Dear SCO Customer, Support Level Supplement (SLS) PTF7075A, the UnixWare 7.0.1 cram Driver Patch, provides a new cram driver to partially address the problem of Real Time Clock (RTC) drifts and CMOS corruption on UnixWare 7.0.1 Operating Systems. The problem exists due to multiple drivers accessing ports without sufficient protection for mutual exclusion. Once SLS PTF7075A is installed, the uts/svc/v86bios module functions v86bios_eisa_read_func() and v86bios_eisa_read_slot() are modified to call into the cram driver to lock and unlock access to the CMOS RAM before calling BIOS functions that access the CMOS. Note: SLS PTF7076A, the UnixWare 7.0.1 ca Driver Patch, is also required for a complete solution. SLS PTF7075A contains these files: /etc/conf/mdevice.d/cram /etc/conf/pack.d/cram/Driver_atup.o /etc/conf/pack.d/cram/Driver_mp.o The release notes displayed prior to installation can be found in: /var/sadm/pkg/ptf7075/install/ptf7075.txt Software Notes and Recommendations ---------------------------------- SLS PTF7075A should only be installed on: UnixWare 7.0.1 Installation Instructions ------------------------- 1. Download the ptf7075a.Z and ptf7075a.txt files to the /tmp directory on your machine. 2. As root, uncompress the file and add the SLS package to your system using these commands: $ su Password: # uncompress /tmp/ptf7075a.Z # pkgadd -d /tmp/ptf7075a # rm /tmp/ptf7075a 3. Reboot the system after installing this SLS package. Removal Instructions -------------------- 1. As root, remove the SLS package using these commands: $ su Password: # pkgrm ptf7075 2. Reboot the system after removing this SLS package. If you have questions regarding this SLS, or the product on which it is installed, please contact your software supplier.