SCO Embedded Configuration Toolkit Whitepaper
Appendix B, Hardware

Supported networking adapters

Supported networking adapters

The following table shows the supported Dirk Köppen EDV-Beratungs-GmbH networking adapters and the corresponding drivers supported by SCO.

                                               Dirk Köppen
 Networking adapter                            ROM name      SCO driver
 3Com EtherLink II                             C503          e3B
 3Com EtherLink II/16                          C503          e3B
 3Com EtherLink Plus                           C505          e3B
 3Com EtherLink 16                             C507          e3D
 3Com EtherLink III                            C509          e3E
 3Com EtherLink/MC                             C523          e3C
 Intel EtherExpress 16                         EXP16         eeA
 Microdyne (Excelan) EXOS 205                  EXOS205       exos
 Novell/Eagle NE2000                           NE2000        nat
 Novell/Eagle NE2000 Plus                      NE2000P       nat
 Racal Datacomm NI6510 Interlan EtherBlaster   NI6510        i6E
 Standard Microsystems SMC EtherCard Elite     SMCETH        sme
 Standard Microsystems SMC EtherCard Ultra     SMCETH        sme
 Standard Microsystems SMC8013EP/A             WD8MCA        wdn
 Western Digital WD8003EB                      WD8ISA        wdn
 Western Digital WD8003EP                      WD8ISA        wdn
 Western Digital WD8013EBT                     WD8ISA        wdn
 Western Digital WD8013EP                      WD8ISA        wdn
 Western Digital SMC8013EPC                    WD8ISA        wdn
 Western Digital WD8003/A                      WD8MCA        wdn
The following table shows the supported LANWorks networking adapters and the corresponding drivers supported by SCO.
 Networking adapter                SCO driver
 3Com EtherLink II                 e3B
 3Com EtherLink 16                 e3D
 3Com EtherLink III                e3E
 3Com EtherLink/MC                 e3C
 Intel EtherExpress 16             eeA
 Novell/Eagle NE2000               nat
 Racal Datacomm NI6510             i6E
 Standard Microsystems WD8003EB    wdn
 Standard Microsystems WD8003EBT   wdn
 Western Digital WD8003ET/A        wdn