[SunHELP] syslog send a mail

Cloud L. Lee siyeclover at online.ie
Thu Jan 27 02:53:15 CST 2005

Dave Fischer wrote:

>siyeclover at online.ie writes:
>>Thanks ,James
>>I have some application run on a v880, I seldom login in the v880.
>>So I wish the syslog can send error messages to me by mail when some
>>error occur.
>>My email client always runs.
>>I try to use
>>tail -f /var/adm/messages |grep "error" |mail root
>>but it doesn't work.
>>It can't send a new mail to root when new error occur.
>If there is a unix system that you are commonly logged into,
>send the syslog data from the v880 over there. syslogd is
>very happy to send messages to a remote syslogd, it's trivial
>to configure.
>syslogd also has *some* concept of emailing messages, but I'm 
>not sure it'll do what you're looking for.
>"man syslog.conf" obviously.
>----- David Fischer ------- dave at cca.org ------- http://www.cca.org ------
>-- Being poked in the eye with a pointy stick makes The Baby Jesus cry. --
>SunHELP maillist  -  SunHELP at sunhelp.org

I know syslog can send messages to a remote host,but I haven't a system 
that I commonly logged into.
It's cause that I wish it can send a mail to notice me.
Looks like it's a difficult thing that the syslogd send a mail to 
someone directly.

Thanks for your reply ,David

Cloud L. Lee

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