TITLE: Intel Extreme 845-G Chipset Graphics Driver for Windows 2000/XP VERSION: Rev A DESCRIPTION: This contains the Windows 2000 and Windows XP driver for the Intel 845-G Graphics Controller (also know by its full name of 82845G) in the desktop models listed below. PURPOSE: Routine Release SOFTPAQ NUMBER: SP22555 SUPERSEDES: SP22038 EFFECTIVE DATE: November 1, 2002 CATEGORY: Graphics SSM SUPPORTED: Yes PRODUCT TYPE(S): Desktops PRODUCT MODEL(S): Evo D310 Microtower: All Models Evo D310 Desktop: All Models Evo D310 Slim Tower: All Models Evo D320: All Models Evo D510 Convertible Minitower: All Models Evo D510 Small Form Factor: All Models Evo D510 Ultra-slim Desktop: All Models Evo D510 e-pc: All models Evo Workstation W4000 SFF DDR: All Models Presario 3900 : 3901JP, 3901TW, 3902HK, 3902JP, 3903HK, : 3903JP, 3904JP, 3904TW, 3905HK, 3906TC, : 3907HK, 3907JP, 3908HK, 3908JP, 3909JP Presario 4000 : 4420LA, 4720LA, Presario 6000 : 6010AU, 6010TW, 6013GC, 6017HK, 3024AP, : 6025AP, 6027CA, 6027US, 6031CL, 6032CA, : 6033US, 6036HK, 6046GC, 6096TC, 6105TC, : 6110AP, 6110TC, 6115TC, 6122TH, 6125AP, : 6125LA, 6130HK, 6135HK, 6140TH, 6142TH, : 6143EA, 6165EA, 6176EA, 6201EA, 6203EA, : 6205EA, 6217EA, 6300CA, 6350CA, : 6LPPEG, 6LPPE1, 6LPPS1, 6LPXE1, 6LPXEC, : 6LPXEG, 6LPXEH, 6LPXS1 Presario 8000 : 8LSPE1, 8LPSEG, 8LSXE1, 8LSXEC, 8LSXEG OPERATING SYSTEM(S): Microsoft Windows 2000 Microsoft Windows XP 32-bit Home Microsoft Windows XP 32-bit Professional LANGUAGE(S): Global FIXES: - Corrects issue found (blank screen) with Windows Media Player and 2GB of system Memory - Corrects issue found (lockup) with WinDVD when dragging the player window around constantly while the movie is playing - Corrects other minor issues found with previous versions PREREQUISITES: - SSM use requires SSM version 1.60 or later on EVO D510 e-pc models. HOW TO USE: 1. Download the SoftPaq to a directory on your hard drive. The file downloaded is a self-extracting executable with a filename based on the SoftPaq Number above. 2. Execute the downloaded file and follow the on-screen instructions to install. INSTALLATION SWITCHES AVAILABLE: The switches in the SETUP.EXE file will have the following syntax. Switches are not case sensitive and may be specified in any order (except for the -s switch). Switches must be separated by spaces. SETUP [-b] [-g{xx[x]}] [ [ -nocuidlg{xxxx}, [-nocuidlg{xxxx}]...] | -nodiag | -basic] [-overwrite] [-nolic] [-bits x x_pixels x y_pixels x vert_refresh] [-l{lang_value}] [-s] [-f2] GFX-INSTALL CUSTOMER SWITCHES -b Forces a system reboot after the installation completes. In non-silent mode, the absence of this switch will prompt the user to reboot. In silent mode, the absence of this switch forces the Setup.exe to complete without rebooting (the user must manually reboot to conclude the installation process). -g{xx[x]} Forces the configuration of a specific language version of the driver during the install. The absence of this switch will cause the installation to utilize the language of the OS locale as its default. -nocuidlg{xxxx} Suppresses the display of a specific CUI dialog. This switch may be used multiple times to suppress many dialogs on a single command line invocation. The absence of this switch means that CUI dialogs will be displayed as specified in the INF -nodiag Suppresses the display of all CUI dialogs and CUI tabs on the OS Display Property pages and disables the Intel Graphics Technology Control Panel Applet. The absence of this switch means that CUI dialogs will be displayed as specified in the INF. Note: this switch functionality is different from the PC4.0 -nodiag switch functionality. The PC4.0 -nodiag switch is functionally equivalent to the current "-basic" switch (below). -basic Suppresses the display of all advanced CUI dialogs. The absence of this switch means that advanced CUI dialogs will be displayed as specified in the INF. -overwrite Installs the graphics driver regardless of the version of previously installed driver. In non-silent mode, the absence of this switch will prompt the user to confirm overwrite of a newer Intel Graphics driver. In silent mode, the absence of this switch means that the installation will abort any attempts to regress the revision of the Intel(R) Graphics driver. -nolic Suppresses the display of the license agreement screen. In non-silent mode, the absence of this switch will only prompt the user to view and accept the license agreement. The functionality of this switch is automatically included during silent installations. -bits x x_pixels x y_pixels x vert_refresh Sets the four default display parameters: bits per pixel, pixels per line, pixels per column and vertical refresh rate. INSTALLSHIELD* STANDARD SWITCHES -l{lang_value} The switch provided by InstallShield* specifies the language used for the Gfx-Install user interface. The absence of this switch will cause the installation to utilize the language of the OS as its default. Detailed requirements for the Install Dialog language settings are given in the Install Dialog Language section. -s Run in silent mode. The absence of this switch causes the install to be performed in verbose mode. -f2 Specifies an alternate location and name of the log file created by a silent install. By default, Setup.log log file is created and stored during a silent install in the same directory as that of Setup.ins. Copyright (c) 2002 Hewlett-Packard Company. All Rights Reserved. Compaq and the Compaq logo are trademarks of the Hewlett-Packard Company in the U.S. and other countries. All other product names mentioned herein may be trademarks of their respective companies