ProLiant Interconnect Switch Utilities Linux Installation Notes -------------------------------------- CONTENTS 1 System Requirements 2 Package Structure 3 Features 4 Package Dependencies 5 How to Install 6 How to Uninstall 7 More information 1 System Requirements Supported Linux OS: Redhat 7.x, 8.x Redhat Advanced Server 2.x SuSE LES 7.x, 8.x UnitedLinux 1.x Minimum resources: Approximately 1.5 MB disk space in /usr/local 2 Package Structure The package is in an RPM (Redhat Package Manager) format. 3 Features These features comprise the package: Switch configuration tool, cpqswcfg (deprecated) Switch firmware information tool, swfwinfo Switch SNMP MIBs Switch configuration example scripts Switch safe mode configuration example scripts For more information, see the package help file, installed at: /usr/local/ProLiant/Interconnect_Switch/Utilities/e-GbE/ version2.0.0/Readme.txt 4 Package Dependencies The (deprecated) switch configuration tool, cpqswcfg, depends on an SNMP utilities package being installed which contains snmpget, snmpset, and snmpwalk commands. Common Linux packages which provide such commands are: ucd-snmp (prerequisite for the utils package below) ucd-snmp-utils net-snmp (prerequisite for the utils package below) net-snmp-utils ucdsnmp Please ensure that a recent version of the SNMP packages are installed if you intend to use cpqswcfg. 5 How to Install If you have the "softpaq", (a file of the form "SPnnnnn.tgz" where "nnnnn" is a 5 digit number), execute this command, which will uncompress and extract the contained files, including the one you are reading: tar xzf SP*.tgz If you have the CD, execute these commands: mount /dev/cdrom /mnt cd /mnt/Linux/ To install, run this command and follow the on-screen instructions: ./ 6 How to Uninstall To uninstall, execute these commands and follow the on-screen instructions: cd / /usr/local/ProLiant/Interconnect_Switch/Utilities/e-GbE/ version2.0.0/ 7 More information For detailed information, see the primary package help file at: /usr/local/ProLiant/Interconnect_Switch/Utilities/e-GbE/ version2.0.0/Readme.txt