Dear SCO Customer, Support Level Supplement (SLS) PTF4015A, the SCO hostmibd Supplement, replaces incorrect MIB data currently included in some SCO UnixWare operating systems. SLS PTF4015A provides a new hostmibd which include the following host resource MIB changes: hrNetworkTable, hrPrinterTable, and hrDiskStorageTable, have been converted to sparse tables and now align correctly with hrDeviceTable. hrStorageRam now returns the correct 'size' and 'used 'values'. hrStorageTable hard disk and CD-ROM entries now return correct values. hrSystemInitialLoadDevice now returns the correct index into hrDeviceTable. Reporting size on the disk drive was changed from blocks to kbytes. The release notes, displayed prior to installation, can be found in: /var/sadm/pkg/ptf4015/install/ptf4015.txt SLS PTF4015A contains: /usr/sbin/hostmibd Software Notes and Recommendations ---------------------------------- SLS PTF4015A should only be installed on these releases: SCO UnixWare Application Server Release 2.1.1, 2.1.2, 2.1.3 SCO UnixWare Personal Edition Release 2.1.1, 2.1.2, 2.1.3 Testing of the modified software contained in this SLS has been conducted only to the extent necessary to confirm that it resolves the problem stated above. Such testing consists of re-creating the problem conditions (typically in an SCO test laboratory) and verifying that the problem no longer occurs. No other testing of this software has been done. Installation Instructions ------------------------- 1. Download the ptf4015a.Z and ptf4015a.txt files to the /tmp directory on your machine. 2. As root, uncompress the file and add the SLS to your system using these commands: $ su Password: # uncompress /tmp/ptf4015a.Z # pkgadd -d /tmp/ptf4015a # rm /tmp/ptf4015a 3. There is no need to reboot the system after installing this SLS. Removal Instructions -------------------- 1. As root, remove the SLS using these commands: $ su Password: # pkgrm ptf4015 2. There is no need to reboot the system after removing this SLS. If you have questions regarding this SLS, or the product on which it is installed, please contact your software supplier.