options -O2 and -O3.

     -uo  Performs potentially unsafe optimizations, i.e., may
          move the evaluation of common subexpressions and/or
          invariant code from within conditionally executed code.
          The code is then executed unconditionally.

     -ur  Causes the compiler to perform loop unrolling on loops
          selected by the compiler on the basis of profitability.
          This option is only effective at optimization levels
          -O2 and -O3.

     -va  A synonym for -alias array_args.

     Loop Boundary Value Peeling

     Test-loop optimizations modify loops containing tests to
     improve vector performance. Tests can be promoted out of the
     loops or completely eliminated.  By minimizing the number of
     tests within a loop, the compiler reduces the number of
     masked vector instructions that must be executed, thereby
     improving performance.

     One type of test-loop optimization is loop boundary value
     peeling. This involves removing the first and/or last itera-
     tions of a loop when doing so removes conditional tests from
     the loop. This is typically possible when the loop contains
     a test condition for the first and/or last iteration.

     For example:

     Original Loop:
          for( i=0; i<100; i++ )
            if( i == 0 ){
              a[i] = b[i];
            } else if( i == 99 ){
              a[i] = c[i];
            } else {
              a[i] = -a[i];

     Peeled Loop:
          a[0] = b[0];
          for( i=1; i<98; i++ )
            a[i] = -a[i];
          a[99] = c[99];

     In the above example, the compiler automatically peels off
     the first and last tests and rewrites the loop to cover the
     remaining indices.

     In some cases, boundary value peeling requires relocating
     large amounts of code and can greatly increase the size of
     the executable file. By default, the compiler peels boundary
     values and expands the code up to a limit; you can increase
     this limit by using the -peel option. You can allow the com-
     piler to expand code without bound by using the -peelall
     option. In codes containing large numbers of boundary value
     operations, allowing code expansion without bound can
     greatly lengthen compile time and can increase the size of
     the code enough to flag compile-time errors under certain

     Boundary value peeling can be shut off completely with the
     -nopeel option.

     NOTE. Loop boundary value peeling is not performed on loops
     with no tests on boundary values. In other words, the com-
     piler will not try to peel unpeelable loops.

     Test Promotion

     A second type of test-loop optimization is test promotion.
     This involves promoting a test out of the loop that encloses
     it by replicating the containing loop, or loops, for each
     branch of the test. The replicated loops contain fewer tests
     than the originals (or no tests at all), so they execute
     much faster. Multiple tests can be promoted, with loop
     replications made for each.  For example:

     Original Loop:
          for( i=0; i<100; i++ )
            if( val )
              a[i] = b[i];
              a[i] = c[i];

     Promoted Test:
          if( val )
            for( i=0; i<100; i++ )
              a[i] = b[i];
            for( i=0; i<100; i++ )
              a[i] = c[i];

     It is important to note that, for loops containing large
     numbers of tests, this loop replication can greatly increase
     the size of the code.

     The amount of code replication and test promotion can be
     controlled with compiler options; by default, the compiler
     promotes tests and replicates code up to a conservative
     limit. The -ptst option increases this limit and can cause a
     noticeable increase in compile time. The -ptstall option
     promotes all tests regardless of code replication. This may
     cause a large increase in compile time and can increase the
     size of the code enough to flag compile-time errors. The
     -noptst option shuts test promotion off.


     -asm This flag is silently ignored; it is no longer

     -c   Do not run the linker.  The object module generated
          from x.c or x.s is left in x.o.

     -compat rrf=stack

     -compat rrf=old
          The -compat option controls backward compatibility
          options.  The rrf= selection controls the return
          mechanism used by record returning functions. Records
          are either structures or unions.  In the old method,
          the default, the called function allocates memory for
          the record that is being returned. In the stack method,
          the calling function allocates memory for the record
          that is being returned. The two methods are not compa-
          tible with each other.  The old method can produce
          incorrect results in some circumstances.  You can use
          the -d record_fn_defn=w and -d record_fn_call=w diag-
          nostic message control options to identify program con-
          structs that are affected by this change.

     -extern distinct

     -extern same
          The -extern option may be used to control the interpre-
          tation of a program in which different files declare an
          uninitialized variable (e.g., "int i;") at file scope.
          When same is used both files refer to the same vari-
          able.  This is the default in all modes, is traditional
          on BSD Systems and is a conforming extension to Stan-
          dard C.  When distinct is used the files refer to dis-
          tinct variables; this results in a multiply defined
          symbol being detected by the linker.  This is the
          definition provided by the ANSI C standard.

     -fd  A synonym for -float sp_ops, described below.

     -fi  Translate floating-point constants to IEEE format and
          perform floating-point operations in IEEE mode.  This
          option requires that the machine be equipped with IEEE
          floating-point hardware.  If no floating-point format
          is specified, the site default is used.  Arithmetic
          performed under this option does not conform to the
          IEEE standard.

     -float sp_ops

     -float dp_ops

     -float sp_const

     -float dp_const
          These options control the floating-point system used by
          the compiler.  sp_ops and dp_ops control the precision
          of the operations performed on float operands.  When
          sp_ops is specified, 32 bit operations are performed.
          When dp_ops is specified, the float operands are con-
          verted to double and 64 bit operations are performed.
          sp_ops generally causes programs using float variables
          to run faster but some accuracy may be lost.

          sp_const and dp_const control the representation of
          unsuffixed floating-point constants (which are normally
          represented in double precision).  sp_const causes
          these constants to be represented in single precision.
          Some loss of accuracy may result.  dp_const explicitly
          invokes the default.

          Use of sp_ops is more effective when combined with
          sp_const since expressions like x == 0.0 are performed
          in double precision when only sp_ops is specified.

          sp_ops is the default in all but -pcc mode.

          dp_const is the default in all modes.

     -fn  Translate floating-point constants to native CONVEX
          format and perform floating-point operations in native
          mode.  If no floating-point format is specified, the
          site default is used.

     -mi  n
          Specifies the expected memory interleave on the target
          machine.  n is an integer representing the expected
          memory interleave.  When this option does not appear,
          the interleave of the machine the compiler is running
          on is used.  You can use the getsysinfo command to
          determine the memory interleave on a machine.

     -parens ignore

     -parens explicit

     -parens implicit
          Toggle the manner in which parentheses and the ANSI C
          grammar are used to determine the order of evaluation
          of expressions.

          The value ignore gives the compiler freedom to re-order
          expressions; even explicit parentheses are ignored.
          This is the default in -pcc and -ext modes and is the
          traditional method used in C.

          The value explicit tells the compiler to honor explicit
          parentheses but ignore ordering implied by the grammar
          and associativity rules.  This is similar to the rules
          used by Fortran and many other languages.

          The value implicit tells the compiler that explicit
          parentheses and ordering implied by the grammar and
          associativity rules should be honored.  This means that
          a+b+c must be evaluated in the order implied by
          (a+b)+c.  This is the default in -std and -str modes.

          These rules apply only to floating-point expressions;
          operations on other types are always subject to re-

     -re  Specifies that the compiler generate re-entrant code by
          generating both a scalar and a parallel version of
          parallel loops.  The default, at optimization level
          -O3, is to generate non-reentrant code for functions
          with parallel regions.  This option has no effect on
          functions without parallel code; it should be used to
          compile a function for which the compiler generates
          parallel code, if you wish to call that function from a
          parallel region.  It is always safe to use -re; the
          text segment will be unnecessarily large if -re is used
          when it is not required.

     -S   Generates symbolic assembly code for each program unit
          in a source file.  Assembler output for a source file
          x.c is put on file x.s; no object file is generated.
          The default is to write only an object file.

     -sc  Instructs the compiler to check the program for compi-
          lation and syntax errors.  No optimization, vectoriza-
          tion, or code generation is performed.

     -string read_write
          String constants are stored in the data segment and may
          be modified.  This is the default when -pcc is speci-

     -string read_only
          String constants are stored in the text segment and may
          not be modified.  This option increases the sharability
          of a program when multiple copies of it are running at
          once.  This is the default if -pcc is not specified.

     -tm x
          Specifies the target machine architecture. The values
          for x are:
                    Executable code runs on a CONVEX C100 Series

                    Executable code runs on a CONVEX C200 Series

                    Executable code runs on a CONVEX C3200 Series
                    computer, or on a CONVEX C200 Series computer
                    that is equipped with scalar accelerator
                    hardware. Use the getsysinfo command to
                    determine whether your C2 computer has this

                    Executable code runs on a CONVEX C3400 Series

                    Executable code runs on a CONVEX C3400-ES
                    Series computer.

                    Executable code runs on a CONVEX C3800 Series

                    The default value is the type of machine the
                    compiler is running on.  When invoking the
                    linker machine dependent versions of some
                    libraries are used.


          Produces  additional information for use by CXdb, the
          CONVEX visual debugger. No additional information is
          generated if the source file contains asm statements or
          if the -S or -pb command line options are used.  This
          flag can be used with all levels of optimization, but
          unless the -no option (NO optimization) is specified,
          there may be source statements for which no debugging
          information is generated for CXdb.  When this option is
          included on the command line, a subdirectory called
          .CXdb is created that contains auxiliary information.
          Refer to CONVEX CXdb User's Guide for more information.
          CXdb is an optional product.

     -db  Produces additional information for use by the symbolic
          debugger, csd, and the post-mortem dump utility (pmd).
          It also passes the -lg flag to the loader. This flag
          can be used with all levels of optimization, but unless
          the -no option (NO optimization) is specified, there
          may be source statements for which no debugging infor-
          mation is generated for csd.  Information about vari-
          ables declared in the inner blocks of functions is pro-
          duced only at level -no.

          Produces commonly used software source metrics and
          cross reference information. This information is writ-
          ten in ASCII format to a file of the source file's name
          with the extension ".met".  Refer to metrics(1) for
          additional information.  metrics is an optional pro-

     -p   Causes the compiler to produce code that counts the
          number of times each routine is called.  If loading
          takes place, replaces the standard startup routine by
          one that automatically calls monitor(3) at the start
          and arranges to write out a "mon.out" file at normal
          termination of execution of the object program.  A pro-
          filed library is searched, instead of the standard C
          library.  An execution profile can then be generated by
          use of prof(1) (optional product).

     -pa  Produces counting code for routine-level and loop-level
          profiles using the CXpa utility.  Refer to the CONVEX
          CXpa User's Guide for more information.  CXpa is an
          optional product.

     -pab Produces counting code for block-level profiles using
          the CXpa utility.  Refer to the CONVEX CXpa User's
          Guide for more information.  CXpa is an optional pro-

     -par Includes instrumentation for routine-level profiles
          using the CXpa utility.  Refer to the CONVEX CXpa
          User's Guide for more information. CXpa is an optional

     -pb  Causes the compiler to produce statement-level counting
          code that produces an execution profile named bmon.out
          at normal termination.  Listings of source-level execu-
          tion counts can then be obtained using bprof(1). bprof
          is an optional product.

     -pg  Causes the compiler to produce counting code in the
          manner of -p, but invokes a runtime recording mechanism
          that keeps more extensive statistics and produces a
          gmon.out file at normal termination.  An execution pro-
          file can then be generated by use of gprof(1) (optional


     -d name

     -d name=e

     -d name=w
          The -d option provides low level control of diagnostic
          output.  The form -d name suppresses the named message.
          The form -d name=w causes the named message to be
          reported as a warning.  The form -d name=e causes the
          named message to be reported as an error.  The message
          names are documented in the following section.

     -nv  Suppresses all vectorization summary messages
          (synonymous with -or none).

     -nw  Suppresses all warning diagnostic messages.

     -or table
          Specifies the contents of the optimization report to be
          produced; either the loop table, the array table, or
          both can be displayed.  The value for table can be
          none, all, array or loop.  If this option is not speci-
          fied, only the loop table is displayed.


     The following names can be used to control specific mes-
     sages.  The CONVEX C documentation on C compiler error mes-
     sages provides examples for most of these diagnostic

     arg_ptr_qual        Detects actual function parameters that
                         do not have the same type qualifiers as
                         those declared in the function proto-

     arg_ptr_ref         Detects actual function parameters that
                         are not the same pointer type as those
                         declared in the function prototype.

     assign_in_condition Detects assignment expressions in loca-
                         tions where conditional expressions are
                         expected, such as for statements and if

     bad_escape          The compiler encountered an unknown
                         escape sequence. Acceptable escape
                         sequences in all compatibility modes
                         are: \', \", \?, \\, \b, \f, \n, \r, \t,
                         and \v. The escape sequences \a and \x
                         are interpreted as the characters 'a'
                         and 'x', respectively, in the backward-
                         compatible mode.

     class_ignored       Indicates that an explicit storage class
                         is used to declare a struct tag, union
                         tag, enum tag, or enum member.

     const_not_init      Detects uninitialized constant vari-

     division_by_zero    Detects compile time division by zero.

     dollar_names        Detects identifiers embedded with the $

                         Detects when an escape sequence in an
                         integer constant is greater than 0xff.

     float_suffix        Detects when the floating-point suf-
                         fixes, f, F, l, or L, are used. This
                         option has no effect in the strict and
                         conforming compatibility modes.

     function_parameter  Reports when a function is used as a
                         function parameter; only function
                         pointers can be used as a function

     hidden_arg          Indicates that the parameter of a func-
                         tion is hidden by an identifier with the
                         same name declared in the outermost
                         block of that function. This diagnostic
                         affects only the backward-compatible

     hidden_extern       Indicates that a declaration using
                         extern inside a function definition
                         causes an identifier not in the block to
                         be obscured. This diagnostic affects
                         only the backward-compatible mode.

     hides_outer         Indicates that an identifier prevents
                         access to an identifier of the same name
                         in an enclosing block.

     implicit_decl       Detects when an implicit declaration is
                         used because a function has not been
                         declared previously.

     integer_overflow    Detects when an integer constant larger
                         than 64 bits is used.

     long_long_suffix    Detects when the integer literal suf-
                         fixes LL or ll are used.  These suffixes
                         are permitted only in the extended and
                         backward-compatible modes because the
                         long long data type is not available in
                         the strict and conforming compatibility

     metrics_file        Indicates that the specified metrics
                         file could not be opened.

     metrics_off         Indicates that metrics collection has
                         ceased. This occurs because the metrics
                         file could not be opened or because a
                         error was encountered in your source

     negative_to_uns     Indicates when a negative constant is
                         assigned to an unsigned type.

     no_arg_type         Checks for function arguments declared
                         without a data type.

                         Detects when no declarations are acces-
                         sible to other compilation units.

     no_newline          Indicates that a source file is not ter-
                         minated with the newline character.

     non_int_bit_field   Check for bit fields that have type
                         other than int or unsigned int.

     nothing_declared    Detects empty declarations such as int;.

                         Detects intrinsic math function calls
                         that have no effect.

                         Checks for operations that can result in
                         inefficient memory alignment.

     pp_argcount         Indicates that the number of arguments
                         in the actual argument list of a macro
                         does not match the number of arguments
                         in the formal argument list.

     pp_argsended        Indicates that an actual argument list
                         of a function-like macro does not have a
                         terminating right parenthesis.

     pp_badstr           Indicates incorrect use of #, the
                         stringizing operator that is used in
                         macro definitions.

     pp_badtp            Indicates that an invalid token paste
                         was attempted - the result of combining
                         the left and right operands of the ##
                         macro definition operator is not a valid

     pp_badtp_cmdl       Indicates that the result of combining
                         the left and right operands of the ##
                         macro definition operator on the command
                         line is illegal.

     pp_error_directive  Indicates that a #error preprocessor
                         directive has been encountered in the
                         source code.

     pp_extra            Indicates that a preprocessor directive
                         has extra arguments. One common example
                         is when the #endif directive is followed
                         by text.

     pp_idexpected       Indicates that a #ifdef or #ifndef does
                         not have a legal identifier as an argu-
                         ment, or a formal argument of a
                         function-like macro is not a legal iden-

     pp_line_range       Indicates the argument for the #line
                         preprocessor directive does not have a
                         value between 1 and 32767, inclusive.

     pp_macro_arg        Indicates that two or more formal macro
                         arguments have the same name.

                         Indicates that the replacement list for
                         a function-like macro is not the same as
                         its original definition. The preproces-
                         sor uses the most recent replacement

                         Indicates that the replacement list for
                         a function-like macro is not the same as
                         its original definition on the command
                         line. The preprocessor uses the most
                         recent replacement list.

                         Indicates that the proper syntax for a
                         preprocessor directive was not used.

     pp_old_dir          Indicates that the comment style syntax
                         for a compiler directive (pragma) was

     pp_parse            Indicates that a #if directive has an
                         invalid integer expression.

     pp_undef            Indicates that the argument of the
                         #undef directive is not permitted.

     pp_undef_cmdl       Indicates that you attempted to unde-
                         fined a macro that cannot be undefined
                         on the command line.

                         Detects a preprocessor directive that
                         the preprocessor does not recognize.

                         Detects a pragma that the compiler does
                         not recognize.

                         Indicates that the cast operator data
                         type does not provide enough space for
                         the pointer that it is retyping.

     qualified_cast      Indicates that the cast operator data
                         type is qualified (const or volatile).
                         The qualification is ignored.

     record_fn_call      Checks for function calls that are
                         affected by the new method for returning
                         structures from functions. Refer to the
                         description of the -compat option for
                         more details.

     record_fn_defn      Checks for function definitions that are
                         affected by the new method for returning
                         structures from functions. Refer to the
                         description of the -compat option for
                         more details.

     shift_too_large     Checks for constant right operands of
                         shift operands that are too large.

     short_cvt_truncates Indicates that an integral type larger
                         than a short integer is being assigned
                         to a short integer.

     skip_to_char        This diagnostic indicates that the com-
                         piler is skipping to a character to
                         recover from an error.

     skip_to_eof         This diagnostic indicates that the com-
                         piler must skip to the end of a file to
                         recover from an error.

     strict_syntax       Detects the lack of a semicolon after
                         the last member in a struct or union
                         declaration or the presence of a comma
                         after the last enumeration constant in
                         an enum declaration list.

     unsigned_suffix     Detects use of the integer literal suf-
                         fixes U or u.  This option is not effec-
                         tive with the =e setting.


     -altcc path
          This option invokes an alternate compiler driver. For
            cc -altcc /usr/lib/newcc/cc bar.c
          is equivalent to
            /usr/lib/newcc/cc bar.c.
          To invoke an alternate C compiler, it is necessary to
          specify both the driver and the components, as in:
            cc -altcc /usr/lib/newcc/cc -B/usr/lib/newcc bar.c

          Finds substitute compiler components (cocc, cpp, and
 in the directory dir.  If dir is not speci-
          fied, the standard backup version in the directory
          /usr/lib/oldcc is used instead.  For example, the com-
            cc -B/usr/new
          would invoke the compiler in
          instead of the default
          To invoke an alternate C compiler, it is necessary to
          specify both the components and the driver, as in:
            cc -B/usr/lib/newcc -altcc /usr/lib/newcc/cc bar.c

     -o name
          Specifies that name is the name of the executable file
          produced by ld.  If this option is not specified, the
          default name is a.out.  If -c was specified and there
          is only one file to compile or assemble, name is the
          name of the object module produced.

     -tl time
          Sets the maximum CPU time limit on compilations to time
          minutes.  If the CPU time exceeds the allotted time,
          the compilation is aborted.

     -vn  Identifies compiler version.


     The following options are provided for compatibility with
     compilers of other vendors.

     -g   A synonym for -db.

     -n   Ignored with a warning.

     -O   A synonym for -O1.

     -OL  A synonym for -O1.

     -V   A synonym for -vn.

     -w   A synonym for -nw


     The CONVEX C compiler invokes an internal C macro preproces-
     sor on each file and compiles the resulting text.  The fol-
     lowing options affect the preprocessing phase of transla-

     -C   Retains comments in the output.  C style comments are
          usually removed.

          Define the name (as if by #define) as def, or 1 if def
          is omitted.

     -E   Runs only the internal C preprocessor on the named C
          source files and sends the result to the standard out-
          put stream (stdout).  The source is not checked for
          errors and no object, assembly or executable code is

          Adds dir to the search list for #include files.

     -I-  The `-I-' option inhibits the use of the current direc-
          tory (where the current input file came from) as the
          first search directory for `#include'.  There is no way
          to override the effect of `-I-'

     -k   Runs the internal C preprocessor on the named C source
          files and generates a dependency description for
          make(1); results are printed out on the standard output

     -P   This option gives you preprocessed code without the
          control lines. It does not allow you to redirect the
          output; the output is placed in a file in the current
          directory with the same root name as the source
          filename and a suffix of ".i".

          Remove any initial definition of name.  Names prede-
          fined by the preprocessor are discussed below.

     The compiler passes these options directly to the internal C
     preprocessor without interpretation.  See cpp(1) for further

     If the compiler option -pcc is present it is passed to each
     invocation of the internal preprocessor.


     The following macros are predefined in the preprocessor.

          This symbol is predefined in all compatibility modes as
          1. To remain compatible with previous preprocessors,
          the ``convex'' symbol is also predefined only in the
          backward-compatible mode, but its availability may be
          discontinued in a future release of the preprocessor.


          The symbols _CONVEX_SOURCE and _POSIX_SOURCE are prede-
          fined in extended mode.  In -std mode the user will
          generally want to define the symbol _POSIX_SOURCE to
          make the POSIX symbols available in the include files.


          The symbol _CONVEX_FLOAT_ is defined when the compiler
          is operating in native float point mode, _IEEE_FLOAT_
          is defined in IEEE mode.  See the description of the
          options -fi and -fn above.

          This symbol is predefined in the extended, standard,
          and strict modes of the preprocessor. It returns the
          current date. This definition may not be removed with
          the #undef directive or the -U command line option.

          This symbol is predefined in all modes of the prepro-
          cessor. It returns the current file name. This defini-
          tion cannot be removed with the #undef directive or the
          -U command line option.

          This symbol is predefined in all modes of the prepro-
          cessor. It returns the current line number. This defin-
          ition cannot be removed with the #undef directive or
          the -U command line option.

          The symbol __STDC__ is defined as the decimal constant
          1 when either the -std or -str flags are specified.
          The definition of this symbol indicates that the com-
          piler conforms to the ANSI C Standard.  This definition
          may not be removed by the -U option or #undef.

          The symbol __stdc__ is defined as the decimal constant
          1 in all modes except the -pcc mode.  It indicates that
          the compiler is an ANSI style compiler, but not that it
          is conforming, due to CONVEX extensions.

          The symbol __NO_INLINE_MATH is defined in -str and -std
          modes to suppress recognition of macros which define
          certain library functions.  This is necessary to get
          conforming implementations of some functions which
          would otherwise not set errno in a standard conforming
          manner. Refer to intro(3m) for more details.

          This symbol is predefined in the extended, standard,
          and strict modes of the preprocessor. It returns the
          current time. This definition may not be removed with
          the #undef directive or the -U command line option.

          This symbol is always predefined as constant 1. To
          remain compatible with previous preprocessors, the
          ``unix'' symbol is also predefined only in the
          backward-compatible mode, but its availability may be
          discontinued in a future release of the preprocessor.

          This symbol is always defined.  It should be used to
          identify the compiler.  Other symbols defined by the
          internal preprocessor (see cpp(1)) identify the machine
          and operating system.

          This symbol is defined in -pcc mode.  Its use is
          obsolescent; the symbol __convexc__ should be used

     The internal preprocessor defines a number of symbols as
     well; see cpp(1) for a discussion of these symbols.

     Other names beginning with "__" or _[A-Z] may be predefined
     by cc.  Such names are reserved to CONVEX; their usage or
     availability may change in subsequent releases.  Applica-
     tions should not depend on the presence or absence of such
     names except as defined above.


     A number of compiler options impact the manner in which cc
     invokes the loader.  Options for the loader may also be
     specified directly by the user.  CONVEX recommends always
     using the appropriate compiler to invoke the loader rather
     than invoking it directly.  This will insulate the program
     from changes in library structure when new compiler releases
     are installed.

     The compiler always passes the flags -X, -NL, and -L/usr/lib
     to the loader.  The compiler flags -fi and -fn are passed to
     the loader (in addition to the effects they have on the com-
     piler).  The compiler option -o causes a similar -o option
     to be passed to ld.  -Eposix is passed to the loader except
     when -pcc is given, in which case -Enoposix is passed.

     The compiler compatibility mode controls the libraries
     searched by the loader; this is normally accomplished by
     passing one or more -l options to the loader.
     The following options, when present on the cc command line
     are passed to ld(1):
          -D -E -F -L -M -T -X -d -e -l -m -r -s -t -u -x -y

     See the CONVEX Compiler Utilities User's Guide for their
     meaning and use.  The -l option must be specified after all
     object files on the cc command line to be effective.  Loader
     options which require a value (e.g., -L and -E) must be
     written with no spaces between the flag and value (e.,g.,
     -L/mydir) when passed through cc.

     The -link option causes  the following argument to be passed
     to ld.  If the following argument does not start with - or
     starts with -l the argument is added to the loader's file
     list, otherwise it is added to the loader's flag list.  For
     example, -link -v3.2.8.5 -link -link passes the flag
     -v3.2.8.5 to the loader causing it to set the version number
     of the executable, and passes -link in the file list causing
     the loader to search the library libink.a.


     When invoked without the -pcc flag CONVEX C generates object
     files that are not compatible with object files created by
     compilers prior to CONVEX C V4.1.

     When invoked with the -pcc flag, object files created by
     previous C compilers can be linked with those created by the
     CONVEX C; the -pcc flag must be used when linking the
     objects and you must use the CONVEX C compiler to perform
     the link step.

     Object files created by any mode of CONVEX C can be mixed
     with object files created by any other mode of CONVEX C.

     Object files created by CONVEX C should not be linked using
     other C compilers.


     The CONVEX C compiler prepends the value of the environment
     variable CCOPTIONS (if it is set) to each command line so
     that options need not be specified every time cc is invoked.
     For example,
          setenv CCOPTIONS '-O2'
     causes all compilations to be done at -O2 and
          setenv CCOPTIONS '-pcc'
     causes all compilations to be done in backwards compatible
     The preprocessor /lib/cpp has a similar variable CPPOPTIONS
     that can be used to affect its behavior.  However, CPPOP-
     TIONS does not have any effect when the compiler invokes its
     internal C preprocessor.


     file.c                        C language input file
     file.o                        object code output file
     file.met                      metrics output file
     a.out                         executable output file
     .CXdb                         subdirectory containing files
                                   generated for cxdb
     /tmp/cocc*                    temporary file
     /lib/cpp                      standalone preprocessor -
                                   compatible with traditional C
     /usr/lib/cc/cpp               standalone preprocessor -
                                   CONVEX preprocessor
     /usr/lib/cc/cocc              compiler
     /usr/lib/cc/         compiler error message text
     /bin/cc                       compiler control program
     /usr/lib/crt/crt0.o           runtime start off
     /usr/lib/crt/mcrt0.o          startup routine for prof
     /usr/lib/crt/gcrt0.o          startup routine for gprof
     /usr/lib/crt/bcrt0.o          startup routine for bprof
     /usr/lib/libbint.a            Cray-compatible bit intrinsics
     /usr/lib/libc_old.a           backward mode library
     /usr/lib/libc.a               extended mode library
     /usr/lib/libp1.a              standard mode library
     /usr/lib/libansic.a           strictly conforming mode
     /usr/lib/libC1.a              C1 machine dependent library
     /usr/lib/libC2.a              C2 machine dependent library
     /usr/lib/libC1_old.a          backward compatible C1 machine
                                   dependent library
     /usr/lib/libC2_old.a          backward compatible C2 machine
                                   dependent library
     /usr/include                  standard directory for
                                   "#include" files
     /lib/bscan                    optional bprof scanner
     mon.out                       file produced for analysis by
     gmon.out                      file produced for analysis by
     bmon.out                      file produced for analysis by
     Each library has a profiled version whose name is formed by
     by inserting _p before the .a.


     See the CONVEX C release notes in /usr/doc for a description
     of known bugs causing wrong answers.


     adb(1), as(1), cpp(1), csd(1)(optional product),
     cxdb(1)(optional product), gprof(1)(optional product),
     ld(1), prof(1)(optional product), bprof(1)(optional pro-
     duct), metrics(1)(optional product), monitor(3), a.out(5)

     CONVEX C Guide
     CONVEX C Optimization Guide
     CONVEX C Quick Reference
     CONVEX Compiler Utilities User's Guide
     B. W. Kernighan and D. M. Ritchie, The C Programming
     Language, Second Edition, Prentice-Hall, 1988
     B. W. Kernighan and D. M. Ritchie, The C Programming
     Language, Prentice-Hall, 1978
     B. W. Kernighan, Programming in C-a tutorial


     The CONVEX C Guide provides detailed information regarding
     error messages produced by the compiler.

     A successful compilation is indicated by returning status 0.

     Occasional messages may be produced by the assembler or