[SunHELP] patch pwd

Paul Röttgerding AOD pr at aod-fm.de
Tue Nov 2 18:10:19 CST 2004

on my Sparc Ultra 10 with Solris 5.7 i have some problems with lp.
The printing to a pritserver over TCP/IP wont work.
I add the printer with lpadmin -p ColorPro -s ColorPro!LPS_262xxx_PCL
I can start Jobs. I can see them with lpstat -t but they dont printout ??

Now i have load the patch 107115-16  for the lp.
But patchadd will run in an error <failed to install due to a failure produced
by pkgadd>

Can someone say me, what is wrong ?

Thanks and
Schvnen Gru_
Paul Rvttgerding

EMail   pr at aod-fm.de

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