This package installs the .INF and .ICM driver files that are used to configure 
the listed HP CRT and LCD monitors, which were released from 1997 to 2002.

This package installs the .INF and .ICM driver files that are used to configure 
the following HP CRT and LCD monitors:
M40, M45/S40, M50, S50, M70, S70, M90, f50, f50s, v50, v50c, mx50, vf51, f70, 
v71, v70s, mx70, mx75, v90, mx90, L1510, L1520, L1720, L1725, L1815, L1820, 
D3857A Multi Media 15-inch Display, D3858A Multi Media 14-inch Display, D3859A 
Multi Media 17-inch Display, D3861A Multi Scan 14-inch Display, and D3899A 
Multi Media 14-inch Display.

NOTE: The following monitors (listed above) do not have drivers that are 
supported by the Microsoft Windows 2000 or Microsoft Windows XP Operating 
M40, M45/S40, M50, S50, M70, S70, M90, D3857A Multi Media 15-inch Display, 
D3858A Multi Media 14-inch Display, D3859A Multi Media 17-inch Display, D3861A 
Multi Scan 14-inch Display, and D3899A Multi Media 14-inch Display.