Deskpro EN-SFF Downloads


First look at the model modification list shown next:

6300                =P300

 6300A            =P300A

 6333               =P333

 6350               =P350

 6400               =P400

 6450               =P450

 6450+             =P450+

 6500               =P500

 Net PC 6300  =Net PC P300

 Net PC 6400  =Net PC P400

For these models select the model that is equivalent or equal to your model to get the correct downloads. 


Go to the EN-SFF download link for all operating systems. 


Increase the chances of success by reading these TIPS.


To successfully find the correct driver for any hardware item (card) the card type must be known.  If the card type is not knows there are several ways that it can be determined.  One way is to go to this URL:

Use the AutoDetect button and see if your EN model can be identified.  If it is identified then a list of cards should be shown.  This card type can then be used to select the correct drivers at the driver link below.


Another way is to run the Compaq diagnostic for Windows from Control Panel.  The card type will be identified there.


Or the F10 Computer Diagnostics Inspect utility can be run to identify the card.