TECHNICAL INFORMATION DOCUMENT TITLE: PTF130 - Lost NetWare connections fix DOCUMENT ID: TID020751 DOCUMENT REVISION: C DATE: 25JAN95 ALERT STATUS: Yellow INFORMATION TYPE: Symptom Solution README FOR: PTF130 PRODUCT and VERSION: UnixWare 1.1 ABSTRACT: The ptf130 file contains Fix to NetWare connections lost problem. Problems addresed were: i. nucmessaged was getting killed when it recieves an error. ii. nwapi library got changed to take care of connection status, to pass the return value to reflect the all possible connection status values. iii. ncp driver got changed to take care of packet size. This 2.4 version of ptf130 replaces earlier versions. This ptf is meant for UnixWare version 1.1 or 1.1.1. This patch is also included in update 1.1.2 SYMPTOM Connection to NetWare servers terminated abnormally. SOLUTION Apply the ptf130 file. Installation Instructions: DATATYPE: datastream 1. Download the ptf130.Z and ptf130.txt files to the /tmp directory on your machine. 2. Read the release notes contained in this file. 3. Now become root, uncompress the file and add the package to your system using the following commands: $su #uncompress /tmp/ptf130.Z #pkgadd -d /tmp/ptf130 ptf130 Solution Specifics 1. General Description These release notes acquaint you with the contents of UnixWare PTF130 - Fix for UnixWare/NetWare connections lost problem. This package has, nwncp/Driver.o, nucamd and nucmessaged in pkgadd format. 2. Software Notes and Recommendations This ptf is meant for UnixWare version 1.1 or 1.1.1 or 1.2. It modifies files found in ptf142, update1.1.1 and update 1.1.2 There were four fixes done to correct these problems: i. nucmessaged was getting killed when it recieves an error. Now it is corrected to continue its operation by logging a message. ncp driver used to retun GENERAL_FAILURE error when a zero length message is received. nucmessaged was breaking out of the loop because of this error. Now the zero length messages are ignored by ncp driver. ii. nwapi library got changed to take care of connection status, to pass the return value to reflect the all possible connection status values. iii. ncp driver got changed to take care of packet size. This driver needs UnixWare 1.1 to be installed on the system. It is part of UnixWare 1.1.2 iv. nucamd is modified to cleanup the NWMP tasks properly, once the task serves its purpose. 3. Hardware Notes and Recommendations No specific Hardware. 4. Installation Instructions # pkgadd -d diskette1 should install this driver.