[SunHELP] unsupported compression method 99

Rodney Sparapani rsparapa at mcw.edu
Wed Dec 19 14:54:48 CST 2007

Hi Gang:

I have been having a problem unzip'ing password protected zip files from 
Windows users with the error message: unsupported compression method 99 
Supposedly, installing p7zip has worked for others.  I
installed it on Solaris 9, but I got the error message: Wrong password?
Any ideas about that?  What I found works is I downloaded an evaluation 
of SecureZIP for Solaris from pkware.com.  I'm still waiting to hear how 
much it would cost to buy it.  From my reading of the docs, it seems 
that PKZIP would also work, but then you would only be able to decrypt
files and not encrypt them.  Maybe others already know about this, but
it has only been recently that unzip stopped working for us, perhaps due 
to a change in Windows?


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