OpenServer™ 6.0.0V for VMware® Virtual Appliance Getting Started Guide

Version 1.0.0 revision 1.0
Thu Apr 5 2012

Table of Contents


  How this book is organized
  How can we improve this book?

  OpenServer 6.0.0V for VMware
  OpenServer 6.0.0V Downloads
  OpenServer 6.0.0V for VMware Documentation
  OpenServer 6.0.0V Hardware Support
  OpenServer 6.0.0V Licenses

  VMware System Requirements
  VMware System Software Requirements
  VMware System Resource Requirements

   Importing Overview
   Importing Instructions

   Modifying your Virtual Machine Configuration
   Configuration Checklist
   Valid OpenServer 6.0.0V License Combinations
   Powering on your OpenServer 6.0.0V Virtual Machine
   Booting OpenServer 6.0.0V for the first time
   Performing Additional Configuration Steps
   Registering your OpenServer 6.0.0V Virtual Machine
   Backing up your Virtual Machine
   Renewing your OpenServer 6.0.0V License

   Additional Information
   Limitations and Known Problems

   Professional Services and Custom Engineering
   Technical Support
   Online Services -- Self-Help Support

A New Company

OpenServer 6.0.0V Version 1 is the second of many new products that will be coming from UnXis, Inc., a new company with a vision to develop the full potential of UNIX technology for businesses worldwide. UnXis has acquired the OpenServer and UnixWare operating system businesses with the intent of returning to, and building upon, the long tradition of offering rock solid UNIX system software to the IT market.

During the new company's startup period, we may continue to use the domain as needed during a transition time. Over time we will remove this domain from our publications.

About this book

This book introduces the reader to the OpenServer™ Release 6.0.0V for VMware Virtual Appliance. It provides the information you need to import and configure an OpenServer Virtual Machine on a supported VMware platform.

You will find the information you need more quickly if you study the following section on organization.

How this book is organized.

After introducing the OpenServer 6.0.0V product, this book describes how to:

This Getting Started Guide describes OpenServer 6.0.0V Version 1.0.0 for VMware.

How can we improve this book?

What did you find particularly helpful in this book? Are there mistakes in this book? Could it be organized more usefully? Did we leave out information you need or include unnecessary material?

If so, please tell us by providing your feedback under the Documentation category at:

To help us implement your suggestions, include as much relevant detail as possible.

About OpenServer Release 6.0.0V for VMware

OpenServer 6.0.0V for VMware is a version of OpenServer 6.0.0 optimized to run on supported VMware platforms. This chapter describes:

OpenServer 6.0.0V for VMware

OpenServer 6.0.0V for VMware is an optimized version of the OpenServer 6.0.0 Enterprise System that is supported on selected VMware platforms.

OpenServer 6.0.0V Version 1.0.0 for VMware is delivered as a pre-installed Virtual Appliance that includes the following major components:

OpenServer 6.0.0V Downloads

OpenServer 6.0.0V is made available as a set of images to download from the UnXis Support Download Web Site at:

The UnXis Support Download Web Site contains:

This Getting Started Guide is for the OpenServer 6.0.0V Version 1.0.0 Virtual Appliance for VMware.

OpenServer 6.0.0V for VMware Documentation

The OpenServer 6.0.0V for VMware documentation includes:

This document is available to view at:

For additional documentation please see:

Note that the OpenServer 6.0.0V Virtual Appliance also comes with a pre-built DocView search index for conveniently viewing the system documentation on the installed appliance. If you install either the French or German Language Supplements then you will need to rebuild the search index. For instructions on how to do this please see:

OpenServer 6.0.0V Hardware Support

OpenServer 6.0.0V for VMware runs as a Virtual Machine on top of a supported VMware platform and does not impose any dependencies on the server platform. Please consult VMware for specific hardware requirements and for a list of hardware that is compatible with your VMware product please see:

OpenServer 6.0.0V Licenses

The OpenServer 6.0.0V License is a contract that grants you rights to use the OpenServer 6.0.0V software for a limited period of time. An OpenServer 6.0.0V license is required for each instance of OpenServer 6.0.0V running on a Virtual Host.

OpenServer 6.0.0V licenses are Subscription Licenses. This means that they are only valid for, and will expire at the end of, the License period. At the end of the License period you will need to renew your license and reregister it if you want to continue to use the product.

Typically, you obtain OpenServer product licenses from your OpenServer software provider. You can locate an OpenServer software provider using the UnXis Distributor Locator at:

If you need help locating a UnXis Partner or have any questions relating to the purchasing of licenses you can contact UnXis directly by choosing the "Sales" category on the feedback form at:

The end user license agreement (EULA) of OpenServer 6.0.0V for VMware is displayed when importing the Virtual Appliance and is also available to view:

We recommend you use WordPad when viewing text files on the ISO Image or CD/DVD Media on Microsoft Windows systems.

Before Importing OpenServer 6.0.0V for VMware

Before you can import OpenServer 6.0.0V for VMware you will need to ensure that you have:

Please note that this guide does not cover how to install, configure or use your VMware products. This guide assumes you have a good working knowledge of the VMware product you are importing OpenServer 6.0.0V into.

VMware System Requirements

OpenServer 6.0.0V for VMware is an Appliance designed to be imported into specific supported versions of VMware product. UnXis cannot support customers who attempt to import OpenServer 6.0.0V into versions of VMware that are not listed as supported.

The VMware System you are importing to will also need to meet certain resource requirements in order to support the installation of OpenServer 6.0.0V. These requirements are discussed below.

VMware System Software Requirements

OpenServer 6.0.0V Version 1.0.0 for VMware is supported on the following VMware platforms:

We recommend that you have the latest VMware Updates applied to your VMware system before importing OpenServer 6.0.0V.

OpenServer 6.0.0V for VMware is also compatible with the following VMware VirtualCenter services:

VMware System Resource Requirements

The VMware System you are importing into will need the following in order to successfully run OpenServer 6.0.0V:

Importing an OpenServer 6.0.0V Appliance into VMware

This section covers how to import OpenServer 6.0.0V for VMware into a supported VMware platform.

Importing Overview

OpenServer 6.0.0V for VMware is delivered in the form of a Virtual Appliance that you "import" into your VMware Platform. This documentation assumes that:

Importation of OpenServer 6.0.0V for VMware will create a Virtual Machine with the following specifications:

  Floppy Drives1
  Memory1 Gbyte
  Network Adapter1 Adapter using the VMware e1000 virtual NIC = e1008g - Intel Pro 1000
  HBA Controller1 SCSI Controller using the LSI Serial Attached SCSI (SAS)
  Hard Disk1 Virtual Disk of 11 Gbytes (includes 3 Gbytes of swap)
  VideoSVGA 1024x768x64k colors VMware VESA - VBE 2.0

Additional Memory, CPUs, Floppy and CD/DVD Drives, Network Adapters and Hard Disks can be added to your Virtual Machine once importation is complete.

Importing Instructions

To import OpenServer 6.0.0V for VMware into VMware vSphere 5, ESXi 5, vSphere 4.x, ESXi 4.x, or ESX 4.x:

  1. After you have downloaded the iso image then either:
    1. Burn the iso image onto CD/DVD Media and place in the CD/DVD drive of your Windows PC or
    2. Mount the iso image on your Windows PC using a tool like Microsoft Virtual CD-ROM Control Panel

  2. Launch the VMware vSphere Client on the Windows PC and login to either:
    1. the VMware Server you want to install on or
    2. the VMware VirtualCenter/vCenter you are using to manage your VMware server

  3. Select File -> Deploy OVF Template

  4. On the Source screen
    1. check the Deploy from file: option [4.0 only]
    2. use Browse to locate the OpenServer 6.0.0V ovf file in the .\VMware\osr600_VA directory of the Install Media
    3. click Next

  5. On the OVF Template Details screen
    1. click Next

  6. On the End User License Agreement screen
      Read the End User License Agreement
    1. Check the Accept box
    2. click Next

  7. On the Name and Location screen
    1. Specify a unique Name for your Virtual Machine
    2. If prompted to, also specify the Inventory Location (VirtualCenter only)
    3. click Next

  8. On the Host or Cluster screen (VirtualCenter only)
    1. Select the host or cluster you want to install onto
    2. click Next

  9. On the Datastore screen [4.x only] or on the Storage screen [5.0 only]
    1. Select the Datastore to install the Virtual Machine on
    2. click Next

  10. On the Disk Format screen [4.1 or 5.0 only]
    1. Select the desired disk provisioning format. Thick Provision Lazy Zeroed is recommended for best performance and is the default for this release.
    2. click Next

  11. On the Ready to Complete screen
    1. click Finish

  12. A % Deploying window will now be displayed giving you the import status. The time it takes to import the Appliance will depend on the performance of the Windows PC you are importing from and the performance and current workload on the VMware server you are importing to.

  13. When the % Deploying window indicates "Deployment Completed Successfully"
    1. click Close
The import phase is now complete. You can now proceed to configure your OpenServer 6.0.0V Virtual Machine.

Configuring your Imported OpenServer 6.0.0V Virtual Machine

The first time you boot your OpenServer 6.0.0V Virtual Machine after import, you will be prompted for configuration details for your Virtual Machine. This section takes you through:

Modifying your Virtual Machine Configuration

Importation of OpenServer 6.0.0V for VMware will create a Virtual Machine with the following specifications:
  Floppy Drives1
  CD/DVD Drives1
  Memory1 Gbyte
  Network Adapter1 Adapter using the VMware e1000 virtual NIC = e1008g - Intel Pro-1000
  HBA Controller1 SCSI Controller using the LSI Serial Attached SCSI (SAS)
  Hard Disk1 Virtual Disk of 11 Gbytes (includes 3 Gbytes of swap)
  VideoSVGA 1024x768x64k colors VMware VESA - VBE 2.0

At this point you may wish to make the following changes to the Virtual Machine:

Configuration Checklist

This section provides a checklist that will help you collect the information you need to successfully configure your imported OpenServer 6.0.0V Virtual Machine. If you complete this checklist, the configuration will go more quickly and you will have a written log of your responses, in case you ever need to troubleshoot or reconfigure your system.

Note that this guide assumes you know the IP address, Netmask (Subnet Mask), Gateway IP address and Primary/Secondary Nameserver IP addresses that will be used by your OpenServer 6.0.0V Virtual Machine. For more information on these parameters please consult your VMware documentation or contact the System Administrator of your VMware Server.

When booting your OpenServer 6.0.0V Virtual Machine on VMware for the first time you will be asked for the following information:

  • Keyboard type (e.g. US English)
  • The Fully Qualified Domain Name (e.g.
  • The IP Address your OpenServer 6.0.0V System will use or DHCP if your system will obtain its IP via DHCP
  • The Netmask or DHCP if your system will obtain its Netmask via DHCP (if you choose DHCP here then you must also choose DHCP for the IP address)
  • The Gateway IP address or DHCP if your system will obtain its gateway IP via DHCP (if you choose DHCP here then you must also choose DHCP for the IP address)
  • The Primary Nameserver IP address or DHCP if your system will obtain its Primary Nameserver IP via DHCP (if you choose DHCP here then you must also choose DHCP for the IP address)
  • The Secondary Nameserver IP address, DHCP if your System will obtain its Secondary Nameserver IP via DHCP or "none" if you do not use a Secondary Nameserver
  • Mail Transfer Agent (e.g. Sendmail or MMDF)
  • System Locale
  • Language Supplement to install (e.g. none, French or German)
  • Root password
  • Security Level (low/traditional/improved/high)
  • Enable/Disable the Graphical Desktop (scologin)
  • Timezone (e.g. EST)
  • Fully Qualified Email hostname

Valid OpenServer 6.0.0V License Combinations

You will be required to provide one or more licenses when you first boot your OpenServer 6.0.0V for VMware system.

The following license combinations can be entered during initial configuration:

  1. An OpenServer 6.0.0V Enterprise license
  1. An OpenServer 6.0.0 Enterprise license


    an OpenServer 6.0.0 Enterprise to OpenServer 6.0.0V Enterprise Cross-grade license

  1. An OpenServer 5.0.6 or 5.0.7 Enterprise license


    a corresponding OpenServer 5.0.6 or 5.0.7 Enterprise to OpenServer 6.0.0 Enterprise Upgrade license


    an OpenServer 6.0.0 Enterprise to OpenServer 6.0.0V Enterprise Cross-grade license

  1. An OpenServer 6.0.0 Enterprise Trade-In license

    (from OpenServer 5.0.5 and earlier Host or Enterprise)


    an OpenServer 6.0.0 Enterprise to OpenServer 6.0.0V Enterprise Cross-grade license

  1. A seven day temporary license for OpenServer 6.0.0V that is provided with the product.

If you select the seven day temporary license, you can license the system later via scoadmin license using one of the above listed license combinations (other than the seven-day temporary license) or one of the following combinations:

  1. An OpenServer 6.0.0 Starter license


    an OpenServer 6.0.0 Starter to OpenServer 6.0.0 Enterprise Cross-grade license


    an OpenServer 6.0.0 Enterprise to OpenServer 6.0.0V Enterprise Cross-grade license

  1. An OpenServer 5.0.6 or 5.0.7 Host license


    a corresponding OpenServer 5.0.6 or 5.0.7 Host to OpenServer 6.0.0 Enterprise Upgrade license


    an OpenServer 6.0.0 Enterprise to OpenServer 6.0.0V Enterprise Cross-grade license

  1. An OpenServer 6.0.0 Starter Trade-In license

    (from OpenServer 5.0.5 and earlier Desktop)


    an OpenServer 6.0.0 Starter to OpenServer 6.0.0 Enterprise Cross-grade license


    an OpenServer 6.0.0 Enterprise to OpenServer 6.0.0V Enterprise Cross-grade license

  1. An OpenServer 5.0.6 or 5.0.7 Desktop License


    a corresponding OpenServer 5.0.6 or 5.0.7 Desktop to OpenServer 6.0.0 Starter Upgrade license


    an OpenServer 6.0.0 Starter to OpenServer 6.0.0 Enterprise Cross-grade license


    an OpenServer 6.0.0 Enterprise to OpenServer 6.0.0V Enterprise Cross-grade license

Powering on your OpenServer 6.0.0V Virtual Machine

To "power on" your OpenServer 6.0.0V Virtual Machine on VMware vSphere 5, ESXi 5, vSphere 4.x, ESXi 4.x, or ESX 4.x:
  1. From a Windows PC, launch the VMware Infrastructure Client or VMware vSphere Client

  2. Login to the Client

  3. In the Inventory view
    1. To start the Virtual Machine
      1. Right click on your OpenServer 6.0.0V virtual machine
      2. Click on Power On
    2. To open the console of the Virtual Machine
      1. Right click on your OpenServer 6.0.0V virtual machine
      2. Click on Open Console

On the console you should press <Enter> to boot your Virtual Machine. You are now ready to configure your system.

Booting OpenServer 6.0.0V for the first time

The first time you boot OpenServer 6.0.0V, the OpenServer 6.0.0V Configuration Utility (/usr/sbin/guest_conf) will run on the console to take you, step by step, through the process of configuring your system. In this section we will take you through the process describing the ways in which you can respond to the prompts of the Configuration Utility.

  1. Click on your OpenServer 6.0.0V Console so it has keyboard focus

  2. On the OpenServer 6.0.0V Configuration screen
    1. Press <Enter>

  3. On the Select Keyboard screen
    1. Choose the keyboard mapping that matches the keyboard of your Windows PC

  4. On the OpenServer 6.0.0V Software License Agreement screen
    1. Display the Agreement
    2. Accept the terms of the Agreement with option 4 to proceed with configuration

  5. On the OpenServer 6.0.0V Subscription and OpenServer 6.0.0 License Use Agreement screen
    1. Choose y to proceed with the configuration of OpenServer 6.0.0V

  6. On the OpenServer 6.0.0V Product Licensing screen
    1. Press <Enter>

  7. On the Select your License Scenario screen
    1. Choose the option that matches the License(s) you have
    2. If you choose to enter one or more Licenses
      1. Enter the relevant License Number(s), License Code(s) and License Data
      2. Select License to add the license to the Virtual Machine
      3. Select OK to acknowledge the Message
      4. Press <Enter> to continue configuring your Virtual Machine
    3. If you choose to install the 7 day temporary license provided with the product
      1. Confirm that the license you have selected is correct by choosing y
      2. Press to continue configuring your Virtual Machine

  8. On the Virtual Machine Network Info screen
    1. Enter your fully qualified domain name (e.g.
    2. If you are using a static IP address for your server then
      1. Enter the IP address for your virtual machine
      2. Enter the Netmask for your virtual machine
      3. Enter the Gateway IP address (router) for your virtual machine
      4. Enter the Primary NameServer IP address
      5. Enter the Secondary NameServer IP address (optional)
      6. Confirm that your settings are correct using y
    3. If you want to allocate your server an IP address via DHCP then
      1. At the Please enter the IP address.. prompt type
        1. DHCP
      2. If you do not want the gateway IP address allocated by DHCP
        1. Enter the Gateway IP address for your virtual machine
        2. Otherwise press <Enter> to use DHCP
      3. If you do not want the Primary Nameserver IP allocated by DHCP
        1. Enter the Primary Nameserver IP address
        2. Otherwise press <Enter> to use DHCP
      4. Confirm that your settings are correct using y

  9. On the Select Mail System screen
    1. Choose either Sendmail or MMDF as your Mail Transfer Agent (MTA)

  10. On the System Language (locale) Choice screen
    1. Choose a locale or accept the default

  11. On the Optional Language Support screen
    1. Choose what language supplements, if any, to install
    2. If you install supplements press <Enter> to acknowledge the rundig notice

  12. On the Root Password screen
    1. Enter and confirm the root password or have one generated for you

  13. On the Security Level screen
    1. Choose the security level for your system

  14. On the Graphical login: screen
    1. Choose to enable/disable scologin

  15. On the Time zone initialization screen
    1. If your server is in North America respond with y
      1. Choose the number that represents your time zone
      2. Indicate if Daylight Saving Time applies in your location
    2. If your server is outside North America respond with n
      1. Choose y to set your time zone later (recommended) and <Enter> to continue
      2. Choose n to manually set your time zone (only choose this option if you have a good understanding of how to manually set your Timezone)

  16. On the Exporting the Sendmail/MMDF mail system screen
    1. Enter the fully qualified domain name to be used by your MTA

  17. The Configuration Utility will now re-link the kernel and automatically reboot the system

Performing Additional Configuration Steps

After the system reboots, perform any additional configuration steps such as:

Registering your OpenServer 6.0.0V Virtual Machine

Registration of your OpenServer 6.0.0 V for VMware product is mandatory. If you do not register your product license(s) within 14 days of licensing it then system services will be restricted.

Registering your product provides the following benefits:

Registering a product is a three-step process:

  1. Use the License Manager to obtain the Registration Lock.

  2. Visit the OpenServer Registration web page at to obtain a Registration Key after entering the Registration Lock.

  3. Use the License Manager again to enter the Registration Key onto your system.
See Licensing and registering OpenServer products for information on how to register your OpenServer products using the License Manager.

Backing up your Virtual Machine

UnXis recommend that you:

Consult your VMware documentation for instructions on cloning or taking a snapshot of your Virtual Machine.

Renewing your OpenServer 6.0.0V License

You will be notified by email and by warning messages on the Console and in the System Log (/var/adm/syslog) when your OpenServer 6.0.0V license is about to expire. If you wish to continue to use the product you will need to purchase a renewal license and apply it to the system (ideally before your existing license expires).

To apply the new license to your system:

  1. Log into the system as the root user

  2. Launch the License Manager using the command:

  3. Select

  4. Enter the License Number, Code and Data of your Renewal License

  5. Select License to apply the license to your system

Note that you will also need to register this license within 14 days.

Additional Information, Limitations and Known Problems

Additional Information

For additional information on how to install, configure and manage OpenServer 6.0.0V for VMware please see:

Limitations and Known Problems

OpenServer 6.0.0V has the following known problems:

  1. The version of patchck included in OpenServer 6.0.0V includes an outdated IP address. To work around this problem, download the latest version of patchck, before using it, from:

  2. The /sbin/emergency_disk command fails due to a mini-kernel link error. To work around this problem, edit the file /usr/lib/drf/mini_kernel to modify the definition of the variable STATIC_LIST so that it includes psm_apm. To do this, change line 205 of /usr/lib/drf/mini_kernel from: to:

For additional information including:

please see the UnXis Knowledge Base of Technical Articles for OpenServer 6.0.0V at:

UnXis Global Services

UnXis Global Services provides a wide range of support options, including:

UnXis Global Services offer a variety of support services to complement UnXis's channel and direct sales efforts. Included among these are partner-specific services and end-user options designed for those end users and corporate accounts requiring direct support from the vendor. With over 25 years of experience and strategically located Support Centers, UnXis's award-winning Services team possesses knowledge, expertise, and skills enabling it to deliver high quality support to the entire spectrum of our customer base, world-wide.

UnXis offers a broad choice of Operating Systems and value-added Software Technologies. UnXis Global Services complement these product deliverables with unrivaled services ensuring successful development, integration, roll out, and on-going maintenance of UnXis-based solutions. Together, UnXis and its partners service over 2 million installed systems.

For more information on UnXis Global Service offerings, contact your UnXis Sales Account Representative, or:

Professional Services and Custom Engineering

UnXis's Professional Services offer a full suite of consulting services ranging from server deployment and management, migration and web services to customized solutions. For more information on Professional Services, call your UnXis Sales Representative, or:

Technical Support

UnXis offers a wide array of technical support services ranging from business critical, 24x7 after-hours offerings to traditional support services covering all products and customer types from partners to end users. In addition, UnXis support services are available to partners for their own use and resale.

To find out more about these services, call your UnXis Sales Account Representative, or:

Online Services -- Self-Help Support

UnXis provides extensive 24x7 Self-Help technical support services on UnXis products, including installation and configuration support through an easy-to-use, single Web view. The Self-Help web site is located at:

Last Updated: Thu Apr 5 2012
Copyright © 2012 UnXis, Inc. All Rights Reserved.