TECHNICAL INFORMATION DOCUMENT TITLE: PTF137 - TCP/IP support for Ethernet SNAP DOCUMENT ID: TID300023 DOCUMENT REVISION: C DATE: 25JAN95 ALERT STATUS: Yellow INFORMATION TYPE: Symptom Solution README FOR: PTF137 PRODUCT and VERSION: UnixWare 1.1 ABSTRACT: The ptf137 file contains PTF137 - TCP/IP support for Ethernet SNAP frame type. PTF137 contains updated versions of the ip and arp drivers. In addition, modified versions of the slink and slattach commands and the strcf data file are installed. This patch requires UnixWare version 1.1. The Internet Utilities (inet) package must also be currently installed. This patch is replaced by update 1.1.2 SYMPTOM Ethernet SNAP frame type not supported by UnixWare SOLUTION Apply the ptf137 file. Installation Instructions: DATATYPE: datastream 1. Download the ptf137.Z and ptf137.txt files to the /tmp directory on your machine. 2. Read the release notes contained in this file. 3. Now become root, uncompress the file and add the package to your system using the following commands: $ su # uncompress /tmp/ptf137.Z # pkgadd -d /tmp/ptf137 ptf137 Solution Specifics 1. General Description These release notes acquaint you with the contents of UnixWare PTF137 - TCP/IP support for Ethernet SNAP frame type. 2. New Features PTF137 contains updated versions of the ip and arp drivers. In addition, modified versions of the slink and slattach commands and the strcf data file are installed. 3. Software Notes and Recommendations PTF137 requires UnixWare 1.1 to be installed on the system. The Internet Utilities (inet) package must also be currently installed. The system should be in single user mode for the installation of PTF137. If you choose to remove (un-install) PTF137 and restore your system to its original condition, please enter the following command: # pkgrm ptf137 The "pkgrm" command is the recommended method to restore your system. However, if "pkgrm" fails the following steps will enable you to manually remove PTF137 and restore your system. Enter: # cp /var/sadm/pkg/ptf137/save/etc/conf/pack.d/ip/Driver.o /etc/conf/pack.d/ip/Driver.o # chmod 0644 /etc/conf/pack.d/ip/Driver.o # chown root /etc/conf/pack.d/ip/Driver.o # chgrp root /etc/conf/pack.d/ip/Driver.o # cp /var/sadm/pkg/ptf137/save/etc/conf/pack.d/arp/Driver.o /etc/conf/pack.d/arp/Driver.o # chmod 0644 /etc/conf/pack.d/arp/Driver.o # chown root /etc/conf/pack.d/arp/Driver.o # chgrp root /etc/conf/pack.d/arp/Driver.o # cp /var/sadm/pkg/ptf137/save/usr/sbin/slink /usr/sbin/slink # chmod 0500 /usr/sbin/slink # chown root /usr/sbin/slink # chgrp bin /usr/sbin/slink # cp /var/sadm/pkg/ptf137/save/usr/sbin/slattach /usr/sbin/slattach # chmod 0555 /usr/sbin/slattach # chown bin /usr/sbin/slattach # chgrp bin /usr/sbin/slattach # cp /var/sadm/pkg/ptf137/save/etc/inet/strcf /etc/inet/strcf # chmod 0444 /etc/inet/strcf # chown root /etc/inet/strcf # chgrp sys /etc/inet/strcf # rm -rf /var/sadm/pkg/ptf137 # /etc/conf/bin/idbuild Once the kernel is rebuilt it is necessary to re-boot the system. 4. Hardware Notes and Recommendations No specific Hardware. 5. Installation Instructions Enter: # pkgadd -d diskette1 After a successful installation the following message is displayed: ***IMPORTANT NOTICE*** If installation of all desired packages is complete, the machine should be rebooted in order to ensure sane operation. Execute the shutdown command with the appropriate options and wait for the "Console Login:" prompt. Before executing a reboot it is necessary to configure one or more ethernet cards to use Ethernet SNAP frames. Edit the following file: /etc/confnet.d/inet/interface and change the sixth field (see the beginning of the interface file for a description of the fields) to: add_interface_ETHERNET_SNAP For example, a interface entry that read: ie6:0::/dev/ie6_0:-trailers:: might be changed to: ie6:0::/dev/ie6_0:-trailers:add_interface_ETHERNET_SNAP Any interface file entries that are not modified will continue to use the Ethernet(c) II frame type. Once modification of the file /etc/confnet.d/inet/interface is complete, reboot the system.