
          xms - X MandelSpawn, a network Mandelbrot program for X11

          xms [ -iterations n ] [ -colours n ] [ -wrap ] [ -spectrum
          colour-colour- ... -colour ] [ -greyscale ] [ -center ] [
          -nocenter ] [ -cursor cursor ] [ -x coord ] [ -y coord ] [
          -range r ] [ -julia ]

          Xms is a program for interactive display of the Mandelbrot
          and Julia sets under the X window system. You can select an
          area of interest using the mouse and zoom in on it either in
          the same window or by popping up a new window.

          Xms relies on "computation server" processes (see
          mslaved(8)) running on one or more machines to do the actual

          Make sure you have started one or more computation servers
          and listed them in your .mslaves file before you start xms.
          If you have no .mslaves file, xms will try to start a single
          computation server on the local host; this will only succeed
          if the mslaved program is in the path.

          If xms does not get a response from any computation server,
          its windows will simply stay blank until some server

          When xms starts up, it first creates an initial window
          showing the entire Mandelbrot set.  The window may be moved
          or stretched using the window manager.  You can select an
          area to zoom into using the left mouse button, and then zoom
          in by pressing the middle button or the z key.  Normally a
          new window is created for the zoomed image, but if you want
          to reuse the original window you can do that by keeping the
          shift key depressed while zooming.

          If xms has been compiled with the Xaw library, the right
          mouse button pops up a menu with several self-explanatory
          options.  Without Xaw, pressing the right mouse button (or
          the c key) closes the window pointed to, and shift-right
          button (or pressing q) causes the program to exit,
          destroying all its windows.

          Pressing the j key (j as in Julia) pops up a new window
          showing the Julia set corresponding to the point at the
          center of the selected area.  The o key zooms out in such a
          way that what is currently visible in the window will be be
          positioned in the selected area after the zoom.  These keys
          may also be used together with the shift key.  It is also
          possible to zoom out by dragging the rubberband box outside
          the window and then zoom using z or the middle mouse button.

          Pressing w causes the window coordinates to be printed on
          the standard output, and s prints various statistics about
          computation server performance.

          In addition to the standard Xt options, xms provides the
          following options:

          -iterations n
               Specifies the maximum number of iterations.  The
               default is 250.

          -colours n
               Specifies the number of colours or shades of grey to
               use.  Because white and black are needed for the popup
               menu, you need to specify a value that is at least 2
               less than the number of colours supported by the
               hardware.  The default value for -colours is the value
               of -iterations. The default of 250 iterations leaves 6
               colours for other applications on an 8-plane display,
               thus avoiding the "technicolor effect" in most cases.
               If you have less than 250 colours available (Motif
               users often do), you will have to specify either the
               -iterations or -colours option.  If -colours is less
               than -iterations, the same colour is reused for several
               consecutive iteration counts or, if the -wrap option
               was given, the same sequence of colours will be
               repeated as many times as necessary.  The areas
               corresponding to the maximum iteration count, i.e. the
               inside of the Mandelbrot set, will always use the last
               colour of those specified with the -spectrum option.
               Has no effect with a single-plane display.

               See above.

          -spectrum colour-colour- ... -colour
               Uses the specified colours or shades of grey (can only
               be used with a colour or greyscale display).  The first
               one is used for the area outside the circle with radius
               2 around the origin, the last one is used for the
               Mandelbrot set itself.  For intervening iteration
               counts the colour is found by interpolating linearly in
               RGB space between pairs of the colours given in the

               This is a synonym for "-spectrum white-black".

               Causes the center of the rubberband box to remain fixed
               while a corner follows the cursor when selecting an
               area to zoom into.  This is the default.

               Causes one corner of the rubberband box to remain fixed
               while the opposite corner follows the cursor when
               selecting an area to zoom into.

          -cursor cursor
               Specifies the type of cursor.

          -x, -y, -range
               Specify the center coordinates and horizontal width,
               respectively, of the part of the Mandelbrot or Julia
               set shown in the initial window.

               Causes the initial window to show a Julia set instead
               of a Mandelbrot set.  The "-cx" and "-cy" options may
               be used to choose the c parameter for the Julia set.

          By zooming out from the initial picture it is possible to
          view areas (starting at a distance of about 10 from the
          origin) where the fixed-point arithmetic used by some
          servers overflows.  This bug remains unfixed because some
          users think the fractal interference patterns caused by the
          overflow look at least as interesting as the Mandelbrot set

          The -x, -y, -range, -cx, and -cy options are not supported
          under pre-X11R4 versions of Xt.

          /usr/local/etc/mslaves   list of computation server hosts
          $HOME/.mslaves           per-user override of the above

          X(1), X(8C), mslaved(8), mslavedc(8), enslave(1)

          DISPLAY                  the default host and display.

          Copyright (C) 1990, 1991 Andreas Gustafsson