TITLE: HP PC Session Allocation Manager

VERSION: 2.0.0 Rev. A
This software package contains the HP PC Session Allocation Manager (SAM) 
installation files for the supported blade PC models and operating systems. 

HP SAM serves as the control point for managing desktop session allocations 
within a Consolidated Client Infrastructure (CCI) deployment. Specifically, HP 
SAM manages the assignment of Microsoft Remote Desktop and HP Remote Graphics 
Software connections from a user's access device (client) to a remote computing 
resource (blade PC).

HP SAM 2.0.0 supersedes previous 1.x.x versions. You should upgrade to this 
version as soon as your schedule allows. 

PURPOSE: Critical
EFFECTIVE DATE: June 11, 2007
CATEGORY: Software - Solutions


HP bc1000: All Models
HP bc1500 Blade PC: All Models
HP bc2000 Blade PC: All Models
HP bc2500 Blade PC: All Models


Microsoft Windows Vista Business 32 Edition
Microsoft Windows Vista Enterprise 32 Edition
Microsoft Windows XP Professional

US English

- Adds support for Microsoft Terminal Services Client 6.0 (also known as 
Microsoft RDP6).

- Adds support for Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.

- Adds support for some Microsoft Windows Vista Operating Systems (32-bit).

- Updates Active Directory support to use the global catalog in addition to 
supporting users on trusted Active Directory servers, as long as the Active 
Directory servers are in the same forest as the SAM Web server.

- Adds capability to reassign blade resources from one role to another within 
the HP SAM Administrator Console.

- Adds the ability to perform static assignments of blades/resources to 
individual users without having to create and manage unique external .cfg 

- Adds support for HP Remote Graphics Software (RGS) version 5. NOTE: See the 
Readme.txt file for a list of restrictions before implementing.

- Adds a Kiosk mode that enables simple login from the HP SAM client screen by 
optionally hiding all options and settings from the end user.

- Adds multiple display session spanning, which enables a session to be shown 
on multiple monitors. NOTE: This feature is available only if the connection 
protocol is Microsoft RDP6 ("span") or HP RGS.

NOTE: For complete details about the included Enhancements, see the Readme file 
that is included in the SoftPaq package.

- Microsoft .NET Framework version 2.0 must be installed on the HP SAM Web 
server. Download this software from the Microsoft Web site and install it on 
the HP SAM Web server prior to installing HP SAM 2.0. If you get an error 
message relating to the .NET Framework 1.1 when you access the HP SAM 
Administrator Console, the HP SAM Web site was not configured to operate with 
.NET Framework 2.0. 

To fix this issue: 
1. Run the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.
2. Right-click the SAM Web site. 
3. Select Properties.
4. Click the ASP.NET tab.
5. Select 2.0.50727 in the ASP.NET version list.

1. Download the EXE file to a directory on your hard drive. 

2. Execute the downloaded file and follow the on-screen instructions.

- Do not install HP SAM 2.0.0 if you have less than 1 GB of memory (which is 
below the HP SAM requirement) on the HP SAM Web server.

- If you want to keep the HP SAM Web and SQL database installed on the same 
server, do not clear SAM Web site from the list during the installation of 
version 2.0.0. Doing so will uninstall the HP SAM Web site from the server.

- HP SAM 2.0.0 is compatible with previous HP SAM 1.x.x releases. You can mix 
between 2.0.0 and 1.x.x for the HP SAM client, blade service, and Web server. 
When doing so, the environment steps down to the 1.x.x level features in order 
to maintain compatibility. To fully take advantage of all the available 
features, upgrade all HP SAM components to the same 2.0.0 version. The 
recommended order of upgrade is: 
1. HP SAM Web/SQL server 
2. HP SAM blade service
3. HP SAM client

Copyright (c) 2007 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.