SOFTPAQ NUMBER: N/A PART NUMBER: N/A FILE NAME: N/A TITLE: HP Lights-Out XML Scripting Sample for Windows VERSION: 2.00.0-1 LANGUAGE: English CATEGORY: Systems Management DIVISIONS: Systems PRODUCTS AFFECTED: ProLiant BL20p ProLiant BL20p G2 ProLiant BL20p G3 ProLiant BL25p ProLiant BL30p ProLiant BL35p ProLiant BL40p ProLiant BL45p ProLiant ML310 G3 ProLiant ML350 G4p ProLiant ML370 G3 ProLiant ML370 G4 ProLiant ML570 G3 ProLiant DL320 G3 ProLiant DL360 G2 ProLiant DL360 G3 ProLiant DL360 G4, G4p ProLiant DL380 G3 ProLiant DL380 G4 ProLiant DL320 G4 ProLiant DL385 ProLiant DL560 ProLiant DL580 G2, G3 ProLiant DL585 ProLiant DL740 Integrated Lights-Out Integrated Lights-Out 2 Remote Insight Lights-Out Edition II OPERATING SYSTEM: Windows SYSTEM CONFIGURATION: N/A PREREQUISITE: N/A EFFECTIVE DATE: 12/1/2005 ELECTRONIC DISTRIBUTION ALLOWED: Yes SOFTPAQ UTILITY VERSION: N/A SUPERSEDES: 1.80.0-1 DESCRIPTION: This is a set of sample XML script used to manage the configuration of Lights-Out management processors and to control servers in which following devices are in use: Integrated Lights-Out 2 Integrated Lights-Out Remote Insight Lights-Out Edition II Use CPQLOCFG.EXE ver 2.25 or greater with these scripts. See "HP Integrated Lights-Out Management Processor Scripting and Command Line Resource Guide" for more information on scripting and the syntax of the RIBCL XML. Documentation: 1. HP Lights-Out User Guides and HP Integrated Lights-Out Management Processor Scripting and Command Line Resource Guide can also be found by following the link at: Select manuals under self help resources for a list of product documentation. HOW TO USE: 1. Unzip to a subdirectory. This zip file contains the following scripts: Add_User.xml - Add a user to the Lights-Out device user database. Administrator_reset_pw.xml- Reset the default administrator account password using HPONCFG. Cert_Request.xml - Request a Certificate Signing Request from Lights-Out device. Change_Password.xml - Change the password of an existing Light-Out device user. Clear_EventLog.xml - Clear the Light-Out device Event Log Delete_User.xml - Delete a user from the Light-Out device user database. Eject_Virtual_Media.xml - Ejects the image of the specified Virtual Media device. Get_All_User_Info.xml - Return the configuration details for all users. Get_All_Users.xml - Return a list of all user accounts on Lights-Out device. Get_Diagport.xml - Return BL p-class diagport settings. Get_Directory.xml - Return the current directory configuration of an Lights-Out device. Get_FW_Version.xml - Return the version and date/time of the Lights-Out device firmware. Get_Global.xml - Return global settings. Get_Host_Data.xml - Retrieve SMBIOS data from Server Information page. Get_Host_Power.xml - Return the current power state of the host server. Get_Host_Power_Saver.xml - Return the current Power Regulator setting. Get_iLO_Log.xml - Retrieve the records in the Lights-Out device Event Log. Get_IML.xml - Retrieve the records in the Integrated Management Log. Get_SNMP_IM.xml - Return the current SNMP and Insight Manager security settings. Get_Topology.xml - Return BL p-Class rack infrastructure topology. Get_Network.xml - Return network settings. Get_UID_Status.xml - Return the current state of the server's Unit ID (UID) on the host server. Get_User.xml - Return the configuration details for a single user. Get_VM_Status - Return the status of the specified Virtual Media device. Get_Enc_Bay_IP_Settings.xml - Obtain static IP settings of individual blades in the respective enclosure. Get_Host_Pwr_Reg_Info.xml - Obtain the power regulator state information for supported platforms. Get_2Factor.xml - Obtain the the two factor authentication configuration settings. Hotkey_Config.xml - Change the values for Remote Console hotkeys. Import_Cert.xml - Import a signed certificate into a Lights-Out device. Import_2Factor_Cert.xml - Import certificates into iLO. Insert_Virtual_Media.xml - Inserts the Virtual Media image via specified URL. License.xml - Add the iLO Advanced Pack license key for a server. Mod_Blade_Rack.xml - Change the BL p-Class blade and rack settings. Mod_DiagPort_Settings.xml - Change the Lights-Out device Diagnostic Port network settings. Mod_Directory.xml - Change the directory settings of an Lights-Out device. Mod_Schemaless_Directory.xml - Change the schemaless directory settings of an iLO. Mod_Global_Settings.xml - Change the Lights-Out device Global Settings. Mod_Network_Settings.xml - Change the Lights-Out device Network Settings. Mod_SNMP_IM_Settings.xml - Change the Lights-Out device SNMP and Insight Manager Settings. Mod_User.xml - Change the login id, display name, password and/or privileges for an existing user account on a Lights-Out device. Mod_Enc_Bay_IP_Settings.xml - Modify the static IP settings of individual blades in the respective enclosure. Mod_2Factor.xml - Modify two-factor authentication settings. Mod_VLAN.xml - Configure virtual LAN settings on a Light-Out device. Mod_2Factor.xml - Configure two-factor authentication settings. RBSU_POST_IP.xml - Configure Lights-Out device to display the IP address at POST. Reset_RIB.xml - Restart the Lights-Out Management Processor. Reset_Server.xml - Immediately power off and back on the host server. Set_Host_Power.xml - Power on/off the host server. Set_Host_Power_Saver.xml - Change the Power Regulator setting. Set_VM_Status.xml - Sets the boot options, write protection of the specified Virtual Media device. Shared_Network_Port.xml - Configure Lights-Out device to pass network traffic on the shared host network port on supported platforms. UID_Control.xml - Turn on/off the Unit ID (UID) light on the host server. Update_Firmware.xml - Flash the Lights-Out device firmware to a new version. - Sample PERL script to send XML commands. ilo_perl_xml.pdf - Document PERL script usage. windows-LOsamplescripts2.00.0-1.txt - this file. Utilities and documentation may be downloaded from: A valid iLO 2 user account and password is required for each XML script when using CPQLOCFG. The user account must have appropriate lights-out 2 privileges to process the request. The CPQLOCFG utility connects to the iLO 2 management processor using a 128-bit Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) connection. CPQLOCFG -s [servername|ipaddress]|[:port] -l [logfilename] -f [input filename] -v -c -u -p Where: -s servername is the DNS name of target server. -s ipaddress is the IP Address of the target server. If a port is not specified, the port will default to :443. DO NOT USE this switch if launching from System Insight Manager. -l logfilename is the name of the file to log all output to. A default file with the server name/ipaddress is created if this option is not specified. DO NOT USE this switch if launching from System Insight Manager. -f input filename is the filename containing the RIB Commands -v Enables verbose message logging. By default, only errors and responses from GET commands will be logged without the -v switch. -c Will cause CPQLOCFG to check for correct xml formatting, but not open a connection to the management processor. -u username -p password Command line user name and password override those which are in the script file. Copyright 2005 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. Hewlett-Packard and the Hewlett-Packard logo are trademarks of Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P/ in the U.S. and/or other countries.