Softpaq Number - N/A Part Number - N/A Filename - initrd-rhel21-as-v1.img Title - initrd Image for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 2.1 AS Update 4 Version - 1 Language - English Category within Unity Database - Software - Driver Diskettes Division within Compaq - ISS Product(s) Affected - All ProLiant Servers Operating System(s) - Red Hat Enterprise Linux 2.1 AS Upadate 4 System Configuration - Any Prerequisites - None Effective Date - 8/5/04 Electronic Distribution Allowed - Yes Softpaq Utility Version - N/A Supercedes - N/A Description - Initrd image with updated network drivers for installing to HP ProLiant Servers using RDP. How To Use - To install Red Hat Enterprise Linux 2.1 AS Update 4 on a ProLiant ML350 G4, a new initrd.img file is required that includes the NIC driver for this server. This initrd.img can be used for all ProLiant servers supported with Rapid Deployment Pack. Refer to the HP ProLiant Essentials Rapid Deployment Pack - Windows Edition Support Matrix or the HP ProLiant Essentials Rapid Deployment Pack - Linux Edition Support Matrix for which Red Hat Enterprise Linux update and ProLiant servers are currently supported. These steps will also work if you are using the HP NC1020 Gigabit Server Adapter as your NIC for the Linux installations. To add the new initrd.img to your Deployment Server 1. Change directories to .\deploy\cds\compaq\\rhas21\dosutils\autoboot for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 2.1 AS where xxx is the ProLiant Support Pack version. Note: The directory structure is the same for the Deployment Server for Linux with the exception of forward slashes (/) in the directory path. 2. Backup the current initrd.img by coping it to a different directory or renaming the file. 3. To this directory, download the appropriate Advanced Server (initrd-rhel21-as-v1.img) initrd.img file from under the ProLiant ML350 G4 page. On the Deployment Server, the file must be renamed to initrd.img.