FILE NAME: unmflash-v1.08-1.src.rpm TITLE: HP NC510x PCIe 10 Gigabit NIC Firmware Upgrade Utility for Linux VERSION: v1.08 LANGUAGE: English CATEGORY: Software Solutions DIVISIONS: Enterprise and Mainstream Servers PRODUCTS AFFECTED: HP NC510F PCIe 10 Gigabit Server Adapter OPERATING SYSTEM: Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 AS/ES for AMD64/EM64T Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 AS/ES for x86 SUSE LINUX Enterprise Server 9 for AMD64/EM64T SUSE LINUX Enterprise Server 9 for x86 PREREQUISITES: ProLiant server supporting one of the above operating systems 2GB RAM minimum PCIe Slot EFFECTIVE DATE: January 16, 2007 SUPERSEDES: N/A DESCRIPTION: This RPM contains the HP Tested and Approved Linux Universal Network Machines Flash Utility. It can used to upgrade the firmware of Server Adapters mentioned in the PRODUCTS AFFECTED section to 2.3.60 level code. ENHANCEMENTS/FIXES: - NONE. Table of Contents ================= Introduction Packaging Installing the RPM Package Upgrading the Firmware Unstalling the RPM Package Introduction ============ This file describes the installation and use of the 10 Gigabit NIC Firmware Upgrade Utility needed to upgrade the Server Adapters in the PRODUCTS AFFECTED section. Packaging ========= The 'unmflash' Utility is released in a source RPM format. The file name for the package is unmflash-.src.rpm. Installing the RPM Package ============================= 1. Install the unmflash source rpm. # rpm -ivh unmflash-.src.rpm 2. Build the binary RPM for the unmflash utility. Red Hat Installation: # cd /usr/src/redhat # rpmbuild -bb SPECS/unmflash_.spec SLES Installations: # cd /usr/src/packages # rpmbuild -bb SPECS/unmflash_.spec If an old version of the package exists, the RPM package should be removed. # rpm -e unmflash 3. Install the new RPM package. # rpm -ivh RPMS//unmflash-..rpm Upgrading the Firmware ============================= Note: Before proceding with the firmware upgradation the unm_nic driver has to be loaded into the system. 1. Identify the version of the card a. Check if it is a HP NC510F -001 board 2. Install the '10 Gigabit Network Driver'(unm_nic >= 2.3.58). Refer to "unm_nic-.src.txt" for more detailed information. 3. Upgrade firmware a.change to the directory to which files were installed # cd /usr/local/unmflash b. #./nxupdate_to_001 4. Verify firmware and bios version (firmware 2.3.60 and BIOS 1.0.0) a. #./unmflash -i eth --info 5. Reboot the system to use the new firmware Uninstalling the RPM Package ============================= The following command will uninstall the unmflash RPM. # rpm -e unmflash (C) Copyright 2002, 2003 - 2007 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. Product names mentioned herein may be trademarks and/or registered trademarks of their respective companies