SOFTPAQ NUMBER: SP16280 TITLE: Compaq Intelligent RackManager for NT 4.0 and Windows 2000 Server VERSION: 1.0 Rev A LANGUAGE: English CATEGORY: Drivers DIVISIONS: Industry Standard Server Group OPERATING SYSTEM: Windows NT 4.0 Windows 2000 SYSTEM CONFIGURATION: A computer running one of the operating systems listed above. PREREQUISITES: A computer running Windows NT 4.0 (Service Paq 4 or higher) or Windows 2000 Servers and a Compaq Managment Controller hardware device installed in the rack. EFFECTIVE DATE: Immediate ELECTRONIC DISTRIBUTION ALLOWED: Yes SOFTPAQ UTILITY VERSION: 5.0 SUPERSEDES: N/A DESCRIPTION: This softpaq contains the Windows NT 4.0 / Windows 2000 Compaq Intelligent Rack Manager Lite Software Version 1.0 which supports the Compaq Managment Controller hardware device. Softpaq SP16280 can be used to install the latest technology to enhace your rack envoirment. This will allow you to monitor your servers in your racks Temperature, humidity,shock sensor, smoke detector,and intrusion. SP16280 can be obtained from Enhancements/Fixes: Sp16280 will allow you to monitor your servers in your racks temperature,humidity,shock sensor, smoke detector, and intrusion when used in conjunction with a Compaq Managment Controller. HOW TO USE: 1. Download the SoftPaq into a directory and change to that directory. The file that is downloaded is an executable with a filename based on the SoftPaq Number above. 2. From that drive and directory, execute the downloaded file. From the directory that contains the expanded files double click the INSTALL.HTM file to launch the browser based install wizard. Follow the on-screen instructions to install the program. 3. After the program is installed, the softpaq and all installation files expanded in the directory in step 1 can be deleted. Copyright 2001, Compaq Computer Corporation. All rights reserved. Product names mentioned herein may be trademarks and/or registered trademarks of their respective companies.