SOFTPAQ NUMBER: SP25040 PART NUMBER: 289320-407 FILE NAME: N/A TITLE: Firmware Upgrade Image for the Hewlett-Packard Integrated Lights-Out Management Controller VERSION: 1.55 LANGUAGE: English CATEGORY: Systems Management DIVISIONS: Systems PRODUCTS AFFECTED: ProLiant BL20p ProLiant BL20p G2 ProLiant BL30p ProLiant BL40p ProLiant ML370 G3 ProLiant DL360 G2 ProLiant DL360 G3 ProLiant DL380 G3 ProLiant DL560 ProLiant DL580 G2 ProLiant DL585 ProLiant DL740 OPERATING SYSTEM: N/A SYSTEM CONFIGURATION: N/A PREREQUISITE: N/A EFFECTIVE DATE: May 7, 2004 ELECTRONIC DISTRIBUTION ALLOWED: Yes SOFTPAQ UTILITY VERSION: 2.X SUPERSEDES: SP19817 (1.06), SP19846 (1.15), SP21861 (1.16), SP21863 (1.20), SP21888 (1.25), SP21938 (1.26), SP21992 (1.27), SP21940 (1.40), SP24873 (1.41), SP24931 (1.42), SP24920 (1.50), SP25739 (1.51) DESCRIPTION: This release provides updated firmware for the latest maintenance releases of the Hewlett-Packard Integrated Lights-Out Management Controller. This Softpaq is used for remote iLO firmware update via the iLO web-based interface or the iLO XML scripting process. New features - 1. Support added for ProLiant BL30p server. 2. Added "Static IP Bay Configuration" feature to ease the initial deployment of an entire enclosure, or the subsequent deployment of blades within an existing enclosure. This feature permits the iLO management processor in each blade slot to obtain a predefined IP address without relying on DHCP. iLO is immediately accessible for server deployment using Virtual Media and other remote administration functions. 3. Enhanced the Virtual Serial Port to operate on Linux operating systems without having to use the Linux 'setserial' command to configure the non-standard IO address of 0x0408 for the serial port. Legacy IO addresses used in Linux by default now function. 4. Added a simple command set that can be used during telnet Remote Console sessions or Virtual Serial Port sessions. Using various key sequences, the server can be powered on/off/reset, or the UID light can be turned on/off from the telnet session. Problems fixed from last release - 1. Documentation - 1. The updated iLO User Guide and the Updated Information Booklet can be found by following the links at: This release is covered by the documentation for the iLO 1.50 release. 2. Check the online help files for additional information about how to use features. Online help files can be accessed from within the browser web pages by clicking on the question mark in the upper right-hand corner of each page. 3. Instructions for using the "Static IP Bay Configuration" can be found in the documentation for the ProLiant BL30p server. 4. Key sequences for simple command set available for use during telnet sessions: Turn power off (simple press of button) Turn power on Perform ACPI shutdown (hold power button for 6 seconds) Perform reboot (immediate power shutdown, followed by power on) Turn UID light off Turn UID light on Key sequences operate during a telnet remote console session or virtual serial port session. The keys will not work before authentication or before the user selection of 'r' (remote console) or 's' (virtual serial port). The power control requests are correctly ignored when the user does not have the proper privilege for power control. HOW TO USE: 1. Download the SoftPaq to a directory on your hard drive and change to that directory. The file that is downloaded is SP25040.EXE. 2. From that drive and directory, execute the SoftPaq file: SP25040 [ENTER] 3. After the firmware image is extracted (ILO155.BIN), you may delete the downloaded file SP25040.EXE if you wish. 4. Log in to Integrated Lights-Out with a user ID that has the "Configure iLO Settings" privilege. 5. Select "Upgrade iLO Firmware" from the "Administration" tab. 6. Send the firmware image (ILO155.BIN) to iLO. Do not interrupt the upgrade process. Copyright 2003 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. Hewlett-Packard and the Hewlett-Packard logo are trademarks of Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P/ in the U.S. and/or other countries.