SOFTPAQ NUMBER: PART NUMBER: FILE TITLE:HP Insight Manager Agents for VMware ESX Server VERSION:7.1.2 LANGUAGE:English CATEGORY:Software Solutions DIVISIONS:Systems PRODUCTS AFFECTED:BL20p, BL20p G2, BL40p, DL360, DL360 G2, DL360 G3, DL380, DL380 G2, DL380 G3, DL560, DL580, DL580 G2, DL585, DL740, DL760, DL760 G2, ML750 G2, ProLiant 8500 OPERATING SYSTEM:VMware ESX Server 2.1.x SYSTEM CONFIGURATION: PREREQUISITES:None EFFECTIVE DATE:11/1/04 ELECTRONIC DISTRIBUTION ALLOWED: Yes SOFTPAQ UTILITY VERSION:N/A SUPERSEDES: N/A DESCRIPTION: HP Insight Manager Agents provide server management capabilities for VMware ESX Server 2.1.x installed on supported server platforms. Enhancements/Fixes: HOW TO USE: Login as the system administrator (root), download the package to a directory on your hard drive and change to that directory. Unpack the contents of the package by typing: tar -zxvf hpmgmt-7.1.2-vmware.tgz This will create two new directories (/hpmgmt/712) under your current directory. Change to the new ./hpmgmt/712 directory and view the README file for installation instructions. Copyright 2004, Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. Product names mentioned herein may be trademarks and/or registered trademarks of their respective companies