README for HP Systems Insight Manager 5.2 Copyright (c) 2003-2008 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. Part Number: 359314-405 _________________________________________ CONTENTS: I. KNOWN ISSUES AND WORKAROUNDS: AUTOMATIC EVENT HANDLING BROWSER CENTRAL MANAGEMENT SERVER CERTIFICATE CLI CLUSTER COLLECTION COMPLEX CONFIGURE OR REPAIR AGENT TASK CONTAINER VIEW CUSTOM TOOL DATA COLLECTION DATABASE DISCOVERY EVENT HOST NAME HP BLADESYSTEM INTEGRATED MANAGER 3.2 HP INSIGHT POWER MANAGER HP SERVICEGUARD MANAGER HP SYSTEMS INSIGHT MANAGER HP-UX PERFORMANCE IDENTIFICATION INITIAL PROLIANT SUPPORT PACK INSTALL INSIGHT CONTROL DATA CENTER EDITION INSTALLATION LICENSE MANAGER LINUX SYSTEM LOCALE MANAGE COMMUNICATIONS MIB MOZILLA PARTITION MANAGER PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT PACK PING POSTGRESQL PRINTING REPORTING SEARCH SECURITY SIGN IN SNMP SOFTWARE/FIRMWARE SSH STORAGE SYSTEM PAGE TASK TOOL TOOLBOX TRAP TREE VIEW UNINSTALL UPGRADE VULNERABILITY AND PATCH MANAGEMENT PACK WBEM WBEM INDICATIONS II. HP SIM DOCUMENTATION AND FEEDBACK _________________________________________ I. KNOWN ISSUES AND WORKAROUNDS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTOMATIC EVENT HANDLING There are two ways of creating a collection: select members individually and select members by attributes. Automatic Event Handling does not support collections created by selecting members individually. When creating an Automatic Event Handling task, on the step to Select Actions, these collections are not listed. To create a collection that is a list of specified systems and is supported by Automatic Event Handling, you can create a collection based on members by attributes, select system name as the attribute, and select the specified system. You can select multiple systems by clicking Add. This procedure gives you the same functionality as creating an Automatic Event Handling task using the select members individually option. See "Performing an Advanced Search on Systems" in the "Monitoring Systems, Clusters, and Events" chapter of the HP Systems Insight Manager User Guide. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Action on Events tasks (now called Automatic Event Handling tasks) upgraded from HP SIM 4.0 are not executing as expected. This could happen to any Automatic Event Handling task if the task was not executed before upgrading. To correct this issue, edit the tasks with the same settings and save them. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can retrieve XML information for a specific Automatic Event Handling task by using the mxtask -lf command and then use that XML information to create another Automatic Event Handling task using the mxtask -cf XMLfile name. The actual task name in the XML filename would need to be changed since an Automatic Event Handling task already exists for that name. There is one issue that can cause a problem. If the original Automatic Event Handling task was created with event and system criteria information specified during the creation of the task rather than using an existing event collection, then the query that is created for the original task is temporary and only exists while the original task exists. If that same event collection is used for the new Automatic Event Handling task, then that task can become invalid if the original task is deleted and the event collection is then deleted. Another problem is if the XML data retrieved from the original task is used to create a new Automatic Event Handler after the original task is deleted. Then an error of "invalid or missing XML data" is shown. You cannot recreate an Automatic Event Handling task from an XML file because the XML is referencing an event collection that was created and subsequently deleted along with the original task. You must use the GUI to create a new Automatic Event Handling task and specify the same characteristics as the original task. This problem only occurs when the task was previously created by selecting the "with event and system attributes that I will specify" option. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When running Mozilla and creating an Automatic Event Handling task, and the task is being created with multiple event criteria, the event type criteria must not be the last criteria chosen. If the event type criteria is the last criteria chosen, the event type criteria will not be included in the task. This does not apply if the event type criteria is the only criteria listed This same issue occurs with the Advanced Search feature if you click View or Save As. Use the workaround as described in the previous paragraph in order for the View or Save As to work correctly. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BROWSER When browsing to HP SIM using Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0.3790.0 on Windows 2003, the billboard in lower corner of the Home page is blank. To correct this issue, enable Play Animations in Web Pages in Internet Explorer. To access this, select Tools->Internet Options->Advanced, and select Play Animations in Web Pages under the Multimedia section. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you receive a Page Not Found browser error when launching PMP tools from within HP SIM, the CMS name link might not have resolved correctly on the network. Note the name being used in the browser window, and verify that the name resolves on the network and that it is not being affected by any proxy settings in the browser. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When you try to browse to the System Management Homepage on the same Linux system that HP SIM is installed, you might receive multiple browser warning messages. 1. Open a terminal window. 2. At the command prompt, enter: cp /etc/opt/hp/sslshare/* /opt/hp/sslshare 3. Press the Enter key. 4. At the command prompt, enter: "service hpsmhd restart" 5. Press the Enter key. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CENTRAL MANAGEMENT SERVER When you cannot access HP SIM on a Windows system using a full DNS host name, your Windows DNS configuration is not set properly. There are several reasons for this: - The TCP/IP Settings for your Network Connection are not configured properly. HP recommends the following workaround: 1. On the CMS, open the Control Panel, and select Network Connections->Local Area Connection Settings-> Properties->Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)->Properties-> Advanced. 2. Click the DNS tab. 3. Be sure that DNS suffix for this connection contains the full DNS suffix for the system. 4. Be sure both the Register this connection's address in DNS and the Use this connection's DNS suffix in DNS Registration checkboxes are selected. - The System name for the CMS is not configured properly. HP recommends the following workaround: 1. On the CMS, open Control Panel->System. 2. Click Network Identification. 3. Click Properties or Change next to the Rename this computer or Join a domain field. 4. On the dialog box, click More. 5. Be sure the primary DNS suffix is set correctly. If not, set it, and click OK until all dialog boxes are closed. - The proxy settings on the client browser is configured to proxy local systems. HP recommends the following workaround: 1. In Internet Explorer, select Tools->Internet Options-> Connections->LAN Settings->Advanced. 2. Add the DNS suffix for the CMS to the Exceptions list. - It is possible that the company DNS servers are having problems. HP recommends that you contact your company's network support group. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Use careful planning if you want to deploy new drivers, firmware agents, or other software to the local CMS because you might receive unexpected results, such as a mandatory reboot of the CMS. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Installing the CMS on Windows uses the user desktop locale to determine the CMS locale. For example, if you install the CMS on a German Windows system and the user desktop locale happens to be English, then the CMS installed becomes an English CMS. The language of mxlog.txt (a log file) currently depends on the CMS locale. If the installer user desktop locale is German, mxlog.txt is logged in German, even though the CMS is installed on an English Windows system and the browser locale is also English. This happens because the Log On As property of the HP Systems Insight Manager service is configured as the install user name, instead of Local System, which specifies system environment. Running the service with the credentials of the user that installed the application is necessary for the service to have the necessary credentials for database access and other CMS settings. If you run into this problem and you would like the logs to be in a different language (German or English), you have three options: - Stop HP SIM service. Change the default locale of the user account specified in the Log On As property of the HP SIM service (the user that performed the install) to the desired language, and restart the service. - Stop HP SIM service. Change the Log On As user for the HP SIM service to the local administrator account, and be sure its locale is set to the desired language. Restart the service. - If you do not want to change the default locale of either of the previous accounts to the desired language for the logs, create a new administrator-level account with the desired default locale. Then uninstall HP SIM and reinstall HP SIM specifying the new administrator-level account. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- On a Windows NT 4.0 system running Internet Explorer 6 Service Pack 1, remotely browsing into a CMS causes a DLL failure after being connected for hours. This issue occurs on a Windows CMS and on an HP-UX CMS. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CERTIFICATE If HP SIM is installed on a server with IPv6 enabled, the server certificate might use the IP address instead of the system name as the name in the certificate. To solve this issue, create a new certificate: 1. Sign into HP SIM. 2. Go to the Server Certificate page, select Options-> Security->Certificate->Server Certificate. 3. Click New, and specify the name of the server in the Common Name (CN) field. 4. Click OK to create the server certificate. 5. Restart HP SIM for the new certificate to take effect. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- By default, the version of Internet Explorer 6 that is packaged with Windows Server 2003 prompts you to specify if you would like to add new Web servers to your list of trusted sites. If you disable this option, you must manually configure trusted sites. If you allow the wizard to build the list of trusted sites, then HP Systems Insight Manager does not encounter the issue. However, if you select to manually add the entries for accessing an HP SIM server, you must understand how a Windows system with Internet Explorer installed manages systems and access rights. To allow HP SIM to redirect from port 280 to 50000, two trusted entries are required: one over HTTP and the other over HTTPS. For a Windows system with Internet Explorer installed to identify trusted sites, it uses a primitive method of string-comparing host names. If you add the IP address of your site to the trusted list but then use a host name in the URL, the site will not be recognized. Likewise, if you add the DNS name of your site to the trusted list but then use a different WINS name in the URL, the site will not be recognized. The trusted sites you specify must exactly match the host name in the URL that is used to sign in to the HP SIM server. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The HP SIM server certificate and the Management HTTP Server certificate are synchronized during installation. However, you must reboot the server after the installation of HP SIM for it to take effect. Until that is complete, multiple certificate warning messages might occur when browsing into HP SIM and when managing the server agents for the server on which HP SIM is installed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When creating a new HP SIM certificate, you cannot use non-ASCII characters in the certificate name. If you do, an error message appears stating "Error - invalid parameter." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CLI In HP SIM 5.2, you cannot use the move command on all managed systems. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As a member of an existing authorized HP SIM user group, you might receive the following error message when trying to run CLI commands. "There was a problem connecting to the HP SIM server. Be sure that: 1. Your user name has been added to HP SIM. 2. Your user name and password, if specified, are correctly spelled. 3. HP SIM is not running. 4. You used '--' for any long options and double quotes if your user name includes a domain. For example, --user "mydomain\ myusername" --pass mypassword." User group membership is verified the first time you sign in to the HP SIM GUI. Therefore, you must sign in once from a web browser before attempting to run CLI commands. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- mxoracleconfig fails if the Oracle user name being used for HP SIM configuration includes a forward slash (/). When running rpm -Uvh to upgrade HP SIM on a Linux system, the percent complete indicator for hpsim-pgsql-config incorrectly stops at 50% instead of 100%. You can ignore this. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- mxagentconfig -r is not a valid command and requires parameters. See the mxagentconfig manpage for valid parameters. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Users that are not members of the Windows Administrators group cannot execute CLI commands. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When Japanese characters are used in CLI command options, they are not sent correctly and you receive an error message. This error happens on a SuSE 9 or Red Hat 4.0 target system. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- mxrepositorysave and mxrepositoryrestore are not supported. All references should be replaced with pg_dump and pg_restore. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CLUSTER Cluster identification employs many different agents, including WBEM and SNMP, to determine if a system is a cluster or a cluster node. Starting with the SmartStart 6.30 CD, one of the clustering SNMP agents has not been fully installed even though SmartStart states that all clustering agents are installed. If there are any cluster identification issues, the following key must be added to the registry on each cluster node: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,"SOFTWARE\Compaq\CompaqCommonClusterAgent\ CurrentVersion", Value: Pathname,%REG_EXPAND_SZ%, "%SystemRoot%\System32\svrclu.dll" Restart the SNMP service on each cluster node. This problem should be corrected on the SmartStart 7.4 CD. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COLLECTION If an unsupported management processor (for example, an integrity iLO) is selected as the target to deploy iLO licenses, the error message displayed may not convey the exact reason for failure. Please ensure that you only try to deploy iLO licenses to supported ProLiant iLO devices. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To have the CMS listed in the All Systems collection when signed in as a user with full configuration rights, give the automatically generated administrator user two authorizations, one for All Tools and All Managed Systems and another for All Tools and CMS. The All Managed Systems authorization does NOT include the CMS. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When editing collections with very large criteria items selected (System by Name, Event by Type), the browser will be unresponsive until the criteria list is built. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sometimes Red Hat servers do not appear in the default Red Hat collections. To workaround this issue, customize the collection to include Red Hat (no spaces). See the HP Systems Insight Manager User Guide for information on customizing collections. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMPLEX The following issue is for HP SIM 5.1 with Update 1 - HP-UX: You cannot delete a complex and all associated systems when you first select either the system or complex alone and then try to delete. You must select all associated systems from the list for the deletion to work correctly. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discovered complex systems might display an inconsistency regarding the number of nPars within the complex. When viewing the complex through the System Page or Report, the number of nPars represent the total number of nPars that can potentially be in the complex, regardless of the state of the individual nPars. Alternatively, when viewing nPars within a complex under a system collection, the number of nPars associated with a complex is equal to what HP SIM has determined through a WBEM provider. Therefore, the number of nPars shown in the system collection might be less than or equal to the number displayed in the System Page or Report. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONFIGURE OR REPAIR AGENT TASK When configuring a Configure or Repair Agents task, limit the number of target servers to 100 or less so that the internally created Windows command will not exceed the maximum Windows command line length. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Configure or Repair Agent tasks that combine Critical, Unknown, and Unmanaged targeted systems appear to hang at 0% but will eventually complete. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Configure or Repair Agent Task fails on a Novell SuSE Linux Enterprise System (SLES) system. When setting the read community string option, the Configure or Repair Agent Task expects the snmpd.conf file in the /etc/snmp folder. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTAINER VIEW If an HP ProLiant BL30p Server blade is physically removed from its enclosure and another server blade is inserted in its place, manually delete the BL30p system from HP SIM. Otherwise, the Rack/Enclosure picture view might be displayed incorrectly. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The picture view of a rack that is empty and no longer contains any enclosures might display as a gray box with no information. You can safely delete the rack system in this case. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If the table view of a rack appears empty but the picture view has a rack diagram, re-run discovery. This error can happen if you unplug the power supply and then plug it back in. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If HP ProLiant BL e-Class blade servers or the HP bc1000 blade PC picture view is empty but the table view displays all blades correctly, run identification on the Integrated Administrator management processor. This happens when the Integrated Administrator is discovered before blades are discovered. 1. Select Options->Discovery->Identify Systems. 2. Select the ProLiant BL e-Class Integrated Administrator. 3. Click Run Now. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CUSTOM TOOL DOS environment variables are supported in the custom command parameters and work as parameters on the New Custom Tool page or the Manage Custom Tools page. However, they must be surrounded by double % signs. For example, to pass the NOTICELABEL environment variable as a parameter, it should be entered as %%NOTICELABLE%% on the parameter line. The environment variables can also be accessed from a batch file or script file. To use them in a batch file or a script file, only a single % sign should precede and succeed the environment variable name. See the HP Systems Insight Manager User Guide under Command Line Tools - Parameterized Strings Substitution Table for a list of other substitutable variables. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DATA COLLECTION HP SIM might report duplicate entries for Array Controllers if the data is collected using both WBEM & SNMP protocols on a HP Insight Management WBEM Providers for Windows Server 2003/2008 target. To see the correct data in report, you can perform data collection by disabling one of the protocols. You can also access HP SMH to see the correct number of Array Controllers. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you see a problem with more than two mxinventory processes starting on the CMS you should: 1. Verify that your HP-UX CMS has the latest HP-UX kernel patches required for Java 1.5 execution. If the CMS is HP-UX 11.23 IA/PA then verify that the PHKL_35029 Kernel patch (or its superceding patch) is installed. See 2. Verify that all your HP-UX managed systems have "HP WBEM Services for HP-UX" version A.02.00.11 or newer and for managed systems running HP-UX 11.23 IA/PA, verify the PHSS_33349 Kernel path (or its superceding patch) is installed. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you cancel a running task, by clicking Stop or Delete, and immediately try to start another task of the same type, the second task does not run until the previously canceled task fully completes the cancellation. Systems in the cancelled task that are currently being processed are allowed to run to completion. For some long-running tasks like data collection or software deployment, it can take some time to actually allow the systems in progress to reach completion and finally cancel the task. If data collection runs for an unusually long time you might want to Stop or Delete the task, and wait 5 to 10 minutes after the cancellation has completed before running another data collection task. If the data collection task is allowed to run to full completion without canceling, another data collection task cannot be run for at least 15 minutes or the task will fail because it is actually skipped (this would be shown in the STDOUT of the task instance if this is the case). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you see that data collection failed because of a WBEM connection, it might be caused by a failed WMI Mapper proxy. Complete the following steps: 1. Physically verify all of the configured Pegasus WMI Mapper proxies. From the Administrative tools-->Services menu on the server hosting the Pegasus WMI Mapper proxy, be sure the Pegasus WMI Mapper is running. 2. If not, restart the Pegasus WMI Mapper if possible. 3. If you are unable to restart the proxy or if the Pegasus WMI Mapper was uninstalled, delete it from the CMS WMI Mapper Proxy settings found in the Options-->Protocol Settings-->WMI Mapper Proxy page. 4. Be sure you have at least one running Pegasus WMI Mapper Proxy configured in HP SIM. 5. Verify credentials for the systems. 6. Run identification on all systems. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If data collection of a system fails with the Stdout "An error occurred connecting to this system with the WBEM protocol. Check the system configuration" error, then it might be caused by any of the following conditions: - You failed to make appropriate port number entries in the wbemportlist.xml file: On Linux and HP-UX: /etc/opt/mx/config/identification On Windows: C:\program files\hp\systems insight manager\config\identification The folders listed above are the default folders and should be used unless you have changed the installation folder location. - You might have failed to set up and specify appropriate WMI Mapper proxy servers. - You might have failed to specify appropriate WBEM credentials. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you run a data collection task on a storage host and select the Append new data set option instead of the default option (Overwrite existing data set), the data collection task will fail and the data for that storage host is erased. To restore the missing data, do one of the following: 1. Delete the storage host from the HP SIM database, and then discover it again. 2. Wait fifteen minutes, and run the data collection task again with Overwrite existing data set selected. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DATABASE HP SIM performs database maintenance once each day at 1:00 am. If you want to change the timing of this task, in the globalsettings.props file, you can change the hour this is performed by changing the DbMaintenanceHourOfDay property. Run the following command to change the setting: mxglobalsettings -s DbMaintenanceHourOfDay= The default value is 1. If you set the value greater than 25, database maintenance does not run at all. However, it can be triggered during data collection. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Internet explore page pops up a window stating that you must add the address of the database. Click Close. Upgrade continues without failure. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When using MSDE (or Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition), Microsoft SQL, or Oracle database server located on a remote Windows XP SP2 server, the firewall settings on the remote server must be turned off. To do this: 1. Select Start->Control Panel->Windows Firewall. 2. Click Off. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Database creation under SuSE 10 PostgreSQL reports warning messages at various stages as the database is created. A warning message states that the view which provides license reporting has caused an exception and has not been inserted. Subsequently, there are warnings indicating that the license view cannot be dropped as it does not exist (creation failed earlier). However, the final step for updating the database in HP SIM 5.1 correctly inserts the license view for SuSE 10. Therefore, the view is present when database creation is complete and license reporting should function correctly. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DISCOVERY To access the Automatic Discovery page and perform discovery functions, you must have both the Run HP SIM Discovery and System Automatic Discovery tools selected when creating a custom tool box. These are found on the Users and Authorizations Toolbox tab under the HP SIM tools and System Administration categories. In addition, you must have an authorization configured for the toolbox that has both these tools listed. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Naming restrictions: - Complex name and creatorSerialNumber must be specified - Within one complex, you cannot have more than one virtual partition monitor with no nPar name - Within one complex, the complex name cannot be the same as any virtual partition monitor name - Within one complex, nPartitions cannot have the same name - vPar name must match its operating system host name -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you: 1. Configure an HP Serviceguard package as an HP virtual machine which is hosted by two different HP virtual hosts, AND 2. Complete a failover of the package from one HP virtual machine host to the other one, AND 3. Re-identify the package in HP SIM, you might find that the package is not associated with the correct HP virtual machine host. Solution: After a Serviceguard package fails over from one host to a different host, you must re-identify the HP virtual machine host system in HP SIM to see the correct association. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To prevent Orphans from appearing in the future, review events and remove the system node that you have migrated to a new system type before rediscovering the new system after it is booted. This is true of systems moving in or out of a virtual system environment. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you see the preferred system name is different than the host name of the full DNS name for an HP Virtual Machine guest, it is because the preferred system name is specified in the VM package. If you want HP SIM to display the same name as the host name of the full DNS name, you must use the vmmodify command to modify it. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If the partition has a vPar already created and been discovered by HP SIM but the IP address used by the vPar has been moved to a stand-alone server, HP SIM will not delete the vParMon association to the complex or the management processor; the reason is the partition still has vPar defined within the partition. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When a Virtual Machine (VM) is discovered as an unmanaged system: (This applies to VMware and Microsoft Virtual Server VMs only.) 1. Login to SIM. 2. Select to view a collection that shows the unmanaged systems. 3. Select the unmanaged systems. 4. From the menu, select "Options", "Identify Systems...", "Run Now". 5. Once identification is complete, go back to step 2 and see if any Virtual Machines are still showing as "unmanaged". If so, proceed through steps 3 to 5 again, until all are managed. 6. Once they are "managed", they should remain in that state even if discovery runs again. When a Linux server is discovered as an unmanaged system: 1. Be sure to make the changes similar to the following in the /etc/hosts file on the discovered system before installing agents: #Do not remove the following line, or various programs #that require network functionality will fail. localhost HPSIM HPSIM NOTE: Replace the IP address, host name, and alias previously listed with your localhost IP address, DNS name, and host name. 2. Install agents. 3. Verify that that the following lines are entered in the /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf file. If not, stop the SNMP service, enter them manually, and restart the SNMP service. rwcommunity private rocommunity public NOTE: The community strings used should match those community strings on the CMS. After completing these steps, the system will be discovered properly. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To discover detailed information for Linux running on ProLiant systems, you can do one of the following: - Install the Linux ProLiant agents on the system. To install the latest Linux ProLiant agents, go to: psp-users-guide.pdf. - Update the snmpd.conf file. If you choose this option and do not update the snmpd.conf file, LINUX appears in the OS Name column on the system table view page, instead of the true operating system name, such as Red Hat Advanced Server. To solve this issue: 1. Stop the SNMP daemon. 2. Add the following line to the /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf file: rocommunity public 3. Restart SNMP. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you use a Hosts file to manually discover a system, you must verify the protocol settings for the system. To do so, click All Systems in the Systems and Events panel then click the system's name to access the System Page for the newly discovered system. Select Tools & Links->System protocol settings. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HP SIM supports host names that conform to Internet standards (such as those identified in DNS RFC1034). Allowed host names are those that contain less than 64 characters and contain only letters, digits, and hyphens. Other characters, such as underscores, spaces, and symbols are not supported and might have unexpected results. This is also true for VMs. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you have systems with special characters in the name, the special characters are replaced by dashes (-). For example, if you name an enclosure "Encl/2 HP Systems Insight Manager" this enclosure is displayed as "Encl--." -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Some systems, such as Cisco Fibre Channel switches, that support both SNMP and SMI-S protocols can appear as two separate systems within HP SIM. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HP SIM currently does not support an association of management processor to server if the system is based on PA-RISC because a management processor is only supported on HP Integrity systems. This will not be supported until a new release of firmware for the PA-RISC systems. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EVENT If you try to subscribe for WBEM events from either the command line (mxwbemsub) or the GUI (Options->Events->Subscribe to WBEM Events) and receive the error message "String index out of range," verify if the name of the local host resolves to a fully qualified name through DNS. The command needs the fully qualified DNS name to work properly. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To enable non full configuration rights users to delete or clear events, you can create a toolbox with the Clear Events and Delete Events tools. 1. Select Options->Security->Users and Authorizations. 2. Click the Toolboxes tab and click New. 3. In the Name field, enter a name for the new toolbox. 4. In the Description field, enter a description for the new toolbox. 5. Select Toolbox is enabled. 6. Under Show Tools in Category, select configuration tools from the dropdown list. 7. Select Delete Events and Clear Events, and move them to the Toolbox contents window. 8. Click OK. Next, create an authorization on the systems that you want to enable the user to clear or delete events. 1. Select Options->Security->Users and Authorizations. 2. Click the Authorizations tab, and click New. 3. In the Select field, select the users or user groups to which to assign the toolbox. 4. In the Select Toolbox(es) section, select the toolbox you created in step 2. 5. In the Select Systems section, select the systems to which you want this toolbox to apply. 6. Click OK. Create an event collection, and run the tool through the menus. Refer to the HP Systems Insight Manager User Guide in the Administering Systems and Events, Creating a Task to Delete Events Older than Thirty Days and Creating a Task to Delete Cleared Events section. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When event types are dynamically added, you must manually refresh any event collections that are currently displayed -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HOST NAME HP SIM 5.0 supports management and discovery of HP-UX and Linux systems with long hostnames (up to 256 characters). As a CMS, HP SIM can only support up to 64 characters for a host name because of an issue in the Java Virtual Machine (JVM.) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When installing HP SIM, CMS hostnames that exceed 15 characters are truncated, and the truncated name must be used to complete the installation. After the install, you will notice two administrator accounts are created. One account includes the "original hostname\administrator" and the other account includes the "truncated hostname\administrator." To sign in, you must use the original host name in the Domain field on the Sign in page. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HP BLADESYSTEM INTEGRATED MANAGER 3.2 Starting with HP BladeSystem Integrated Manager 2.4, the "All p-Class Racks" and "All c-Class Racks" collections are discontinued. However, these collections may appear in the left navigation pane of the tree view in HP SIM 5.2. To hide these collections, in HP SIM, select Options -> First Time Wizard. Complete the on-screen instructions. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When an Onboard Administrator is discovered, the enclosure that it resides in is created. If this enclosure is daisy chained to other c-class enclosures, then these enclosures are also created. By default, daisy chained enclosures are displayed as c7000 enclosure models. As a result, when c7000 and c3000 enclosures are daisy chained, and the Onboard Administrator is discovered, the c3000 Tower Model enclosure is displayed as a c7000 enclosure. To ensure that the daisy chained enclosures are displayed accurately, you must discover the OA on each of these enclosures. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When WBEM protocol is enabled, incorrect drive information is displayed in the Logical Volume section in the Performance tab for a blade server. To view the accurate drive information, disable the WBEM protocol and enable SNMP protocol. To do so, click Options -> Protocol Settings -> Global Protocol Settings. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When the SNMP protocol is disabled and WBEM protocol is enabled, the iLO firmware version is displayed as Not Available in tool tip of the Picture View. To view the iLO firmware version, enable the SNMP protocol. To do so, click Options -> Protocol Settings -> Global Protocol Settings. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To correctly identify the xw25p Blade Workstation, you must install HP Insight Management Agents 7.4. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To associate the Cisco Gigabit Ethernet Switch Module with the HP BladeSystem enclosure it is inserted in, you must update the HP Insight Management Agents to 7.3 or later on at least one blade in the enclosure. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For best results, update HP Integrated Lights-Out (iLO) Management Controller Firmware to version 1.80 or later. HP BladeSystem Integrated Management Manager 2.0 will show additional data about racks and enclosures environmentals if the iLOs on the blades are running this version of firmware of later. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To associate the McDATA 4Gb SAN Switch for HP BladeSystem (firmware version 5.2.1.xx.00) or Brocade 4GbSAN Switch for HP BladeSystem (firmware version 5.0.1b) with the enclosure it is inserted in, you must update the Server Blade Enclosure Management Module Firmware to version 2.30 or later. To access the SAN Infrastructure page to download firmware updates for all Fibre Channel switches, go to: Click McDATA 4Gb SAN Switch for HP p-Class BladeSystem, located in the M-Series Fabric section. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HP INSIGHT POWER MANAGER After discovering new servers and their ILO 2 management processors using Reports>Insight Power Manager, the task wizard indicates the server is not compatible with Insight Power Manager. Insight Power Manager requires an association to exist between the iLO management processor and the server before compatibility can be determined. If you attempt to use the Insight Power Manager tool before this has been determined, you encounter this issue. There are two solutions: 1. Select the iLO 2 from the system list and execute Tools> Identify Systems to re-execute the Insight Power Manager compatibility check. or 2. Wait for 15 minutes for Insight Power Manager's periodic system management to re-determine compatibility. After compatibility has been verified, this problem should not reoccur. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When the iLO 2 credentials are removed from the Insight Power Manager options page, Insight Power Manager continues to successfully collect history data from servers. The iLO 2 credentials on the Insight Power Manager options page are default credentials. After good credentials are found, they are associated with the system and the defaults are no longer used. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After an Insight Power Manager license is applied to a server and you navigate to the graph screen, it displays "Data Collection Status: System is not licensed for Insight Power Manager". The Data Collection Status indicates the status of the last command issued to the managed system. If you have applied a license after the last command was attempted, it is still the most recent status as no new command has been issued to the managed system. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After applying an iLO Select or Advanced license to the iLO 2 using its user interface, Refresh Data is clicked in Insight Power Manager to collect new power history data and a message appears indicating the iLO 2 has no license. HP SIM must re-identify the iLO 2 to detect the presence of the new license. Click Tools>Identify Systems to re-identify the iLO 2 or wait for HP SIM's periodic identification cycle to complete. You may check the status of HP SIM's awareness of iLO 2 license assignment clicking Deploy>License Manager. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The temperature graph is blank or is not accessible when displaying power data for an ML370 G5 server. The ML370 G5 server has no ambient inlet temperature sensor. Prior to collecting data from this server, the temperature graph is empty. After data has been collected, the temperature graph is inaccessible when navigating to Insight Power Manager. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When a 24 hour graph displays that has less than 24 hours of history data in it, the Kilowatt-Hour analysis calculation appears to be wrong. The Kilowatt-Hour analysis data covers only available collected history data. If some history data is unavailable, zeros are not assumed. Missing data does not mean zero values. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HP SERVICEGUARD MANAGER There are two ways to launch HP Serviceguard Manager in the All Systems or All Clusters collections assuming Serviceguard Manager is already registered with HP SIM. 1. If you click on a cluster node "C" on a row where it is saying something like “Member in cluster C” in the All System collection. 2. If the user clicks on a cluster node "C" on the row where it is just listing a cluster "C" in both All Systems or All Clusters collection. Where "C" is the name of the cluster node. Scenarios when you can or cannot launch Serviceguard Manager: 1. If HP SIM did not associate a management processor to Serviceguard Manager members, you can launch Serviceguard Manager successfully by the two methods describe above. 2. If HP SIM did associate a management processor to Serviceguard Manager members, only method one is able to launch Serviceguard Manager. 3. If HP SIM did associate a management processor to Serviceguard Manager members, using method two will not launch Serviceguard Manager. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The HP Serviceguard WBEM provider requires root credentials to access. Therefore, if you have a Serviceguard cluster that is not configured for SNMP and/or not using the SNMP Serviguard provider, then you must use root WBEM credentials to all the nodes in the Serviceguard cluster. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HP Serviceguard Manager 4.0 is not supported on Windows Server 2003. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When you uninstall HP Serviceguard Manager 4.0 after it has been integrated with HP SIM, you receive an HTTP 404 error. This error occurs because the Serviceguard Manager uninstall application deletes the directory "sgmgr" under the webapps directory, which is located: on HP-UX and Linux: /opt/hpwebadmin/webapps on Windows: \ProgramFiles\HP\Systems Insight Manager\hpwebadmin\webapps To avoid the HTTP 404 error in the future, you must remove the tool from HP SIM using the following command from the path /var/opt/mx/tools on Linux or HP-UX: mxtool -r -f sgmw-web-tools.xml If Serviceguard Manager is reinstalled in the future, you must add the tool to HP SIM again using the following command from the path /var/opt/mx/tools on Linux or HP-UX and \ProgramFiles\HP\Systems Insight Manager\tools on Windows: mxtool -a -f sgmw-web-tools.xml NOTE: If there is a task that utilizes the Serviceguard Manager tool and the tool is removed and then added again, the tasks might no longer work because the GUID has changed by adding the tool again. These tasks must be deleted and added again. This condition does not apply to HP Serviceguard 5.0 being integrated with HP SIM 5.0. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HP Serviceguard WBEM Provider 1.0 does not provide roll-up status for HP SIM. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When you install a Serviceguard cluster, there is a default name Serviceguard cluster defined as it's cluster name. The cluster node (not the member node) is a non-addressable node. Therefore, if the you install multiple Serviceguard clusters in your subnets and use HP SIM to discover those clusters without renaming the clusters to be unique, associations of members to their respective clusters will not be accurate. To solve this issue, HP SIM will always append cluster ID defined by Serviceguard cluster to the cluster name. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When renaming a Serviceguard cluster and re-identifying it, HP SIM might create a new non-addressable Serviceguard cluster node instead of renaming the old cluster node. This can happen when Serviceguard SNMP and WBEM agents report different cluster ID values then what was found when HP SIM originally queried the same cluster node before it was renamed. However, all of the Serviceguard cluster's member nodes will be correctly associated to the cluster after renaming and re-identification have occurred. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HP SIM HP SIM is not compatible with version 2.0.1 of the Pegasus WMI Mapper. HP SIM 5.0 ships with version 2.1 of the Pegasus WMI Mapper, and HP recommends that you use this version with HP SIM. Indications should be enabled when installing this mapper, which is the default when installed along with HP SIM. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- On Red Hat Linux, if mxstop runs before HP SIM is stopped and rebooted, the HP SIM daemons do not auto-start. However, if HP SIM is running when a reboot command is issued, the auto-start works as expected. If the daemons do not auto-start, they can be started by running the mxstart command. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Help > About HP Systems Insight Manager window displays the operating system name as "Unknown" on Microsoft Vista and Microsoft Windows 2008 CMS. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HP-UX PERFORMANCE To implement manual performance improvement on an HP-UX system, configure HP SIM to run with additional Java heap space configured on an HP-UX system: 1. Stop the HP SIM service by running the mxstop command. 2. Expand the heap size in native applications of HP-UX 11.0 and 11.11 (11i v1) PA-RISC: HP-UX 11.11 (11i v1) PA-RISC Install Required Patch (and dependent patches: PKHL_28428 (or its superseded path) For 1500 MB to 2400 MB of Java heap: cd /opt/mx/bin chatr +q3p enable mxdomainmgr Go to prog_guide/expanding_memory.html#considerations 3. Edit global settings and set JVM heap size larger vi /etc/opt/mx/config/globalsettings.props a. Insert the following: JVMMAXHEAP=750 b. Save and exit. 4. Start the HP SIM service by running mxstart. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IDENTIFICATION The first issue is for HP SIM 5.1 with Update 1 - HP-UX: Management processors for complexes can be identified using SNMP or XML data. SNMP must be enabled for management processors that are identified through SNMP. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After upgrading from HP SIM 4.x to HP SIM 5.0, the Product ID field on the System Page for upgraded systems is blank. You must run identification and data collection again to collect this information. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To discover and properly identify SNMP-based HP NAS systems, you must add the cpqPublic community string on the Global Protocol Settings page. To access the Global Protocol Settings page, select Options->Protocol Settings->Global Protocol Settings. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Depending on the information provider, inconsistent operating system version information is returned. For instance, Microsoft's WMI always returns the operating system type for all of Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP, and Windows 2003 as Windows NT, even though code values for the other variants are defined. In addition, data from the SNMP providers is also inconsistent for some Windows versions. For example, Windows XP systems appear on the Windows NT system table view page. Also, the System Page->Identity tab for a Windows XP system displays both Windows XP and Windows NT in the Software description field. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Serviceguard clusters are only identified on HP-UX systems. They are not identified on Linux or Windows. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If a system uses an Emulex Host Bus Adapter (HBA) and you are missing some Logical Unit Numbers (LUNs) on the System Page of that system, the workaround is to rerun data collection against the system. 1. Select Options->Data Collection. The Data Collection page appears. 2. Select the target system. 3. Click Next. 4. Specify how to save data by selecting either: - Overwrite existing data set (for detailed analysis.) Provides a network snapshot at a certain time - Append new data set (for historical trend analysis.) Provides trend and usage analysis 5. Click Run Now. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Systems with a dual-port Emulex 1050C HBA card appear in HP SIM as two single-port HBAs. This behavior is expected because the Emulex 1050DC card is actually two single-port HBAs on one physical card, and each has its own SCSI controller. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After upgrading from HP SIM 4.2 SP2 to HP SIM 5.0 or 5.1, you must run identification to ensure that all network systems, racks, and enclosures are properly identified. 1. Select Options->Identify Systems. The Identify Systems page appears. 2. Select target systems or select a collection. 3. Click Apply. 4. Click Run Now. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After upgrading to HP SIM 5.0, you must sign into HP SIM and run the Daily Device Identification task to ensure that all your associations are updated correctly. This procedure must be performed on an HP-UX, Linux, and Windows CMS after upgrading. To run the Daily Identification task: 1. Select Tasks & Logs->View All Scheduled Tasks. The All Scheduled Tasks page appears. 2. Select the Daily Device Identification task. 3. Click Run Now. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BC1000 blades might appear with an Unknown or Unmanaged status if the CMS is being used as the WMI Mapper proxy. To correct this problem, enter the WBEM credentials for the CMS in the Global Protocol Settings page, or edit the system protocol settings for the CMS on the System Protocol Settings page. Run identification again on the CMS, and then run identification on the blades. See the HP Systems Insight Manager User Guide for setting protocol settings and running identification. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HP SIM now supports HP ProLiant Lights-Out 100 Remote Management enabled G3 servers. HP ProLiant Lights-Out 100 Remote Management enabled G2 servers and earlier are not supported. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INITIAL PROLIANT SUPPORT PACK INSTALL The log shows discovery error 113 There are two workarounds that may resolve this problem, as follows: 1) Make sure the target system has no empty environment variables (e.g. MY_ENV_VAR=) 2) There is a limit of 2048 characters in an environment variable. Any environment variables on the target system longer than this may cause the 113 error. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The target status shows failed and there is no output in stdout : The credentials supplied are wrong for at least one of the target systems, causing the task to terminate immediately. The log displayed in the Task Results for that system shows “Could not log in to host with given credentials”. The Task Results for all other systems show a “Failed” status but no other log information. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The target status shows “Dependency Failure”: No components were installed on the target because there is a component in the ProLiant Support Pack whose installation requires another component to be installed. Copy the files under \hpsum to the Version Control Repository Manger repository directory. Execute hpsum.exe and start the installation on the target system. Note that the same dependency failure should occur, but will provide additional details on the nature of the missing dependencies. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If the message stating "Discovery Failed with message 113" is observed while running the Initial ProLiant Support Pack Install task, you must stop the daemon named daemon347.exe running on the target system. After stopping the daemon, rerun the Initial ProLiant Support Pack Install. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Initial ProLiant Support Pack Install process hangs on 0% status if the "Install and initialize SSH (Secure Shell)" and "Reboot systems if necessary after successful install" options are both selected. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HP recommends that you do not use the Initial ProLiant Support Pack Install "Force downgrade or re-install the same version" option because selecting this option makes the target system NIC to go down. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Initial ProLiant Support Pack Install process completes quickly, but the task results still show "Running". This is because the Initial ProLiant Support Pack Install portion of the task completes normally. However, the task has a 10 minute delay to accommodate a system reboot between the installation of the ProLiant Support Pack and OpenSSH. You might need to perform a manual reboot of the HPSIM system for the task status to show as complete. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INSIGHT CONTROL DATA CENTER EDITION During the installation of Insight Control Data Center Edition, a MS-DOS prompt might appear. This prompt is a normal part of the installation process and only appears briefly. Do not manually close this window. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INSTALLATION If the Remote Support Software Manager component installation fails with an unhandled exception in Java.exe message,attempt to exclude the java.exe executable from the Data Execution Prevention settings, and then reattempt to install RSSWM from HP SIM. To exclude RSSWM's java.exe from Data Execution Prevention Settings, perform the following steps: • Right-click "My Computer" and choose "Properties" • Choose the "Advanced" tab and click the button labeled "Settings" under "Performance" • In the Performance Options window, choose the "Data Execution Prevention" tab • In the "Data Execution Prevention" tab, click the radio button next to "Turn on DEP for all programs and services except those I select:" • Click the "Add" button. In the file browser, browse to the following location below the HP SIM installation root: "SWMAgent\lib\jre\bin\java.exe", and click "Open". Click "OK". ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When installing HP SIM 5.2 with a previous MSDE database installed, an error message is displayed when the radio button to install and use SQL Server express is selected. This message says that the "selected database instance is an MSDE instance". This is because MSDE is using the default installation name and SQL Express cannot reuse this same name. The user can select another supported HP SIM database or enter another name to be used for the SQL Express installation. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The HP SIM installation does not support the special character { in the currently logged on username (-the installing user). The installation will not register the CMS as an ssh client, and the database initialization will fail. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- During installation, the user is given the option to browse to or type in the Destination location folder into which HP SIM will be installed. The folder name supports only the following characters: A-z, 0-9, a space, ( -) hyphen, ( _ ) underscore and ( . ) period. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If Oracle database is being used, the Oracle database and user account must be created beforehand. The user account should have DBA privileges. The Oracle database must be created with unicode character set of AL32UTF8 and national character set of AL16UTF16. The NLS Length must be set to BYTE. The ojdbc14.jar file required for Oracle database connectivity cannot be included with the HP SIM bundle because legal reasons. The path for this file must be specified in the database configuration during the HP SIM installation. To configure the CMS running on HP-UX or Linux to a remote or local Oracle database, execute mxoracleconfig. This command prompts for the Oracle database details. Provide the required values, and then execute mxinitconfig -a. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In a Typical install, the OpenSSH service runs as the local administrator. During a Custom install, any user with local administrative privileges can be specified. This user account must be an administrative account and have specific user rights to allow OpenSSH to run correctly. The following user rights are required and are automatically added to this account by the OpenSSH installer if needed: - Log on as a service - Create a token object - Replace a process level token These can be controlled by the Local Security Policy administrative tool. A domain policy might control these settings, in which case these settings might need to be set for a domain user. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ If, after installing MSDE (or Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition), you see one or more dialog boxes requesting a reboot, answer Yes to ensure successful installation of HP SIM. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Windows installer verifies whether Internet Explorer 6.0 or later is present and, if not, aborts the installation. If Internet Explorer 5.x or earlier is installed, it must be upgraded to Internet Explorer 6.0 or later for the HP SIM install to complete successfully. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The domain user must be a part of the local administrators group (or domain admin) to run custom commands. On Windows 2003, if after adding a domain user account to HP SIM, custom commands do not execute for that user: 1. Add the domain user information to the group and password files by running the following commands: - sshuser -u -d >> ..\etc\passwd - mkgroup -d >>..\etc\group 2. Deploy the SSH keys with the following command: - mxagentconfig -a -n -u -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If installing HP SIM with a local MSDE (or Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition) database on a Windows XP SP2 machine that is not a member of a domain, Simple File Sharing is automatically disabled. The Simple File Sharing setting on Windows XP Professional changes the way local users are authenticated. Enabled = Guest only - Local users authenticate as Guest Disabled = Classic - Local users authenticate as themselves This configuration can be seen in the Local Security Policy Editor under (Start->Control Panel->Administrative Tools->Local Security Policy). Select Security Settings->Local Policies-> Security Options-> Network access: Sharing and security model for local accounts. This change is necessary for the database install. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Running the command rpm --verify hpsim-pgsql-config might report certain failing files. You can safely ignore these unless a file is listed as missing. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Installing HP SIM with Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition using the Typical install with a user account different from the user account used in the previous installation, fails with a "database initialization failed 123" error message. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HP SIM does not support operating system or database user names or passwords that contain a space character. HP SIM does not support Oracle user names that contain a forward slash (/) or backward slash (\). In Oracle, a question mark (?) in the user name or password is created as :1 For example: user? is created as user:1 Therefore, the database configuration screen does not pass an Oracle user name or password containing a question mark (?). A message appears that states, "Specified credentials are invalid." The workaround for this issue is to replace the ? with :1 on the HP SIM database configuration screen. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If installing HP SIM on a Windows XP SP2 machine that is not a member of a domain, Simple File Sharing is automatically disabled. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Though a pure Microsoft environment can support non-standard system names (for example, using characters outside the English alphabet), HP SIM does not and cannot be installed on these systems. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you are going to install HP SIM into a Named Instance of an SQL Database, then the Named Instance must be configured with a unique port number. When SQL Server is installed the first time, it installs the Default Instance, and is referred to by its name: MSSQLSERVER. You can install a second copy of SQL Server and give it a unique name; this is a Named Instance. By default, SQL assigns the Port Number 1433 to the Default Instance, and any additional SQL Instances installed are configured to assign themselves a Dynamic Port Number which will not conflict with the Default Instance. If you configure one or more Instances to use the same Port Number, then SQL will return the first instance using that Port Number. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LICENSE MANAGER The HP SIM license manager can be used to assign licenses to managed systems. Using this function to assign a ProLiant iLO Advanced license to an iLO system does not work. The pop-up window implementing the operation waits indefinitely with a message 'Connecting, please wait ...'. The HP SIM license manager collects license information from ProLiant iLO systems. If no credentials have previously been supplied, these credentials can be entered in the pop-up that implements license collection. Should you subsequently visit a system properties page and change the system SSH credentials, license manager will not recognize the changes until the user signs out and starts a new session. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When a subscription license for a particular product has expired, License Manager's opening table will still show that product has "no system limit". The true disposition of licenses for the corresponding product can be determined by opening Manage Licenses. If an expected subscription license is not listed, it has expired and is no longer available. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LINUX SYSTEM If, as an administrator, you browse into a Linux CMS where the HP Insight Management Agents are installed and a Security Alert dialog box appears when you click a Management Agent, then the Management HTTP Server certificate has not been overwritten with the HP SIM certificate. This occurs because OpenSSL is not configured correctly. On Linux, OpenSSL should be installed to the /usr/bin/ directory. In HP-UX, OpenSSL should be installed in the /opt/apache/ssl/bin/ directory. Install OpenSSL to the correct directory, then create a new HP SIM certificate to resolve this issue. See "Creating a Server Certificate" in the "Networking and Security" chapter of the HP Systems Insight Manager User Guide. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HP SIM running on a Linux system might not receive HTTP Events from the Version Control Agent performing an Install Software and Firmware task. Therefore, the task status remains at 0% for an extended period and shows In Progress on the Task Results page. Set up the Hosts file on the target system running the Version Control Agent to include the name and IP address of the Linux CMS system. Edit the \System32\Drivers\Etc\hosts file by adding the following lines: For example: hpsim01 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOCALE Certain parts of CLI output might contain system-generated text that always appears in the language indicated by the default CMS locale, not the locale of the user's CLI terminal. This condition can occur following two problems: - This text might provide a localized property key of the tdef file, which is not allowed for tdef input. - This text might be identified by one or more "?" character strings appearing in the CLI output. The CMS locale is determined by the globalsettings.props file. To change the CMS locale and possibly allow the CLI to generate proper locale text, edit the globalsettings.props file by running the following command: To set CMS Locale to Japanese: mxglobalsettings -s CMSLocale=ja_JP locale To set CMS Locale to English: mxglobalsettings -s CMSLocale=en_US locale After you run this command, restart HP SIM. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MANAGE COMMUNICATIONS If you click Quick Repair (which opens in a new window), leave the window open, return to the Advise and Repair page, and click Quick Repair again, you might receive an error message stating that you are not authorized to access the page. Close the error window, click Quick Repair, and the Quick Repair windows opens. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MIB Do not rename, move, or delete MIB files from the MIBs directory after they are registered. For a MIB file to be listed as registered, the MIB file must reside in the MIBs directory. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MOZILLA After creating a data collection task many systems and running the task, Mozilla stops responding. This error happens if Mozilla is left on the Tasks Results Page for an extended time. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PARTITION MANAGER Releases of Partition Manager before HP-UX 11i v2 May 2005 and HP-UX 11i v1 September 2005 do not work with HP SIM 5.x. You must upgrade to one of either the HP-UX 11i v2 May 2005 or the HP-UX 11i v1 September 2005 versions of Partition Manager. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT PACK After a PMP installation, the PMP menu options might not appear on the HP SIM console. Manually add the PMP menu options by performing one of the following: - From the command line, enter: mxtool -a -f ": \Performance Management Pack 3\ ToolsMenu\PMPTools.xml" - Copy PMPTools.xml from :\Performance Management Pack 3\ToolsMenu to :\System Insight Manager\Setup. Then, restart HP System Insight Manager Service. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A user created with the user template or operator template might not be able to see menus related to PMP, or might be required to sign in (single sign-on does not work) after accessing the menus. Perform the following to give the user template-based user authorization on the CMS: 1. Sign in as an administrator to HP SIM. 2. Select Options>Security>Users and Authorizations, and click the Authorizations tab. 3. Create a new authorization for the selected user with the Monitor Tools toolbox and the CMS system and click OK. NOTE: This gives the user single sign-on as a user level, which is sufficient for a user based on the user template. For users based on the operator template, a higher single sign-on level is required. 1. Sign in as an administrator to HP SIM. 2. Select Options->Security->Users and Authorizations, and click the Toolboxes tab. 3. Create a new toolbox with all tools in the PMP category and the System Management Homepage as Operator in the View category, and click OK. 4. From the Authorizations tab, create a new authorization for the selected user with the newly created toolbox and the CMS system, and click OK. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After an integrated installation, the PMP license might not be added for the CMS until after the Software Status Polling task runs. You can either wait one hour after installation for the task to automatically run, or you can manually run the task. To manually run the task: 1. Select Options->Status Polling->Software Status Polling. 2. Select the target system from the All Systems collection. 3. Click Run Now. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When installing PMP against Oracle, See the PMP documentation for the installation steps. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PING When HP SIM is installed on a Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 or SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 9.0 system and you want to manage more than 1,000 systems, you must tune the kernel parameters by editing the /etc/sysct1.conf. file and adding the following entries: net.ipv4.neigh.default.gc_thresh3 = 4096 net.ipv6.neigh.default.gc_thresh3 = 4096 Be sure to reboot the system after adding the entries. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- POSTGRESQL Initialization fails on Red Hat 4.0 with ProLiant Support Pack for Linux 7.40 and Postgresql 7.4.7-2. To work around this issue, manually install HP SIM. 1. At a command prompt, enter: /sysmgmt.bin --keep --confirm (type "n" for mxbundle.server.install) 2. Install Postgresql 7.4.7-2. 3. Install HP SIM. 4. At a command prompt, enter: /usr/sbin/setenforce 0 5. At a command prompt, enter: chmod 777 /tmp 6. At a command prompt, enter: /opt/mx/bin/mxinitconfig -a 7. After the installation is complete, at the command prompt, enter: /usr/sbin/setenforce 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Postgresql does not recognize time zone WAT0 - Northwest Africa, Morocco, Mauritania, Mali. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Database creation under SuSE 10 PostgreSQL reports warning messages at various stages as the database is created. A warning message states that the view which provides license reporting has caused an exception and has not been inserted. Subsequently, there are warnings indicating that the license view cannot be dropped as it does not exist (creation failed earlier). However, the final step for updating the database in HP SIM 5.1 correctly inserts the license view for SuSE 10. Therefore, the view is present when database creation is complete and license reporting should function correctly. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When you reboot SuSE Linux after HP SIM is installed, the following message is displayed, "Starting postgresql failed'. The following entries are also displayed in the /var/log/boot.msg file: 'Starting PostgreSQLpg_ctl: postmaster does not start failed' 'Failed services in runlevel 5: postgresql' HP SIM locks PostgreSQL for its exclusive use to ensure the integrity of its data and starts PostgreSQL when it starts. To unlock PostgreSQL from HP SIM, modify the /var/lib/pgsql/data/ pg_hba.conf file to add the user that you want to have access to PostgreSQL. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRINTING When printing a System or Event collection in HP SIM, using the Mozilla browser, changes made in the print window are not reflected in the hardcopy. For example, after you click Print, click Appearance and verify that the One Side option is selected. Click Print. The hardcopy is double-sided. To correct, change the system printer configuration (Settings->Printers), and deselect double-sided print. Click Print. The hardcopy is correct. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROPERTY PAGES The Property pages for the VMWare ESX operating system are not available due to limitations in the WBEM agents -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- REPORTING When reports are too wide to print, even in Landscape mode, save the report in CSV format and print from a tool such as Microsoft Excel, or select fewer data items for each category in the report. See the HP Systems Insight Manager User Guide for information on saving a report in CSV format. NOTE: This recommendation applies to all reports EXCEPT Snapshot Comparison reports. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Snapshot Comparison reports might not show accurate differences from different snapshots. This issue is a known limitation with HP SIM that will be corrected in an upcoming release. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For information on Complex Reporting issues, See COMPLEX issues. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After copying a report from an existing report that contains both system targets and an event filter, only the event filter is displayed on the Manage Reports page. However, this is only a display problem. You can select the newly copied report and generate the report correctly for the selected system targets with the event filter. Then, the selected targets in that generated report displays a combination collection instead of the system targets. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SEARCH If you receive a script error when editing the Events by Time search, click No when asked if you want to debug the error. You can then edit the search. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When running an advanced search on a Postgresql or SysMgmtDB database and using the IS NOT attribute with the operating system criteria, the results are not correct. This issue includes creating a custom system collection using attributes and creating an automatic event handling event using attributes. The operating system criteria is made up of three parts, the operating system name, operating system description, and operating system version. The operating system description is in parenthesis after the operating system name. When the search runs using the operating system criteria and the IS NOT comparison, it ignores the operating system description and operating version number part of the criteria and returns incorrect data. For example, you might have HP-UX systems running HP-UX 11.11 and 11.23. The name for each of those systems shown in the operating system criteria is HP-UX (HP-UX B.11.11 U) and HP-UX (HP-UX B.11.23 U) respectively. For example, you only want to see systems that are not HP-UX 11.11 and therefore create an operating system criteria where operating system IS NOT HP-UX (HP-UX B.11.11 U). However, because the Operating System criteria using the IS NOT comparison does not work correctly when using the Postgresql or SysMgmtDB database, what you then receive is all systems NOT having an operating system not equal to HP-UX. Therefore, all HP-UX 11.11 and 11.23 systems are excluded from the list when in reality you only wanted to exclude the HP-UX 11.11 systems. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SECURITY If HP SIM is installed after System Management Homepage (SMH) is installed, the SMH 2048-bit key pair is replaced with the HP SIM 1,024-bit key pair. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SIGN IN In specific instances, after entering your sign in credentials, you might be unable to sign into HP SIM or to log in to managed systems when browsing from HP SIM using Internet Explorer 6.0. Some versions of Internet Explorer have a problem with underscores in the system name, preventing the session cookie from working properly. This problem applies to Internet Explorer versions 5.5 and 6.0 that have applied Internet Explorer patch Q313675 or any patch that supersedes or includes that patch, such as Q316059 and Q319182. Therefore, do not use underscores in any system name for systems being managed by HP SIM. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you receive the Warning HTTPS Hostname Mismatch when accessing HP SIM and you click No, you will continue to receive the error until you click Yes. You will then be taken to the Sign in page. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You will not be able to sign into HP SIM if you install HP SIM on a standalone/workstation system and then promote that same system to a Windows Domain Controller. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- On 64-bit Linux, if no user can login to the browser interface, then verify there is also a 32-bit PAM interface installed. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- On an HP-UX or Linux system, you must sign in as root the first time you sign in to HP SIM, even if you installed with another superuser account. Authorizations can then be added for superuser or other accounts. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SNMP Windows 2003 installations do not have SNMP installed by default, so you must install SNMP manually. After SNMP is installed, the security settings have the local host enabled only. The default configuration for Windows 2003 must be modified to properly discover the system. See the Windows documentation on how to install the SNMP service. How should SNMP be configured? The SNMP service must have the security settings changed to enable SNMP communications with other systems. The same community string used by HP SIM should be added to and at least the address of the system on which HP SIM is installed should be listed in the list of allowed IP addresses. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SOFTWARE/FIRMWARE The Install Software and Firmware task for a switch appears to complete successfully, but the firmware is not deployed on the target switch. One reason for this is if the C:\cpqsystem\log\cpqsetup.log file is locked, the installer terminates immediately with no error code. To solve the problem, delete or rename this file and restart the task. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When updating switch software and firmware, the software update is performed, but the firmware update is not. There is no log file describing the error. This issue is resolved with firmware version 2.1.1 for the GbE Interconnect Switch and version 1.2.0 of GbE2 Interconnect Switch. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For a switch firmware upgrade to be successful, the correct SNMP write community string of the switch must be specified in the System Protocol Settings page (System Page (for the switch) -> Tools & Links -> System Protocol Settings). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When executing the Install Software/Firmware task on an upgraded Windows 2003 Advanced Server (Enterprise or Standard Edition) to a Linux system, the status sticks at 0% and the task times out. Perform the following to allow the task to complete as expected. On the Linux target system, edit the /etc/hosts file to add an entry for the CMS. The entry in /etc/hosts should appear as: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you do not include the HP Version Control Repository Manager during the installation of HP SIM, you will receive an error message when running the Install Software and Firmware task. If this happens, install the HP Version Control Repository Manager, and select Options->Version Control Repository to set this software as your default. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SSH The command mxagentconfig does not work properly for a domain user: Verify that the home directory of the user is not of the form C:\documents and settings\. In some cases, it will be at a different location for a domain user, such as C:\documents and settings\.xxxx, where xxxx is usually a domain name. If this is the case, then: 1. Go to C:\Program files\OpenSSH\etc folder. 2. Edit the passwd file using WordPad. 3. Look for the part that says \home\. 4. Replace with . 5. Restart the OpenSSH service. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you have a problem running your tools on the CMS because of SSH authentication errors, then run mxagentconfig -a -n -u Administrator, or from the GUI, run Configure->Configure or Repair Agents and select the CMS as the target. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STORAGE The XP24000 disk array supports the XP Snapshot V-Vol feature and XP Thin Provisioning Software, but v1.1 of the SMI-S provider for XP disk arrays does not. XP Snapshot V-Vols and XP Thin Provisioning volumes are virtual storage volumes and can be significantly larger than the physical volumes they are mapped to. The XP SMI-S provider does not provide information to HP SIM about which volumes are XP Snapshot V-Vols or XP Thin Provisioning volumes. If the XP Snapshot V-Vol feature or XP Thin Provisioning Software is enabled for an XP24000 disk array, the capacity pie chart in HP SIM will display incorrect information. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SYSTEM PAGE On fresh install of HP SIM, during the first initial discovery and data collection of storage devices for the first time, you cannot see the element's System Page. After discovery and data collection are complete, you can open the System Page. If you discover a large number of devices the first time, the blank System Page appears more often. After the first discovery and data collection are complete, you will not receive the blank System Page. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Links for the partition are not enabled from System Page of the complex when the host name of partition does not match the partition name. You must make these names the same. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TASK Command line tasks that create large amounts of output, for example, an ls -laR /, can cause the DTF to hang. Therefore, the output from the command line tasks should not exceed 1 MB. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- On an HP-UX system, when a full configuration rights user edits a task, changes the owner to a limited configuration rights user, and then views the task, the original owner is still shown as the owner. If you open another browser and view the task, the correct owner is displayed. This error is sporadic. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To successfully execute the Initial ProLiant Support Pack Install task, reboot the system after Installing HP SIM. Otherwise, you will receive an error, stating "Installpsp.bat is not an internal or external command operable program or batch file." -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To successfully execute the Install OpenSSH task, reboot the system after installing HP SIM. Otherwise, you will receive an error, stating "Installssh.bat is not an internal or external command operable program or batch file." -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After setting up a trust relationship to a target system using the Configure link, the Trusted? column still shows No. This error occurs in the Install Software and Firmware, Initial ProLiant Support Pack Install, and Replicate Agent Settings tasks. This error also occurs on the Version Control Repository setting panel. To resolve this issue, click the Last Update link above the table to update the selected row. The currently selected row is updated for performance reasons only. If the Last Update does not refresh the trust status, start a new browser session, and the trust status is updated. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The message, "The task cannot be edited because the repository used when creating the task is not found in HP SIM or has been deleted and rediscovered. You must delete this task and recreate it using a different repository system," can appear when editing a task for which the HP Version Control Repository system is no longer in the HP SIM database. In this case, you must recreate the task using a different HP Version Control Repository system. This message can also be displayed if the HP Version Control Repository system has been deleted and subsequently rediscovered. In this case, sign out of HP SIM, and sign back in to eliminate the error. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When executing a task, the message "Unknown OS" appears. To correct this issue: 1. If the system that you are trying to execute a task against is a Windows system, verify that it was rebooted after installation of SSH. A reboot is required to complete the installation. 2. Enable DMI, WBEM, or SNMP on the system so the type of operating system can be determined, and then run data collection to update the HP SIM database. 3. Verify that the commands to determine the operating system are working. On Windows: ver On HP-UX and Linux: uname -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you cancel a running task, by clicking Stop or Delete, and immediately try to start another task of the same type, the second task does not run until the previously canceled task fully completes the cancellation. Systems in the cancelled task that are currently being processed are allowed to run to completion. For some long-running tasks like data collection or software deployment, it can take some time to actually allow the systems in progress to reach completion and finally cancel the task. If, for example, a data collection runs for an unusually long time you might want to Stop or Delete the task, and wait 5 to 10 minutes after the cancellation has completed before running another data collection task. If there is more than one task, such as data collection, pending then cancel these tasks first before stopping or deleting the active task. If the data collection task is allowed to run to full completion without canceling, another data collection task cannot be run for at least 15 minutes or the task will fail because it is actually skipped (this would be shown in the STDOUT of the task instance if this is the case). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tasks created using the RPM Package Manager Tools in HP SIM 4.x, which include Install RPM, Query RPM, Uninstall RPM, and Verify RPM, no longer work after upgrading to HP SIM 5. because the names of these tools were changed in HP SIM 5.0. However, you can manually recreate the corresponding tasks using the newly named tools. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After upgrading from HP SIM 4.x to HP SIM 5.x, the default Hardware Status Polling task might not function as expected: The default Hardware Status Polling task will not run WBEM hardware status polling. The task was included in HP SIM 4.x and does not contain a checkbox for WBEM Hardware Status polling. Therefore, it does not poll for that. If the task is edited, it does not show a checkbox for WBEM. The workaround is to delete the task and create a new Hardware Status Polling task. If you have disabled ping status in HP SIM 4.x, it is still disabled in HP SIM 5.x and you cannot enable it again. You must delete the task and create a new task if you want to change it. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOOL If an mxauthenticationexception is generated when a tool is run, either from the GUI or the command line interface (CLI): 1. Be sure that the user you are trying to run as has privileges to run the tool on that system. See the HP Systems Insight Manager User Guide to verify and grant privileges. 2. Be sure that the SSH daemon is accessible on the target system. a. From the CMS, attempt to manually install SSH on the system. There is no need to log in, but be sure that you can connect. b. Try to log in as an administrative user to a Windows system or as root on an HP-UX or Linux system. i. From an HP-UX or Linux CMS, enter: ssh root@< HP-UX/Linux node> or ssh Administrator@ ii. From a Windows CMS, enter: \bin\ssh root@ \bin\ssh Administrator@ If you are prompted to accept a host key or enter a password, then the SSH daemon is accessible. 3. Run mxagentconfig again to be sure that the keys are transferred: mxagentconfig -a -n -u -p 4. On the system on which you are attempting to run tools, verify the permissions of some directories. - The home directory should have the permissions: drwxr-xr-x (755) - The .ssh directory within the home directory should have the permissions: drwxr-xr-x (755) - The authorized_keys2 file in the .ssh directory should have the permissions: -rw-r--r-- or -rwxr-xr-x (644 or 755) a. Verify these permissions: On Windows: Run "\bin\ls -ld " On HP-UX or Linux: Run "ls -ld " b. Change the permissions: On Windows: Run "\bin\chmod " On HP-UX or Linux: Run "chmod " (Permission number is the previous number, for example, 644/755.) When the command is run, the Execute-as user is listed in the status. This is the user for whom you must run mxagentconfig. 5. If execution has worked in the past and is now failing, verify that SSH has been reinstalled on the target system. Reinstalling SSH causes the system to create a different host key. Therefore, the SSH client used by the CMS cannot verify that it is the system that it is trying to contact. If SSH key checking is enabled, remove the system key in Options->Security->SSH Keys. 6. Remove the .ssh directory from the home directory of the user on the managed system. This action ensures that there are no old keys or permissions that could cause mxagentconfig to fail. 7. Run mxagentconfig again. If mxagentconfig still fails, be sure SSH is running. 1. Be sure that the user name being sent to mxagentconfig does not include the domain. Use myusername instead of mydomain\myusername. 2. Remove the .ssh directory from the home directory of the user on the managed system. The home directory is typically C:\Documents and Settings\username. From a Windows command window, entering set HOMEPATH reports the home directory of the currently logged-in user. This step ensures that there are no old keys or permissions that could cause mxagentconfig to fail. 3. If the failure still occurs, then manually copy the key by transferring the file to the managed system from the CMS. The file can be found at /etc/opt/mx/config/sshtools/ on Linux and HP-UX. On Windows, you can find the file at \config\sshtools. On Windows: >> "\.ssh\ authorized_keys2" On HP-UX or Linux: "cat >> ~/.ssh/authorized_3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The mxagentconfig -r command does not work on the CMS. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The kill option is not currently supported from a partner application. Connect to the managed system directly, and enter the kill command. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A limited configuration rights user cannot see or select some of Custom Tool tools that were assigned to them when using a Mozilla browser. There is a limitation of the number of tools that can be displayed with a screen resolution of 1024 x 768. Typically, the screen is limited to 25 to 35 tools, depending on font sizes and so on. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you install a newer version of a tool than the version shipped with HP SIM 5.0, localization might be affected. If you feel that both TDEFs serve equally well but you would like to keep the localized version, use mxtool to remove the TDEF file that came with the newer tool, and use the version that shipped with HP SIM. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When launching an HP SIM tool in an external window, you might not have the same user privileges that you had in HP SIM. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When you are using the mxnodesecurity command on an HP-UX system to add a system from a different domain, the command does not work properly. For example, if you enter mxnodesecurity -a -p wbem -c openview\wmi:wmi -n testnode10 the single backslash between openview and wmi is missing. The UNIX shell environment recognizes the single backslash as an escape character. If you want to add a system from a different domain, add another backslash for it to be recognized. For example, mxnodesecurity -a -p wbem -c openview\\wmi:wmi -n testnode10. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- On HP-UX 11.11 and 11.23 systems, the mxinitconfig command displays a warning if kernel parameters are set in hexadecimal. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There are now two versions of the Kernal Configuration and Peripheral Device web-based tools for HP-UX systems: PeriphDev version B. and KernelConfig version B.11.23.20 integrate with System Management Homepage v. on HTTPS port 2381 and will be first available on the HP-UX 11iV2 0512 OE/UR release. PeriphDev version B.11.23.03 and KernelConfig version B.11.23.10 use the WA server on port 1110 and are generally available on HP-UX 11iV2 releases prior to HP-UX 11iV2 0512 OE/UR. The menu items Kernal Configuration (kcweb) and Peripheral Devices (pdweb) in HP SIM are configured to run whichever version is installed on the CMS. NOTE: If the target system you select to run it on has a different version of kcweb or pdweb installed which uses the other port, you might receive an error. Kcweb version B.11.23.20 and pdweb version B. which connect to port 2381, have autostart already enabled. However, if you are running kcweb version B.11.23.10 or pdweb version B.11.23.03 which connect to port 1110, to launch these tools using HP SIM, you must enable autostart for that port by executing the following procedure on each managed node running this version of the tool. The WA server also supports an auto-start option that enables you to start the server on HTTPS port 1188 remotely through the auto-start HTTP port 1110. This auto-start option must be configured using the waconf command to use kcweb and pdweb tools from HP SIM. Additionally, if you are using NIS, you might have to configure the search order for Services using SAM, because WA uses /etc/services to register port 1110. 1. Enable auto-start on the WA server by running: $ /usr/sbin/waconf -a on 2. Configure the search order for services if needed. This step is dependent on the networking configuration in your environment. If using NIS, ensure search is continued to "FILES" (/etc/services) if the webadmstart service is not found in NIS by running SAM and configuring services: $ /usr/sbin/sam a. Select Networking and Communications->Name Service Switch. b. Select Services and Action->Configure c. Under Search Order for NIS, specify Try Next Source, and enter /etc/services as the second source. At this point, you are asked if you want to reboot. Select No. 3. Test the WA auto-start configuration. To view the current search settings, run: $ more /etc/nsswitch.conf With NIS, it should look similar to: services: nis [NOTFOUND=continue UNAVAIL=continue] files To test auto-start outside of HP SIM, open a browser window to the following address: http://systemname:1110/pd/pd.cgi for the system "systemname." -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When running initconfig on Red Hat 4, you will receive an error, stating: "org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: row is too big: size 9556, maximum size 8136" "WARNING: FAILED the following SQL command:". "org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: view "r_inventory" does not exist" Under DCschema40.sql, and schema40_41.sql And "org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: view "r_inventory" does not exist" Under schema42_50.sql The error is placed in the log file, but there is no functionality loss caused by this error. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- An HTTPS Status 500 error is displayed when running any tool on a system collection that includes systems without SSH installed or that have any version of SSH less than version 1.0 installed. If you select a system or a group of systems individually, the tool filters out the systems that the tool can be run on and avoids all other systems from the list. However, if you select a system collection itself (by selecting the "select itself" checkbox) as the target, the tool will not filter the systems in the system collection and the task runs, resulting in the HTTPS status error. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Seeing SQL exception errors when running the mxmib -a xyz.cfg command is expected behavior. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOOLBOX Some tools in the Monitor Tools toolbox of previous versions of HP SIM have been removed for HP SIM 5.0. They provide administrator-type functionality or access to administrator-level files to non-administrator users of HP SIM. If upgrading from a previous version, these tools remain in the Monitor Tools toolbox. You must review the contents of the Monitor Tools toolbox and any other toolboxes you have created, and remove these tools accordingly. If you are upgrading from 4.2 or later, the list of tools includes: - type [General Tools] - cat [General Tools] - find [General Tools] If upgrading from a version before 4.2, the list of tools includes the following: - type [General Tools] - cat [General Tools] - find [General Tools] - cp [General Tools] - mv [General Tools] - rm [General Tools] - copy [General Tools] - del [General Tools] - rmdir [General Tools] - net [General Tools] - Cards and Devices - pdweb [System Administration] - Kernel Configuration - kcweb [System Administration] - Webmin [View] To remove the tools: 1. Sign into HP SIM as a user with full configuration rights. 2. Select Options->Security->Users and Authorizations, and then click the Toolboxes tab. 3. Select the Monitor Tools toolbox. 4. Click Edit. 5. In the Toolbox contents panel, select the tools to remove, and click the << button. 6. Click OK to save. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TRAP The traps in the following list have their statuses dynamically assigned based on the data that is received from the trap: - cpqFcaLogDrvStatusChange - cpqFcaSpareStatusChange - cpqFcTapeCntlrStatusChange - cpqFca2PhyDrvStatusChange - cpqFca2AccelStatusChange - cpqFca2CntlrStatusChange - cpqExtArrayLogDrvStatusChange - cpqExtTapeDriveStatusChange - cpqExtTapeLibraryStatusChange - cpqExtTapeLibraryDoorStatusChange - cpqFca3HostCntlrStatusChange - cpqDa6CntlrStatusChange - cpqDa6LogDrvStatusChange - cpqDa6SpareStatusChange - cpqDa6PhyDrvStatusChange - cpqDa6AccelStatusChange - cpqDa6TapeLibraryStatusChange - cpqDa6TapeLibraryDoorStatusChange - cpqDa6TapeDriveStatusChange - cpqIdeAtaDiskStatusChange - cpqIdeLogicalDriveStatusChange - cpqScsi3CntlrStatusChange - cpqScsiCdLibraryStatusChange - cpqTapeLibraryStatusChange - cpqTape5PhyDrvStatusChange - cpqScsi5PhyDrvStatusChange - cpqScsi3LogDrvStatusChange - cpqSsExPowerSupplyUpsStatusChange - cpqSsExTempSensorStatusChange - cpqSsEx2FanStatusChange - cpqSsEx2PowerSupplyStatusChange - cpqSsExBackplaneFanStatusChange - cpqSsExBackplaneTempStatusChange - cpqSsExBackplanePowerSupplyStatusChange - cpqSs5FanStatusChange - cpqSs5TempStatusChange - cpqSs5PwrSupplyStatusChange -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TREE VIEW If you select a system in the tree view that has been deleted, you will receive an HTTP 500 error. To workaround this issue, refresh the tree view. The deleted system will no longer be available. You can also wait about a minute for the tree to refresh automatically. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UNINSTALL Using rpm -e to uninstall HP SIM on SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 8 SP3 shows errors though uninstall is successful. When you uninstall HP SIM from a system running SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 8 SP3, errors indicating failure to remove files are shown on the console. You must remove the /var/opt/mx folder manually. You can verify that HP SIM has been removed by running the command rpm -qa | grep hpsim. If you are using rpm -e to uninstall HP SIM on SuSE Linux Enterprise Edition Server 9, the errors are not displayed on the console, but you must still remove the /var/opt/mx folder manually. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UPGRADE When an operating environment upgrade is done from SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9 Service Pack 3 to SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 Service Pack 1, the HP SIM service fails to come up after the machine is rebooted. Use the following steps to solve this problem: 1. Stop the HP SIM service: mxstop Check to see if the HP SIM service has stopped: ps -ef|grep mx 2. If the hpsmdb service is running, stop the hpsmdb service: /etc/init.d/hpsmdb stop 3. After the hpsmdb service is stopped, start the hpsmdb service: /etc/init.d/hpsmdb start 4. Start the HP SIM service: mxstart -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you want to upgrade from PostgreSQL 7.x (Rhel 3 or 4) to PostgreSQL 8.x (Rhel 5). When you upgrade from 7.x to 8.x, the PostgreSQL service will fail to start because the internal data storage format changes with new releases of PostgreSQL (8.x). Therefore, if you are upgrading an existing installation that does not have a version number "8.1.x", you must back up and restore your data as shown here. Install the required OS (Rhel 3 or 4) and HP SIM (4.x or 5.0.x or 5.1) and then perform the following steps to backup the database. Login to the System from root user 1. Stop the HP SIM Service by running "mxstop" 2. Verify that all the MX processes have stopped by running ps -ef | grep mx 3. User is not aware of "MxDBUserPassword" which is internally set by HP SIM. We need this password to backup the database since "mxadmin" is the owner of "insight_v1_0" db. Change the MxDBUserPassword to appropriate user known password (In this case "test) mxpassword -m -x MxDBUserPassword=test 3. Restart the PostgresSQL service to reflect the new “MxDBUserPassword” service postgresql restart or /etc/init.d/postgresql restart 4. Backup the database to a file using command “pg_dump” pg_dump -h -p 5432 -U mxadmin insight_v1_0 > /home/SaveHPSIMdb Provide the password what we gave in 3rd point “test” for the backup. Here,SaveHPSIMdb = It is the file in which the old database is backed up. It is always safe to save this file in “/tmp” or “/home” directory. Also, the database name, port number, host values can be fetched from /etc/opt/mx/config/database .props 5. Stop the PostgreSQL service service postgresql stop or /etc/init.d/postgresql stop 6. Move the Old postgresql files to mv /var/lib/pgsql/ /var/lib/pgsql.old Note: The default postgres installation is “/var/lib/pgsql” and since the internal data storage format changes with new releases. It is safe to move old data from the “/var/lib/pgsql” path and have the fresh installation for 8.x. 7. Now upgrade the OS from Rhel 3.x or 4.x to Rhel 5.x 8. Once the OS is up, Stop the HP SIM service and also make sure the postgresql service is up and running -> mxstop -> service postgresql status (postgresql service should be running to perform database restore) 9. Add the following entry in pg_hba.conf file which is available under “/var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf” (Comment out any existing entry in pg_hba.conf) And add the below mentioned entries in “pg_hba.conf” file. local insight_v1_0 mxadmin password local all all trust host insight_v1_0 root trust host template1 postgres trust host postgres postgres trust host insight_v1_0 mxadmin trust 10. Restart the PostgreSQL service service postgresql restart or /etc/init.d/postgresql restart 11. Now login with “postgres” account to perform db operations -> su postgres 12. Change the working dir to /usr/bin -> cd /usr/bin 13. The below command is not required, since we have a new version postgresql. At the same time, it is safer to execute and make sure "insight_v1_0" is not present -> ./dropdb -p 5432 -h -i -e insight_v1_0 Press “y” to confirm the delete of old Database 14. Create a user mxadmin and assign super user role -> ./createuser -h -p 5432 -U postgres mxadmin Press “y” to confirm adding the new user . 15. Create a fresh database with name "insight_v1_0 -> ./createdb -O postgres -h -p 5432 -U postgres insight_v1_0 16. Restore the data which was backed up in step 4 -> ./psql -q -h -U mxadmin -p 5432 -f /home/SaveHPSIMdb -d insight_v1_0 Exit from the postgres user. Login / change user as root Then start the hpsim service 17. Start the HP SIM service with “mxstart" and make sure HP SIM service comes up 18. Browse to HP SIM and make the database operations are done successfully. Compare the data with inventory.log to make sure all the data is present. 19. Then upgrade to HP SIM 5.2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Go to, and click Questions & Answers for more information on migrating from Insight Manager 7 or Servicecontrol Manager 3.0 to HP SIM. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Direct upgrade from Compaq Insight Manager 7 to HP Systems Insight Manager 5.0 is not supported. Compaq Insight Manager 7 must be upgraded to HP SIM 4.x, which can then be upgraded to HP SIM 5.0. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When upgrading your HP SIM installation on HP-UX to HP SIM 5.0, an automatic reboot is performed, and then the actual upgrade process begins. The HP-UX upgrade process includes an automatic reboot and can take up to two hours to complete. You can check the initconfig.log to determine if the upgrade has completed. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HP SIM requires that Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition have the TCP/IP protocol enabled. Therefore, you must enable the TCP/IP protocol when upgrading from HP SIM 4.x to 5.0. 1. Select Start->Run and enter svrnetcn.exe. 2. In the Disabled Protocols box, select TCP/IP. 3. Click Enable>>. 4. Click OK. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Seeing SQL exception errors during upgrade is expected behavior. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When upgrading HP SIM and you have an Oracle database, you must install the Oracle JDBC driver, version or newer. See the Oracle documentation, or visit the Oracle website at: for additional information. If you have an older version of the JDBC driver already installed, complete the following: For Windows: 1. Stop the HP SIM service. 2. Remove the ojdbc14.jar file from the [installdir]/lib and [installdir]/jboss/server/hpsim/lib directories. 3. Download the new driver from the Oracle website. 4. Copy the JDBC driver file, ojdbc14.jar, to the [installdir]/lib and [installdir]/jboss/server/hpsim/lib directories. 5. Start the HP SIM service. For HP-UX and Linux: 1. Stop the HP SIM service. 2. Remove the ojdbc14.jar file from the /opt/mx/lib and /opt/mx /jboss/server/hpsim/lib directories. 3. Download the new driver, version or newer from the Oracle website. 4. Copy the JDBC driver file, ojdbc14.jar, to the /opt/mx/lib and /opt/mx/jboss/server/hpsim/lib directories. 5. Start the HP SIM service. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VULNERABILITY AND PATCH MANAGEMENT PACK Vulnerability and Patch Management reporting is not supported on HP-UX and Linux with HP SIM 4.2 and 5.0. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WBEM In HP SIM 5.1, the new WS-Management protocol is used to identify and access ProLiant iLO 2 management processors that have firmware revision 1.30 or higher. WBEM credentials are used with WS-Management as well as with WBEM, so to properly identify an iLO with WS-Management you must first add either a default WBEM credential or a system-specific WBEM credential with the WS-Management user name and password. WS-Management is accessed through port 443 by default, but other ports can be configured by editing the wsmanportlist.xml file in the config/identification directory. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When trying to discover a WBEM protocol supported system (target), you must have a root user credential entered in the Global Protocol Settings page in HP SIM of the target system before discovery is started. Otherwise, WBEM subscriptions fail, WBEM identification does not collect proper information from the target system, and WBEM status icon updates are not set properly because the data has not been discovered and collected successfully. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WBEM INDICATIONS When HP SIM subscribes to NSK WBEM Indications, the indications are listed in the Events log. Over time the NSK CIMOM deletes the subscription and HP SIM no longer receives indications. You must periodically check to see if the subscription is still valid by running the mxwbemsub command for the NSK managed system. If the mxwbemsub command does not list any subscriptions, you must resubscribe for WBEM indications on the NSK managed system. ________________________________________ II. HP SIM DOCUMENTATION AND FEEDBACK * HP SIM Installation and Configuration Guide This document provides information about installing and getting started using HP SIM. This guide includes an introduction to basic concepts, definitions, and functionality associated with HP SIM. This document is available at or in the Information Library. * HP SIM User Guide This guide is an online help system for HP SIM. It provides a complete set of documentation for using, maintaining, and troubleshooting HP SIM. A PDF of this document is available at in the Information Library. Additional information including general product information, white papers, and support information is also available at To access the HP BladeSystem Integrated Manager in HP SIM guide, go to and click on Information Library. To provide feedback on HP SIM, select Help>About HP Systems Insight Manager from the HP SIM menu, and click Tell us about HP Systems Insight Manager.