Compaq C for Linux Alphatm Software and Documentation

This directory contains Compaq C for Linux Alpha software and documentation.  For convenient browsing
directly from the CD-ROM, the docs subdirectory contains copies of the documentation that is also installed
on the target system under /usr/doc.

For installation instructions, see Installation Requirements and Instructions in docs/ccc/README.htm.  To
view the Compaq C product documentation, point your browser to docs/ccc/index.htm.

For information about Linux Alpha systems, and access to downloads of other Linux Alpha software, including Compaq C++ and Fortran compilers, see the Linux Alpha Power Tools page.

README files
- docs/ccc/README.txt
- docs/ccc/README.htm
- docs/cxx/README.txt
- docs/cxx/README.htm
- docs/cpml/README
- docs/ladebug/README