SOFTPAQ NUMBER: SP29061 PART NUMBER: N/A FILE NAME: SP29061.tar TITLE: HP BladeSystem Integrated Management VERSION: 1.1 LANGUAGE: English CATEGORY: Software Solutions DIVISIONS: Systems PRODUCTS AFFECTED: HP ProLiant and ProSignia Servers OPERATING SYSTEM: Linux SYSTEM CONFIGURATION: N/A PREREQUISITES: HP Systems Insight Manager 4.2 SP1 ( or later EFFECTIVE DATE: April 2005 ELECTRONIC DISTRIBUTION ALLOWED: Yes SOFTPAQ UTILITY VERSION: SUPERSEDES: None DESCRIPTION: This softpaq updates HP BladeSystem Integrated Management 1.0 with: Added support for the most recently available HP BladeSystem components, Opteron server blades, and the Cisco Gigabit Ethernet Switch Module for HP BladeSystem p-Class (CGESM). Added support for the HP bc1000 blade PC and its infrastructure. Added a component icon for desktop nodes. Added support for ProLiant BL10-e HOW TO USE: 1. Download the SoftPaq to a directory on your hard drive and change to that directory. The downloaded file is a "tar" archive with a filename based on the SoftPaq Number above. 2. Execute this command: tar -xvf SP29061.tar 3. After the files have been created, you can delete the file downloaded in step 1. 4. To install the patch, run "install". Note that the installation stops and restarts the HP Systems Insight Manager service and other services that use HP Systems Insight Manager. The entire update should take less than 10 minutes. 5. After a successful installation, you can delete the files unpacked in step 2. (C) Copyright 2005 Hewlett-Packard Development Group, L.P. Product names mentioned herein may be trademarks and/or registered trademarks of their respective companies.