SOFTPAQ NUMBER: SP14317 PART NUMBER: N/A FILE NAME: N/A TITLE: Linux Health Driver VERSION: 1.0.0 LANGUAGE: English CATEGORY: Drivers DIVISIONS: Systems PRODUCTS AFFECTED: ProLiant 800 ProLiant 1600 ProLiant 1850R ProLiant 3000 ProLiant 5500 ProLiant 6400R ProLiant 8000 ProLiant 8500 ProLiant DL360 ProLiant DL380 ProLiant DL580 ProLiant ML330 ProLiant ML350 ProLiant ML370 ProLiant ML530 ProLiant ML570 OPERATING SYSTEM: Red Hat Linux 6.1 and 6.2 SuSE Linux 6.3 Turbo Linux Server 6.0 Caldera OpenLinux eServer 2.3 SYSTEM CONFIGURATION: N/A EFFECTIVE DATE: August 8, 2000 ELECTRONIC DISTRIBUTION ALLOWED: Yes SUPERSEDES: NA DESCRIPTION: This tar file contains the Compaq Health Driver and the Compaq Integrated Management Log (IML) How to Use: 1. Download the SoftPaq to a directory on your hard drive and change to that directory. The file that is downloaded is a tar file with a filename based on the SoftPaq Number above. 2. From that drive and directory, type tar xvf sp14317.tar to extract the downloaded file. The RPM and README files will be created in the current directory. This tar file contains the following files. cpqhealth-1.0.0-1.i386.rpm: -PROVIDES THE COMPAQ HEALTH AND WELLNESS DRIVER FOR LINUX WHICH MONITORS OPERATIONAL DATA OF THE SERVER AND LOGS ABNORMAL CONDITIONS -PROVIDES THE COMPAQ INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT LOG (IML) VIEWER APPLICATION WHICH ALLOWS MONITORING AND MANIPULATION OF LOGGED SYSTEM EVENTS, CRITICAL ERRORS, POWER-ON MESSAGES, MEMORY ERRORS, AND ANY CATASTROPHIC HARDWARE OR SOFTWARE ERRORS THAT TYPICALLY CAUSE A SYSTEM TO FAIL. README.txt 3. To install the rpm, please follow the instructions in the README.txt. Additional information about features, installation, use, and troubleshooting the Compaq Health and Wellness Driver and the Compaq Integrated Management Log Viewer is available in the How-To document LinuxHealth.pdf, available at Copyright 2000, Compaq Computer Corporation. All rights reserved. Product names mentioned herein may be trademarks and/or registered trademarks of their respective companies