-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Subject: Caldera Security Advisory SA-1998.21: Security problems in ntalkd Topic: Secruity problems in ntalkd Advisory issue date: 24-July-1998 I. Problem Description The code in talkd makes some bad assumptions: It replies to an address/port specified in the user's packet, not to the address/port it received the packet from [can be used for smurf-style attacks] It receives several string arguments, but never checks them (e.g. to make sure they're null-terminated) [it might be possible to crash talkd this way] It fopens a file /dev/ + the r_tty name provided by the user. It does check the provided r_tty against utmp, but I guess double checking never hurts. It does not properly protect the user from Control characters being sent from the remote end. II. Impact Description: The assumptions listed above could allow smurf-style attacks or talkd to be crashed. Vulnerable Systems: OpenLinux 1.0, 1.1, & 1.2 systems using netkit-talk packages prior to netkit-ntalk-0.10-3. III. Solution Correction: The proper solution is to Upgrade to the netkit-ntalk-0.10-3 packages. They can be found on Caldera's FTP site at: ftp://ftp.caldera.com/pub/OpenLinux/updates/1.2/010/RPMS The corresponding source code can be found at: ftp://ftp.caldera.com/pub/OpenLinux/updates/1.2/010/SRPMS The MD5 checksums (from the "md5sum" command) for these packages are: 0dc034e0e23f9b604e441652d233f6d1 RPMS/netkit-ntalk-0.10-3.i386.rpm a6f8fcfa3ee878916af271db9e244a37 SRPMS/netkit-ntalk-0.10-3.src.rpm Upgrade with the following commands: rpm -q netkit-ntalk && rpm -U netkit-ntalk-0.10-3.i386.rpm IV. References This and other Caldera security resources are located at: http://www.caldera.com/news/security/index.html Additional documentation on this problem can be found in This security fix closes Caldera's internal Problem Report 4025. V. PGP Signature This message was signed with the PGP key for security@caldera.com. This key can be obtained from: ftp://ftp.caldera.com/pub/pgp-keys/ Or on an OpenLinux CDROM under: /OpenLinux/pgp-keys/ $Id: SA-1998.21.txt,v 1.3 1998/07/24 13:03:28 rf Exp $ -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: 2.6.3i Charset: noconv iQCVAwUBNbiGIOn+9R4958LpAQGatgP8DiRKfrjtdT9juhbVzSYJBFrfW8k9DI6B Qj+Bshe5xWBCaYqgFoGklC0kidoAghor085ELcE6U+A+eC8u061SxqxikbzWrd0M 5yJaT76rnFA1+WQPwRlRmO9pcAH0vc0Q2ntOe5N759RxMWOuW1hLxV8PYV36vkqH gTqY3lJgT9M= =FNQZ -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----