SCO OpenServer Wd Driver Supplement
Wd Boot-Time Loadable Driver

In addition to the new features listed in the README below, the supplement also addresses the following 5.0.6 problem:

Divvy now correctly recommends a valid number of filesystems for disks greater than 14GB.(fz300644)



This updated version of the wd(HW) driver provides a number of bug fixes for SCO OpenServer Release 5.0.6 and Release 5.0.7 systems. Additionally, for SCO Update customers, it also adds new support for IDE hard disks that are larger than 137GB.

The updated wd driver is supported on the following platforms:
SCO OpenServer Release 5.0.7 plus Maintenance Packs/Update Packs 
SCO OpenServer Release 5.0.7 
SCO OpenServer Release 5.0.6a 

Because of software dependencies, it is important that the updated wd driver be installed using the sequence outlined here. Depending on your situation, you may already have completed some of these steps.

  1. Install the SCO OpenServer operating system using the Wd Boot-Time Loadable Driver (BTLD).

    If the operating system is already installed, proceed to Step 2 or 3.

  2. For SCO OpenServer Release 5.0.7 systems:

    1. Install Maintenance Pack 1.

    2. Optional:  Install Update Pack 1 to use IDE hard disks larger than 137GB.

  3. Install the Wd Driver Supplement. This supplement adds the updated wd driver and additional supporting files to the system, and is required even if you used the Wd BTLD to install SCO OpenServer.

  4. Optional: Update Pack 1 customers using hard disks larger than 137GB need to reconfigure the drive to make use of all drive space.

The Wd BTLD, Wd Driver Supplement, and Maintenance Pack 1 and Update Pack 1 for SCO OpenServer Release 5.0.7 are available from the SCO web site or FTP site.

These steps are described in more detail later in this document. You should also read ``Before installing the wd driver'' prior to proceeding.

What's new in the updated wd driver

The updated wd driver provides a number of bug fixes, including:

Additionally, for customers with SCO OpenServer Release 5.0.7 Update Pack 1, this updated wd driver also provides:

Before installing the wd driver

Before installing the wd driver:

WARNING: If you intend to use SCO OpenServer Release 5.0.7 Update Pack 1, it must be installed before the Wd Driver Supplement. Installing in the reverse order may render your system unbootable.

If you install the Wd Driver Supplement and later want to add Update Pack 1, complete all of the the following steps before rebooting the system:

  1. Remove the Wd Driver Supplement.

  2. Install Update Pack 1.

  3. Re-install the Wd Driver Supplement.

  4. It is now safe to reboot the system.

The wd(HW) manual page shipped with SCO OpenServer Release 5.0.7 systems is still current. For SCO OpenServer Release 5.0.6 customers, the updated version of the wd(HW) manual page is provided on the SCO web site or FTP site.

Installing the wd driver

The wd driver is available in two forms:

Wd Boot-Time Loadable Driver (BTLD) For use at boot-time when installing SCO OpenServer.

We recommend that you use the Wd BTLD to install SCO OpenServer on IDE systems. Certain circumstances will require you to use the BTLD, including:

  • current driver does not recognize system's IDE controller

  • current driver does not support Ultra DMA on your system

  • current driver incorrectly determines size of the hard disk during Initial System Load (ISL), which could lead to disk geometry conflicts after the installation is complete. You see the detected disk size during the Hard Disk Setup stage of ISL; the hard disk is not modified until this stage is complete so you can safely exit the installation at this point, if needed. (Note that disks larger than 137GB are limited in size to 137GB until Update Pack 1 is installed -- if you see this, it is not an error.)

See ``Using the Wd BTLD'' for instructions on installing the BTLD during SCO OpenServer installation.

Wd Driver Supplement Contains the updated wd driver, as well as additional supporting files.

This supplement is required on all systems that want to use the updated wd driver, even if the system was installed with the Wd BTLD.

See ``Using the Wd Driver Supplement'' for installation instructions.

Using the Wd BTLD

This section describes how to use the Wd BTLD to perform an SCO OpenServer installation.

NOTE: The Wd BTLD provides a minimum set of wd driver functionality to enable the installation of SCO OpenServer. Once system installation is complete, you must add the Wd Driver Supplement for the wd driver to work correctly. See ``Using the Wd Driver Supplement''.

To use the Wd BTLD:

  1. Log in as root.

  2. Download the Wd BTLD image, from either the SCO web site or using FTP, to a temporary directory (such as /tmp/wd_btld.img) on your machine:

    NOTE: This BTLD image also provides the Adaptec Ultra320 SCSI HBA driver (ad320).

  3. Format a 3.5-inch high density floppy disk using the format(C) command.

  4. Copy the wd_btld.img image to the floppy disk using the dd(C) command:

    dd if=/tmp/wd_btld.img of=/dev/fd0 bs=18k

  5. Verify that the image was both downloaded and written to the floppy disk correctly using the sum(C) command:

    sum -r /tmp/wd_btld.img

    This should return:

    16951 2880 /tmp/wd_btld.img

    If the checksums are the same, the floppy disk is ready for use.

  6. Insert the SCO OpenServer Primary Boot Disk (either CD-ROM or floppy disk) into the drive on the system that you want to install and turn on the computer. (This step assumes that the IDE controller is already installed in the computer.)

  7. At the boot prompt, enter link.

  8. When prompted for the packages that you want linked in to the system, enter the driver name that is appropriate for the release of SCO OpenServer that you are installing:

  9. When prompted for the driver volume, insert the Wd BTLD floppy disk and press <Return>.

  10. The link(HW) command prompts you to replace the current driver with the new wd driver. Type r at the prompt and press <Return>.

  11. After the wd driver is successfully installed, you are prompted to re-insert your boot disk. You can now continue with the SCO OpenServer installation.

  12. After SCO OpenServer is installed, complete the wd driver installation by adding the Wd Driver Supplement. See ``Using the Wd Driver Supplement'' for instructions.

Using the Wd Driver Supplement

The Wd Driver Supplement installs the updated wd driver, as well as a number of supporting files that are required for the driver to work correctly. You must install this supplement to use the updated wd driver, even if you used the Wd BTLD to install the system.

WARNING: If you want to use SCO OpenServer Release 5.0.7 Update Pack 1, install it before the Wd Driver Supplement. Update Pack 1 contains earlier versions of some of the Wd Driver Supplement files. If Update Pack 1 is installed after the supplement, your system could become unbootable.

To install the Wd Driver Supplement:

  1. Log in as root.

    NOTE: Because you will need to reboot the system after this product is installed, we recommend that you perform these steps in single-user mode.

  2. Download the Wd Driver Supplement from either the SCO web site or using FTP:

  3. Start the Software Manager by double-clicking on its icon on the desktop, or by entering the following at the command-line prompt:

    scoadmin software

  4. From the Software menu, select Install New.

  5. When prompted for the host (machine), select the current host and then click on Continue.

  6. Select Media Images as the Media Device, then click on Continue. (You may need to scroll down before you see the Media Images option.)

  7. Enter the absolute pathname for the directory that contains the Wd Driver Supplement media image. For example:


    Click on OK.

  8. In the Install Selection window, make sure that the Wd Driver Supplement is highlighted then click on Install.

  9. When the installation is complete, click on OK. The Software Manager lists the supplement among the installed software.

  10. Exit the Software Manager by selecting the Host menu, then Exit.

  11. Reboot the machine when prompted. Because the Software Manager relinks the kernel during the installation, you must reboot before the new kernel takes effect.

  12. If SCO OpenServer Release 5.0.7 Update Pack 1 is installed and you are using an IDE hard disk that is larger than 137GB, you now need to reconfigure the drive to use all of the drive's space. See ``Configuring large IDE hard disks'' for more information.

  13. If you are using SCO OpenServer Release 5.0.7, we recommend that you install the SCO OpenServer Large Filesystem Performance Supplement. See the SCO OpenServer Large Filesystem Performance Supplement Readme for more information.

Configuring large IDE hard disks

IDE hard disks that are larger than 137GB are supported on SCO OpenServer Release 5.0.7 systems that include Update Pack 1 and the updated wd driver.

Once all of the required software is installed, you will need to reconfigure the hard disk so that all of the drive's space is available.

There are a few options for reconfiguring your hard disk to make use of the drive space above 137GB.

NOTE: All of these options involve the use of fdisk(ADM) and divvy(ADM). These are powerful tools that should be used with caution to ensure that you do not accidentally lose data.

See the ``Adding hard disks'' chapter in the SCO OpenServer Handbook and the fdisk(ADM) and divvy(ADM) manual pages for more information on performing any of these steps.

Removing the Wd Driver Supplement

To remove the Wd Driver Supplement:

  1. Log in as root.

    NOTE: Because you will need to reboot the system after this product is removed, we recommend that you perform these steps in single-user mode.

  2. Start the Software Manager by double-clicking on its icon on the desktop, or by entering the following at the command-line prompt:

    scoadmin software

  3. Select the Wd Driver Supplement in the list of installed software.

  4. From the Software menu, select Remove Software.

  5. When the removal is complete, exit the Software Manager by selecting the Host menu, then Exit.

  6. Reboot the machine when prompted. Because the Software Manager relinks the kernel during the removal, you must reboot before the new kernel takes effect.

© 2003 The SCO Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
September 2003