GlimpseHTTP Archive Manager

Archive Manager is a program to facilitate searchable archive indexing.
Archive manager keeps track of various resources associated with an archive, and facilitates indexing (both Glimpse indexing and automatic directory overview generation).

"Archive" is our name for a file hierarchy, indexed by the Glimpse indexing tool (glimpseindex). If the archive is to be searched by the Mosaic server gateway, it has to be in a server document space (accessible from DocumentRoot of your server - see your HTTP server documentation. Symbolic links are often used to incorparate the directory into the document space).

Associated with an archive are the following resources:

  1. Disk path - location of the archive on the disk.
  2. URL path - top archive directory location relative to DocumentRoot.
  3. Archive title - appears as archive HTML top page title.
  4. Search script ID - unique ID which identifies particular archive for the search program. Normally, you shouldn't worry about this field at all.
  5. Archive server - URL address of your server. You may operate several servers on the same host, and single archive manager can be used to control archive resources on for all of the servers. (Archives on different servers will be distinguished by your URL address).
  6. File per block flag. This flag when set to "yes" tells GlimpseHTTP to build bigger index for faster search. (Speedup is about 2-5 times, and the index is about 10-15% of the text. See Glimpse documentation for further details). Default is "yes".
  7. Number indexing flag. Set to "yes" if you want to index the numbers in the text. Index can be much bigger, but you can search for numbers quickly. Usually it's not used, and the default is "no".
Archive Manager Operations
List available archives and their resources.
Edit resources corresponding to a given archive.
Adds new archives and enters Edit mode in it.
Delete archive and its resource specifications.
Produce directory overview and Glimpse Index for a given archive. See Indexing Notes for additional information about this option.
Prints this file.
Quits archive manager and saves resources in a configuration file.

Paul Klark