Embedded SCO Unix Demo floppy Real SCO Unix on a single floppy disk! We have tested this demonstration on a variety of PC configurations ranging from an ancient 4MB 486 Toshiba laptop to a PCI bus Pentium system with 64MB of DRAM. This demo does not access the harddrive, so it is possible to "try it out" on any PC without fear of disturbing any previously installed software. Just insert the diskette and reboot! It is normally possible to run SCO's Embedded Unix on a system less than 2MB of DRAM, however, this demo requires a 4MB system due the fact that the filesystem must also reside in RAM. The minimum hardware requirements are: 3.5" boot floppy drive `386 or better CPU 4MB or more of system DRAM VGA compatible graphics adapter Keyboard A PS/2 style (keyboard) mouse is optional The demo was created with the Embedded Configuration Toolkit. This development kit was used to configure a memory efficient Unix kernel that would run on a wide a variety of PC hardware. We also used the POS Development Kit to remove TCP/IP networking support from this kernel so that its memory footprint would be reduced further. Recall that, because this is "real" Unix, full TCP/IP networking and X-Windows graphics are normally included. To create the demo floppy from the demofloppy.image file: 1) format a blank floppy using the OpenServer command: format -i 2 #specify interleave of 2 for faster reading 2) dd if=demofloppy.image of=/dev/fd0 bs=3200 3) Write protect the floppy and reboot your machine.