[SunHELP] SUMMARY Configuring Qlogic HBA card

John Kennedy ennoil at yahoo.com
Wed Sep 14 05:11:57 CDT 2005

I found the solution. Thanks to those who replied!


ok> show-devs
<QLGC entry>
ok> select <QLGC entry>
ok> show-children
<Lists info about card such as WWN, LoopId Lun>
ok> show-connection-mode 
   Current HBA connection mode: 2 - Loop preferred,
otherwise point-to-point

(Possible connection mode choices: 
   0 - Loop Only
   1 - Point-to-point only
   2 - Loop preferred, otherwise point-to-point)

ok> set-connection-mode (0, 1, or 2)
ok> show-data-rate
Current HBA data rate: One Gigabit rate

   Possible data rate choices:
   0 - One Gigabit rate
   1 - Two Gigabit rate
   2 - Auto-negotiated rate

ok> set-date-rate (0, 1, or 2)
To set the data rate.

More info can be found at 


Original Question:

I have a QLogic 2300 card in a SF V440. I am trying to
install SecurePath but the card is not seen by Solaris
8. (It is seen at OBP level)
At my last job I had a similar problem which I fixed
by setting the speed at the OBP level. *The card is
set to autoneg but I need to force it to 1 gig)
Unfortunately I could not keep my notes from that job
and cannot for
the life of me remember how to set the speed.
Has anyone got notes on how to do it. I have spent 2
hours scouring google with no luck.

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