Custom Installable Components

Due to the diligent efforts of Skunkworks denizen Ron Hess, many of the
SCO Skunkware 5.0 components have been prepared as SCO Relocatable Storage
Section Objects. Although a mouthful, what that means is that these components
can be installed (and removed) on your hard disk using the SCO custom utility.
To install the custom portion of SCO Skunkware 5, as root, issue
the following command :
cd /usr/skunk/cdmt; make install
custom -p SKUNK:default -L -z /usr/skunk/cdmt/archives/TAPE
custom -p SKUNK:default -e
If you do not have enough room to install the entire SKUNK SSO, you may
install one or more packages via custom interactive, start custom,
select :
Software->Install New->From local host->Media Images,
then type in "/usr/skunk/cdmt/archives/TAPE"

The SCO Skunkware 5 components which have been packaged and are installable
with the SCO custom utility include :
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