How To Navigate

SCO Skunkware 5 contains a collection of HTML documents to assist you in
quickly familiarizing yourself with most of the nearly 650 Megabytes of free
stuff. HTML stands for Hyper-Text Markup Language.
Highlighted words and phrases are hyperlinks to other documents or resources.
Single click on any
highlighted phrase
to follow the link. Most of the links are local and do not require
internet access. However, some links do require internet access. If you do
not have internet access,
contact a provider and/or examine the
SCO Networking Documentation to configure
DNS and/or check out how to multiplex
your serial line and
access the World Wide Web from home over a phone line.
Once you have established internet access, information on
SCO and
SCO OpenServer Release 5
is available via the
SCO Home Page.
If you are using NCSA Mosaic and have internet access,
further assistance with NCSA Mosaic, HTML, URL's and a Manual is available
via the Help button in the upper right corner of your NCSA Mosaic window.

Most of the SCO Skunkware 5 HTML documents will end with the two
buttons you see below. Usually the left button will return you to
either the "Welcome Home Page" or the main page of the section you
are browsing. The right button will typically send you to the next
logical page in the distribution.
If you are using NCSA Mosaic, the
bottom of the window will have buttons labeled "Back", "Forward" and
"Home". These buttons allow you to navigate through your "history".
That is, "Back" will take you to the last page visited, "Forward" to
where you just came Back from, and "Home" will take you to your Home
Page (by default, the SCO Skunkware Welcome Home Page).

Finally, some of the hyper-links in these documents are links to audio
and/or graphical animations and images. In order to view/hear these, you
will need to have the "helper applications" in your execution path. These
applications are provided as part of SCO Skunkware 5. For most, it will
be sufficient to simply add /usr/skunk/bin and
/usr/skunk/bin/X11 to your
PATH environment variable. For instance, if you are running the Korn or
Bourne Shell, modify the PATH entry in your .profile.
If you are running the C Shell, modify the path entry in your
.login. In order to be able to
play audio, you will need a supported sound card and you will need to install
the appropriate TLS from the
/usr/skunk/tls directory
(i.e. the Network Audio System and Voxware soundcard drivers).
Return to Welcome Home Page or begin to
Prowl Skunkware 5