NAME: SP0614.EXE This program will replace the OS2LDR file on your C: drive with the one in the current directory. The replaced OS2LDR will be renamed to OS2LDR.OLD. The program automatically changes the attributes on OS2LDR as necessary for copying. Usage: COPYLDR No parameters are needed. A /? will not give help, but it will go ahead and replace your OS2LDR file. USE WITH CARE! This is an OS/2 program - it will not run under DOS. The OS2LDR file contained herein may only be distributed to Compaq customers who are licensed MS OS/2 1.3 customers. This version of MS OS/2 1.3 is bundled with MS LAN Manager 2.2. It may be applied to MS OS/2 included with MS LAN Manager 2.1 or 2.1a, but it is not recommended nor is it guaranteed to function. This OS2LDR may not be distributed to customers using IBM's OS/2 1.3. This OS2LDR is considered to be a patch-level release.